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Everything posted by Deesprate

  1. Not a premiership player but a premiership clubman. Will still be linked to history and reunions in 2061! Loved this guy if you had to go in the trenches he is your man. I hope most of the delisted guys can get away from Victoria. Being delisted and lockdown talk about hitting reality.
  2. I was so certain of this game. How the Doggies with Martin/English were meant to compete defies logic. So it panned out. The Dogs as predicted got most of their centre clearances from the defensive side where ours well blitzkrieg. Another prediction that was spot on was who would kick Doggies goals when Naughton failed. The answer no one. My only surprise is how we got 19 points behind but the brilliance of Bont and Treloar. Not that it mattered made the turn around so much sweeter. I tipped a 57 point victory with a 39.5 plus margin at $5.70. The rhythm of 57 was a massive omen thanks Nom. A massive cash injection coupled with enormous relief at jagging the cup. Watched the game in Arlie Beach and I’m sure I spotted a delirious Demonlander with a white signed alternate strip. Noice!
  3. Congratulations to the Demonland podcast team. George and Binmans analysis has been spot on. So called experts flogging the once every 28 days (2 in 29) rubbish and calling it a 50/50 game. Dees have been head and shoulders best team but no one wanted to acknowledge it. Not any more it will now all be about dynasties. The podcasters were spot on about defensive system (some expert equating that to being boring) and I for one was convinced after we beat Tigers this team was different. Rushed out bought grand final guarantees but COViD and WA premier stuffed that (I will never step foot in WA again). Andy please tell me your MFCSS is busted the boys were right all along. Finally after 57 years Deesprate no more. Thank you to everyone on this site it has helped me through the dark times but hey wasn’t last night worth it. Simply incredible 17 goals to 1. Petracca for PM or Premier at least. #Deespratenomore
  4. That is so sad and on GF day with both his team playing. Greg was a great player; mark but poor kick. He mad many barren days at the MCG late 60s early70s enjoyable.
  5. Thank you awe inspiring.
  6. Thank you
  7. Can a link be posted can’t see it on the site
  8. They need to put down the crack pipe
  9. For those who can attend I am so envious. I bought GF guarantee pre season for my wife and I as i just believed in this team. Unfortunately for me Queenslanders are required to quarantine so I am screwed. This is despite no community transmission for weeks. Anyway for those who attend please post pics and cheer your hearts out. What a privilege to be there and witness history.
  10. I am happy to follow that lead if you want to prioritise I will allocate 2 guarantees once I make a final decision tomorrow afternoon
  11. NTG are you concluding there is no way the status will be reduced from low risk to very low risk. This latest issue in Brisbane there has been no community transmission. Isn’t it possible Qld could go to low risk in which case no quarantine. I have two priority one allocations if I cant use them and allowable am happy to pass them on. Will no more tomorrow morning when barcodes are sent. Have been a member since sixties when they clipped your card going through turnstiles. Shattered I might not be there but am still going to lap it up with big function my place. I knew we would crush cats there old man strategy was a house of cards.
  12. Scott spoke really well. Acknowledged how good Dees are. Let hope we can emulate the Cats success.
  13. Geelong thug
  14. If you look at this realistically we go in with significant up side. Top v Third; Injured v Uninjured; All Australian 5 v 1 (Stewart injured); Under 22 3 v 0; Goal kickers over 20 5 v 3; Total stats top 10 3 v 0 etc etc. if it wasn’t for history and MFCSS all of us would be supremely confident. I for one am embracing this game I simply think we are the better team. Of course it possible to lose but with all these advantages it will take a 1958 level upset for it to happen. It has taken to long to get here for me not to suck it up and enjoy the week. If doubt creeps in I remind myself of these facts and no matter what happens it is all positives compared with the despair of the Neeld era. I attended 87; 88; & 2000 and hoped rather than believed. This is a whole different wonderful experience.
  15. Greene needs to be rubbed out it totally not on to walk into an umpire it sends a horrible message. After playing the game I decided to umpire and got a reserve grade grand final. I was shirt fronted by a player and close to knocked out. I am not comparing the two but if you don’t protect umpires you have no game. That player copped 10 years and another two years (ex state player) for a push no harder than Greene. I never umpired another game and if I was wavering this Greene decision will push some into a similar decision. in relation to Toby he came from a broken family and from all accounts had a very tough time with his father. It no excuse but there would be a lifetime of experiences that bring him to this point. An earlier poster questioned GWS leadership and I agree. Where is the mentoring his problems have been obvious. The penchant for the club to alway plead not guilty is part of the problem. If they took a stronger stance internally maybe this would happen.
  16. The catalyst for this year was the disastrous 2019 season. That free fall was not a true reflection of our position. It allowed us to improve our squad with real top end talent. This list was always on talent top four it just required some proper leadership and soul searching a la Geelong 2006. Cam Mooney spotted it but just had his years wrong.
  17. Booked from Qld just one fall in the risk category and where there. Was that confident paid the premium up front this year for guaranteed tickets. So hoping COVID doesn’t blow our chances. There also the small matter of preliminary final.
  18. Noakes had us in 8. Putting us behind Saints and Blues did not age well for some. These ladders show why we have been disrespected all year. The ongoing expectation we will fall over. It why our odds have been overs
  19. You could certainly argue that the Dees have been cursed off field. The tragedies have been uncanny. What struck me is how old Norm looked. He was 49 in 65 but yet looked 70 plus. The Dees obviously sucked the living marrow out of him. The vision of his wife just showed how devastating the event was heart breaking. On the field I don’t think where cursed we simply have not been good enough. Both 88 and 2000 were built on solid team with passion but simply not in the same class as the premiers. This year is different there is no Hawthorn or Essendon. There are no certainties but if you value form then how we are not odds on is staggering. Forget next year the Dees will never be in a stronger position to win it. That why I’m locked and loaded for Grand Final as I truly believe after 60 years of support this is the year. I made the trek in 2018 and it was the longest flight home. The only thing that can beat us this year is COVID and if that happens we truly are cursed.
  20. Great quote “umps r working hard but Geelong just can’t convert it into goals” Titus O’Rielly gold
  21. Umpires have backed Cats. Putting aside I can’t stand Cats their game style is putrid. Stop go sideways just doesn’t deserve to win.
  22. What a great compilation. Thank you
  23. What this post show is many of our supporters are post 50 like me. One of the great things about this Dees team is it will hopefully regenerate our supporter base. Young people especially like winners it hard to imagine how bad our membership would be if we had seen the Neeld era extended. Whilst this team is great the foundations were built with the Roos era. What it shows is there is no short term fixes it all hard yards which make success so much sweeter. I am sure if we dip in the finals the nay sayers will jump out of the shadows but the foundations for an era of success are well in place.
  24. Has been an amazing acquisition. I really like how he thinks his way through. That set play to Gawn showed real nous. Could easily have blazed away. He has been a massive factor in our rise.
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