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Everything posted by Superunknown

  1. Oh, that’s very, very good. I think he’ll be back next year. [censored] I hate Collingwood. Hate.
  2. I hate what the AFL has become. I really wish someone senior would call it out and keep calling it out
  3. Oooooh, suit you sir. I’ll put this on my Angst du Jour board. Zeitgeisty AND sure to cause lots of angst!
  4. This league has lost the plot seriously Our club’s executive needs to call this out - I’d love to see allllll the other unsanctioned staging incidents and a please explain issued to the league fine with May being pinged but by golly some consistency is needed Or else, as The Black Crowes sang, it’s a Conspiracy. By the way, geez they were epic when they toured last year.
  5. He’ll leave. Along with anyone with half a brain (or with a manager with half a brain). Windsor included.
  6. I’m with you Consistency. Will the club say anything about consistently applying it? Probably not. But they should. And if they don’t….
  7. Superunknown’s 3 worder uninspiring and insipid
  8. Superunknown’s 3 worder uninspiring and insipid
  9. If the umpiring is that bad the club willl definitely say something to the AFL. Definitely.
  10. Pull Oliver and put Kynan on absolutely bad culture if our debutante isn’t subbed on
  11. Our club never says anything just call it out in the post match presser, Simon Max could have the oppo hitting him baseball bats and the umpires would shrug and pull a “what?”. I want Simon to say “Simon says: do your jobs and watch out for max you corrupt clowns”
  12. Love what Kolt45 brings. Intensity and desire.
  13. Petty back, Tmac fwd. Love you long time Tmac.
  14. I may be wrong here but perhaps they’re talking about the principle? Particularly as sub. That is, if you’re good enough for the firsts, you can play a full game. OTOH, someone has to be sub. I personally don’t really have a strong view on debutantes starting as sub - as long as they get a run in the game.
  15. Please enjoy!! We procrastinated over Brissy tix and regret it now!
  16. Jesus yes He can be our Maynard foil. En guard! 🤺
  17. My 9yo lovvvvves Jake. He’s behind CP5 and ANB (he received a jnr membership call from Alex and was totally cool about it whilst his dad (and mum - Pies! (Booooo)- lost it ) and he told ANB that his fave was CP5 then Alex (in the background I was doing a hell Oscar nominated I DRINK YOUR MILKSHAKE). So I’m with you. I. Drink. your. Milkshake. ps : congrats!!!
  18. Interesting you mention the transactional basis. Not to be too angsty and re-open suppurating wounds but if this were true: Grundy would have been played in the finals (were it true that he was dropped as he’d walked the plank, so to speak). Arrrrrrr, time for a rum
  19. What does inactively tanking look like? asking for a friend
  20. According to the stats and endless punditry, he is an F minus where he is at present. A B grader seems a substantial upgrade.
  21. Wouldn’t it be sensible to play him back into form right back where he belongs, where the Lever flies, over mountains high. Or VFL and then back to seniors.
  22. I’m interested in why you’ve parlayed a female president into wokeness (whatever that means). I’m not sure I can see the correlation - could you expand?
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