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Everything posted by Superunknown

  1. What rjay said no apparent passion having a laugh is ok (esp as there are more important things - Neale) but at the same time not a good look after getting wacked failing KPIs
  2. Agree melksham may lever harmes salem just ideas some now some future development
  3. https://www.theage.com.au/sport/afl/the-big-slide-how-this-game-summed-up-dees-pies-in-2019-20190610-p51wb4.html
  4. This game plan and resistance to change makes me want to not renew membership. Ie it’ll start affecting the business soon
  5. He’ll want to be careful as the fans’ “champion” sentiment could reverse very quickly
  6. Won’t win it at demons at least not with the team playing like mung beans
  7. I think as good corporate citizens operating in the public domain they are within their rights to send a clear message on standards - it was a discrimination issue I get your point and where you’re coming from but I think it’s within their remit
  8. What was wrong with their stance on marriage equality?
  9. Fair point but I'd rather see bagfuls of goals with dull monotony + a flag thanks. Ephemeral highlights reel goals < dead boring clockwork bags + a flag
  10. Are we playing money ball? i want to play flag ball
  11. By 0.01% after kicking 0.22 in last quarter of last game losing by 1pt after being 300 points up at half time
  12. Monica, perhaps a photo might help things along? Good luck, I'd bid but am too far from Mel making the postage risk not worth it Get amongst it all!
  13. Geez if they can't get up for Daniher's likely last....
  14. Golfers in general have a repeatable everything routine . Mine never ever changed except that time I reached for my PW forgetting I had just thrown it into the dam at the 8th at Gisborne
  15. Cameron Brown Kennedy all yes I hate how good westhoff seems against us and he does have an epic beard
  16. if Tmac is injured/unfit, it is kind of an indictment on the selection committee is it not, to not send him to Casey/rest? Heroes: Hore and Hunt Disappointment: May (redemption awaits!)
  17. A good decision. I hope they can keep him on in some capacity, if he meets our needs.
  18. I don't think the fact they're men warrants mentioning unless you intend it from the perspective of boys, i.e. the ladies are plenty tough I agree that sometimes someone needs some truths read to them but in this instance Sam is not the issue - the team is. The question is how do they train for high pressure/stakes actual goals (as opposed to goal kicking training).
  19. Ladbrokes is $101. I put 10 on.
  20. He won't win the Brownlow at MFC, I don't think. Not with the current outcomes, anyway
  21. I was going to say affecting, but then I agree, it could effect something in you. Perhaps needless pedentry? [this is a joke post, without metaphors]
  22. Is this a chance yes please wait , he’s not just an accumulator is he?
  23. As my 2 yo says “that not nice” Can’t we all just be friends
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