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Everything posted by Superunknown

  1. Jeez buddy is going to cost my swans win buddy 3 goals double !
  2. The most interesting part of this thread is working out who is Brooke, Ridge, Dollar Bill, Liam, Steffie et al
  3. Will be extremely disappointment if DL can't get to 500 pages before the trade is done .
  4. Allow deletion of profiles and auto delete if no activity in x period (with warnings), ie basic gpdr compliance
  5. We really need a daily precis. 204 pages. Neurotic, yet compulsory reading. (Not really). And yet, life goes on. I wish he'd make his mind up.
  6. Can you clarify - is it a site guideline that if one changes their username that one must indicate this in a sig block or in some other fashion? It's not addressed here: http://demonland.com/forums/guidelines/
  7. You know more about football than me, but there's desperate, and then there's desperate. Like, Yes we're desperate but not stupid (or that desperate) and then there's "here have 4 and 5 desperate". Obviously too, we're not privy to what's going on at close quarters so perhaps these an insane third level of desperation.
  8. Just because you don't understand it doesn't mean it's weird.
  9. Ah. Life certainly was simpler without The Internet forums. (Commmme on 200 pages!)
  10. Do it Note, fixed your reference to him
  11. please can we all agree to call him Sam Manure
  12. Armchair again for me and may add GFG. Interestingly, Collingwood's armchair includes scarf last year and ours did not. (roughly same membership price). (I still have my circa 1995 scarf)
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