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Neil Crompton

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Everything posted by Neil Crompton

  1. Thank F. The sky isn't falling in after all.
  2. IMV, defining success in 2020 has to be measured against the 2018 season. The 2019 season was clearly an aberration for all the reasons previously discussed at length. In 2018 we lost a preliminary final - and therefore, for me, a successful year in 2020 will be achieved if we go at least one step better - ie winning a prelim final. Anything less should be viewed by the Club - and certainly will be by me - as a failed season. Can we do it? That is the question. While there may be some psychological scares from 2019 to overcome, I believe we should be a better team this year than in 2018, for the following reasons: - a better list of players - a more experienced list - more experienced coach and coaching staff - a better fitness coach - considerably more competition for places in the team. With all these advantages over 2018, the issue will be how well the coach and his staff can heal the scares of 2019 and gel this group of individual players into a well oiled team. If they cannot do that, then, given the above, I will see this as a coaching failure.
  3. haha, you are one sick puppy Demonstone
  4. I used to play football with Mr Woodman - the b astard would never even shout a drink, let alone offer me money!
  5. Has he shrunk 2cm since coming to Melbourne? That’d be right!
  6. Couldn’t agree more. I have no problem with posters wanting to criticise the 2019 pre and in-season, but for f sake, do it in a separate thread, where you can sprout whatever history you want. Personally, I think 2019 has been done to death - as has the last 55 years - but if you think more needs to be said and argued about, be a bit considerate and establish your own “shaking your fist at clouds” thread or “lessons to be learnt” thread. As far as i’m concerned, 2019 is gone and no amount of arguing will change that. I am only interested in 2020, and would prefer current threads to be just that - current.
  7. A few days after Christmas, a mother was working in the kitchen listening to her young son playing with his new electric train in the living room. She heard the train stop and her son said, "All of you sons of b*tches who want off, get the hell off now, cause this is the last stop! And all of you sons of b*tches who are getting on, get your asses in the train, cause we're going down the tracks." The mother went nuts and told her son, "We don't use that kind of language in this house. Now I want you to go to your room and you are to stay there for TWO HOURS. When you come out, you may play with your train, but I want you to use nice language." Two hours later, the son comes out of the bedroom and resumes playing with his train. Soon the train stopped and the mother heard her son say, "All passengers who are disembarking from the train, please remember to take all of your belongings with you. We thank you for riding with us today and hope your trip was a pleasant one. We hope you will ride with us again soon." She hears the little boy continue, "For those of you just boarding, we ask you to stow all of your hand luggage under your seat. Remember, there is no smoking on the train. We hope you will have a pleasant and relaxing journey with us today." As the mother began to smile, the child added, "For those of you who are [censored] off about the TWO HOUR delay, please see the b*tch in the kitchen."
  8. I guess my info is way out of date JSK. Thanks for the clarification.
  9. Just read where Patty Mills is only 1.83, so I don’t think Pendle’s would be too short for NBA.And not sure where the $50m net worth came from, as also read his net worth is only $US8m. Based on that I don’t think Pendle’s would be too unhappy with his choice.
  10. While I don't know the gentleman in question - other than from his many sordid posts - it doesn't surprise me one little bit Moonie. But if you said he usually guzzles chardy with his brie on crackers - now that would have really shocked.
  11. By 1st July, the club will announce the location of our new state-of-the-art training facility.
  12. "Other than his outstanding play, his controversial onfield antics, wearing his spirituality on his chest and his version of “Elvis has left the building” whilst wearing a flashy white suit, headphones and riding a skateboard shows he is also an attention seeker with ego issues". I could care less about his off-field stuff - as long as it is legal - I only feel comfortable commenting on his on'field stuff - which, quoting you was "outstanding", combined with a few questionable "antics". Much like Warnie, I never liked his off field antics and ego displays, but I loved watching him bowl. I think any opposition player that we love to hate, has done his job well. And good luck in the here-after Mr Rance.
  13. I'd ban him again for assuming we are all old and suffering from memory loss. In fact i'd ban him again for assuming we are all old and suffering from memory loss!
  14. I don't know that there would be too many on here that wouldn't have loved the option of being able to "retire" when they were 30 - so all credit and best wishes to him. Interesting to read where it took many years before it all clicked and he became a good player - 7 years it took before his first AA selection. The description of his early years sounds almost like they could be describing OMAC. We can only hope OMAC turns out half as good.
  15. I'm a glass half full guy - so I am happy to accept Dr Webber's clinical opinion thanks. As for his posture, this may well be the reason - as you commented on - he kicks so well. As many "experts" on here have stated "you must lean forward when you kick". So your suggestion that he straighten up may in fact weaken his kicking skills! What's your thoughts on that? Just taking the (friendly) mickey DS, no need to answer that.
  16. Coleman? if we had decent IQ's, we probably wouldn't be on this site
  17. A question for the track watchers. Based solely on training form to date, if we had one spot on the bench for round 1, and it was for a smaller utility player that could play forward or have a run through the middle, which of the following players would you choose: Lockhart Bedford, Sparrow, Dunkley Baker Chandler, Jordan, ANB?
  18. Thanks for that imElated. While this whole site is basically based on opinion and speculation, I'm not sure that's too much of an issue. However, I'm pretty sure there are at least some known facts about when an injury occurred, what it was, whether surgery was required, and when. This would at least be a start.
  19. I find it frustrating to hear that so-and-so is in the rehab group without knowing the cause (what happened when it happened), current progress and likely period in rehab. As we so seldom get official club reports on injuries during the pre-season, I thought it would be helpful ( well for me anyway) if we could have a separate thread listing the current injured players, what their injuries are, and how long the chat is that they will be in rehab (and no jokes about 4-6 weeks). It would then be easy to look back and get an update. I assume that the most informed of us will be the track watches, and if we could impose on those gents, or others with the info, to please update the list with details, it would be most appreciated. The injured or restricted players that have been mentioned in training reports that I can remember include: KK Petty Hannan Tomlinson Spargo Jones AVB J Smith Weid Bennell Baker There may be others but others can add those.
  20. Picket, I think the only time you are truly happy is when you are angry.
  21. We all have player favourites, and player not-so-favourites, but really I don't care which player gets selected in our team, as long as they are playing well enough to hold their spot, and playing better than an alternative from Casey. If that includes ANB and OMac, then good for them, but more importantly, good for the MFC. Baring injuries, I think competition for spots will be red hot this year, and, unlike last year, if you play poorly, I don't think you will get too many more chances before having to prove yourself again at Casey.
  22. My prediction is that before round 1, a certain poster who we all admire, will try and sneak his “predicted best 22 team” onto this thread.
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