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Deemania since 56

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Everything posted by Deemania since 56

  1. Precisely! 'If so, what the hell do we need Goodwin for?'
  2. Adem's handball - once again, leads with the nose (that must be the secret to his vision to read the ball so well in the past).
  3. There will always be a place for an improving Sparrow in the team; he's going to be a 'knock-em-down' backman once he gets physically developed and fit, fit, fit. i like the boy!
  4. Flower was a benchmark of player development; how he got there might well be a mystery with a rather poor player development process at the Club remaining as a testament to his intelligence, Club loyalty and of course, his/these remarkable skills and courage 'for the ball'. We have all heard of players being 'naturals'; Flower was not just one of these. He was an 'exceptional' - one of the very few. He came into the Club raw but within a few weeks, was blossoming in the opportunity and this represented a quantum leap in his footballing prowess. As a recruit, he had astounding skills development; on the reserves and big time fields, these skills combined with his intellect and love of the game to continue to improve, carving a stellar capacity to extract the most that he could from the game with uncanny consistency. Morton, on the other hand, had certain attributes that some of us had seen before - without anything being a full suite of skills being evident. However, he provided some considerable similarities with the great Tulip (and we did not have the impetus and developmental regimen to make the most of these 'early' signs).
  5. I'd just like to see our army of young'uns developed to the hilt, first and foremost. Bring this improving talent to a meaningful game plan and strategies, and we are on our way to the next GF. Adem, it's basically up to you - but another thing I'd like to see is Jordan Lewis assisting you with this Team (forget Goodwin).
  6. Physicality was very similar, yes. Run and use of ball, again, similar but not at Tulip's expertise level. Marking - not nearly as adept at reading the flight as Tulip and the heights he could reach were about the same on a good day. Pace and evasion, free range- finding and evasion, not as strong or sustained as that provided time and again by Flower - but this could have been largely learned given development. Overall, I agree with you (had we had a focus on player development but as we didn't then - and still don't - Morton missed the bus in his time at the Club relative to Flower in a previous era. I do think Morton's attributes and physical similarities to Flower were two factors that may have been put to more confident and sustained use through the coaches. I can see a role for Jackson as a utility that might reflect some of the skills of Robbie, however.
  7. Tough year coming up for the Filth and Essendrug. Good outcome for the rest of the comp.
  8. Just the best player we ever had. Incredible footballer par excellence.
  9. Absolutely correct! This must change for success next season.
  10. Like the profile of this fella, and have heard a little about him across the year. A rather good player '...untried utility potential...' and team distributor. Just a few weight training sessions needed to build the bod and general strengthening alongside team training routines and management.
  11. Interesting statement and another good way of looking at the Weed conundrum. Whilst progress is slow for him, he is worth another round of tolerance at his age, I guess.
  12. The Happy Bus, off to see the Wizard, the wonderful Wizard of Ooze...have faith.
  13. It really is because of Goodwin's failure to develop (so many) players and/or motivate them, assist to absorb 'his' gameplan, provide steady developmental structures that some of us might see a light burning on the horizon now that we know Yze is living over there in red'n'blue Club-land. Let us hope that he is not suppressed in a coaching role; instead, let's hope that his mantra can be carried by our inexperienced ones for the betterment of the Club.
  14. He does have a reputation for the 'run' and it is a good one, at that. The problem is the capacity (or interest) of the FD to develop players with an array of skills instead of just one or two. Under the watchfulness of Yze, things may change for the better, but I'd like to see Jordan Lewis join him in the governance of such roles simply because he, too, has much to still offer our Club. If the Ooze can influence and assist to improve the young Gallucci fella, we should have an appraisal of him for a contract - and a plan to bring forward with him.
  15. And, perhaps, we should consider their offer; the reason? I doubt whether the Weed will show much improvement. It could have been expected that he'd be a better, more complete player by now. He just ain't. Patience is a virtue, at the end of the day ... but time waits for no KPF known in footy. If the Filth are as sentimental as they project, then surely there could be a considerable offer for the Weed with his heritage?
