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Neil Crompton

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Everything posted by Neil Crompton

  1. If we review two players in similar stages of their careers at MFC, Jones and Lewis, and compare how we are reacting to the finish, or potential finish , to their careers, we appear to have different standards. Lewis is a 4 time premiership player who has played over 300 games, an all Australian, whose skills and football brain have always been well above those of Jones - and still are. Jones has been a heart and soul player for us through many bleak years. He has earned our respect and gratitude. However, while he still bleeds red and blue, his skill set is now second rate, if we are being honest. Lewis, a large number of us here has said he should stay at Casey, and not play in the ones again. Jones, a large number here are saying we should keep him on to play 300 games - at least one and a half seasons away. Naturally there is a lot more love for Jones than Lewis - one is Melbournes heart and the other is an outsider. But perhaps we need to take a tough leaf out of Clarkson’s book, and take the emotion out of any decision regarding Jones, and do what’s best for the teams development - when the time comes.
  2. Best team we’ve put onto the park all season and you still complain. Just once I’d like to read something positive from you Picket - and not that you are “positive” that Oscar will be back in the ones next week.
  3. Unfortunately I need to wait for the GF (gluten free) version
  4. I wish someone had told me there was twitter back in the 70’s
  5. Modesty forbids me from saying that I was the hero that day.
  6. I did say players from our current team - and I don’t believe Lewis or Salem we’re playing.
  7. If you had to choose one player in our current team to take that last kick at goal, I would have chosen Sam.
  8. When Sam took that final mark last night, he knew the state of the game and would have been(censored) himself. I would have expected our “ leaders” to have walked back with him and calmed him down. But that did not happen and we know the result. As soon as he took the mark Viney patted him on the head and walked away, Oliver did the same. Jones was nowhere in sight and didnt make the effort to go to him. we lack leadership on the field.
  9. How does it go from 13 points down to 21 points in front without any posts?
  10. Agree with you LH - particularly about adding strings to his bow - a full tank would be a good start. Preuss would have known the score when he crossed - he couldn’t get a gig at North, so no reason to expect he’d get one at the club with the best ruckman in the league - unless circumstances warranted it, or unless Max was injured.
  11. Yarra Park was placed on the Victorian Heritage registry in 2010 - with special emphasis on the layout and the tree planting - with an emphasis that this should not be altered. As no oval of a size suitable for our training could be provided in the Park without removing historic pathways and trees; and as the proposed 6 storey development proposed over the rail line would effectively block existing views into the park, good luck with trying to get anything approved within the park. I just don’t believe it would happen. Hence my thoughts on the area covered by Goshs Paddock Ovals 1 and 2. None of the above restrictions would apply.
  12. SD you must have sportsmen knocking your door down to achieve such miraculous results. Don’t know how you even have the time to post on here.
  13. I am not up to date with what has and has not been proposed, but from my professional experience I would be astounded if any Yarra Park proposal would get up, as much as we all may want it to. Taking over historic, heritage parkland, changing the historic layout, removing trees and blocking existing views into the parkland from outside are just a few of the key problems a proposal would face and thus would undoubtably fail. I think the only location close by that would have a chance of succeeding IMO would be proposing a development on Goshs Paddock ovals 1 and 2. It’s an area that is already a sporting precinct, does not have the heritage issues and any tall development would not block public views. Obviously there are still issues to be faced, including relocating the current tenants of GP Oval 1. However,I don’t expect we will hear anything about our new home until a formal proposal is prepared and lodged with the relevant Authorities. I hope it is soon.
  14. Sorry OD, I misinterpreted your statement - makes more sense now.
  15. OD, don’t we have to actually have to put a valid proposal forward to the Govt to be reviewed and then money is perhaps allocated if the proposal is valid? I’m not aware we have been proactive enough to do this formally as yet - or at least recently.
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