  16. Tracca deserves the reward of a Demon flag. It is coming and he knows it. Another hard season, a clean-out of minor consequence, a re-kindling of great recruiting outcomes, and a Demon-loyal moving into the coaching and game plan disarray (over the past few years). There is also a list of capabilities and youthful enthusiasm in the wings of recoveries from injury to add depth and potency to game-day selections; all armies require foot-soldiers by the bucketload, but a few of these 'forgotten' troops can operate at the NCO level, some are even more adept than this marque. Tracca is a realist - he proved this last season, improving to another level to better commit and perform for the sake of the Mighty Dees. He will not let this pass - he will push on - he is a loyal and driven red'n'blue so the Filth can jump in the muddy lake.
  17. That is the problem for so many of our recent and mid-term recruiting abilities. Under Goodwin, few have made the considerable improvements in order to play week in, week out with consistent results of a positive nature. We now have Yze and I'd like to think that he has the 'runs on the board' experience and diligence to improve our younger blokes. Furthermore, I don't reckon just one able coach (Yze) is enough to achieve such improvements (so many) across the board of eligible learners. As stated previously, months and months ago, I'd still like to see Jordan Lewis assisting and mentoring players with Yze, taking on his strategic game play routines and skills development. Goodwin is firstly irrelevant for such a role and secondly, has not done the job well, despite a plethora of human resources and alleged skills/gameplay 'experts' on his watch.
  18. Oh, that is almost brilliant! Lots to look forward to - now to work with words on Brown's steel wool scalp.
  19. Not a bad configuration at all. There is plenty of talent, mobility and the linkages both offensively and defensively are quite evident. However, we all have some preferences and mine would be Hunt - he needs to be (IMO) in the team and preferably in the forward line, used from the interchange bench; I'd replace Spargo at this point with Hunt, and Hunt to be given a 'bit of' a roving utility role in that breath of absolute speed and kicking skills. (It is pleasing to see Tomlinson on the wing opposite to Langdon - he has the run and carry, nearly always in space, to assist the potency of the forward set-ups. I just hope the backmen can look for him, see him and exploit his 'space'-finding attributes in season 2021.
  20. No, not ridiculous, just unfortunate coaching and opportunity. This is an opinion that attracts some support; I am one of those supporters. Do you deny me that perspective or is this a forum of ideas and thoughts? By the way, OMac received the games by good fortune alone - yet there was no improvement.
  21. Frosty, for starters ... he may have hit the mark earlier - several years ago - probably would have achieved far more as he had talents and was our excitement machine - getting better by the game. Frosty was an ideal subject to develop - but alas, Goodwin decided that it was not to be so he underwent his own remediation and intensity for the ball.
  22. Yep, John Lord was a great footballer, too. Another Demon of note with a big heart.
  23. Very possible and in theory, very potent IMO. It will be essential to have a good spread of highly capable 'mediums and smalls' to anticipate and provide the on-ground linkages and crumbing, occupying strategic elements of the forward line to be 'ready to pounce' on those ground balls or outside opportunities. Such a set-up will contribute enormously to tiring and overpowering any opposition. With Yze's assistance, the Coach can finally develop game plans that are meaningful and effective. I can remember quite clearly Yze's capacity to score (at times, almost freely) from such play set-ups and to utilise our very able range of utilities around the ball - one step ahead of the milling throngs. As for our possible talls, these players all have scoring options and structural responsibilities; as a separated 'bank' of receivers, it would be a nightmare for opponents to consistently overcome for 100 minutes of football. Just watch the AFL change the traditional 25-minute quarters to a lesser duration.
  24. We all have an awareness of this; it is a legacy of a series of gifted games at the expense of others. Such observations do not necessary refer to TMac ... so the '3rd coming' can be anticipated should the injuries and related mobility effects be overcome.
  25. This is something (tired opponents' floods) that has assisted us to beat sides in the last half, more often than expected. We do find spaces late, and use these to our advantage when the kicking boots are worn.
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