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Deemania since 56

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Everything posted by Deemania since 56

  1. Hahaha same same! He could be such a weapon and as stated earlier by WCW, he's been 'entirely at home' with our game as seen in training.
  2. I noticed that Brown Jnr is making a debut (Wed announcement) so it is hoped that he can be successful, even if only from the bench. It does cull someone else, and observing Goody in past matches, often it has been the wrong one. However, we must work through - positively - our bunch of prospective players so Brown could provide some interest to our game against the Kangas. I would like to see Rivers given the Tracca role - penetrating from the midfield, into the forward line and adding a bit of protective dare and muscle for the forwards who seem scared of playing leading football with and against the external brutes on defensive assignments.
  3. Reality bites so we tend to ignore it; just as the Club tends to ignore it across time and losses and poor development. There are other contributing masses and factors (already stated by many) but beelzebub, you are entirely correct. We are in a predicament predicated on a lack of correct action in development. At present, we are in more of a hard place than we care to admit; the Rock of Gibraltar is before us from now to the end of the season (and perhaps more) where we, like little marine ants, look up into the granite ahead waiting for a high tide.
  4. Fear, it would be terrible to fall off the cash-cow bandwagon and with it, one's own credibility.
  5. This impression has been bubbling away and gathering momentum for years, and if umpiring is no longer impartial and appears to be critically pre-arranged, with errors slipping into decisions with poor execution, unpenalised, then it is beholden on us, (the fee-paying general public providing every inch of support and revenue) with concerns and specific examples, to be free to so-state the issues in whatever public domain we might choose.
  6. I think so, analysing this point. We do need mobility and quicker smalls in the forward line linkages, plus there was much about Brayshaw's game that could have been imparted in the mid-term to a willing newby, such as JJ. The loss of Gus was one that enormously cruelled us as a linkage team under the circumstances and he was particularly adept at sneaking up, deep, to present his reliable goal-kicking abilities (so in effect, I was thinking under the tutelage role, Gus would have had a great impact over the mid-term on JJ's skill and consistency performances). Who really knows?
  7. Must agree with you - the darkness has been overall, not just from the western horizon. Please, MFC, address this through improved analysis and more logical action.
  8. Probably a very good decision to blood Kolt with a few consecutive games in exciting positions that appeal to his gamestyle and charisma onfield. He really does look like a 'go-er' keen for a run with other footballers who could augment his game and role diversity. Exciting young fella, so let's parachute him into the big time to exploit his adrenalin.
  9. I do miss JJ, my thinking was that he was maturing onfield to become a reliable, regular crumber about the packs and moving well to space (for when the midfielders decided to play eyes-up, for a change). He did not present star qualities but displayed undertones of maturing in his role, alongside improving performance consistency. At the Dees, he deserved more attention and experience, I thought.
  10. I regard Tracca's commitment - despite agonising pain and uncertainty - to get out there again against his better judgment to assist the standing team (performing poorly) to overcome the odds and gather some pride, effort and responsibility with the game. That, folks, is to me, an act of ultimate leadership and attitude. Self-sacrifice in the order of Stynes, May and Gus 'just in case things improved' at the individual level for him by which, he could continue his contribution(s) for their sakes.
  11. That would truly be an element of future delights ... one coming through with flair, ability and effect.
  12. The very crux of the issues, imo, from those that can teach, advise, validate and maintain with appropriate adjustments over both short and longer-term scenarios.
  13. The sun will come out tomorrow, the birds will chirp. The cold, southerly will still blow for the Dees. Time to re-invent - game-time, where learning is relevant.
  14. Something had to be done, after all, Cox was not playing where the knee effect might have been useful as instructed.
  15. Agreed. To let a homegrown asset like Yze disappear was a travesty.
  16. Right price is essential but also we need to build the attraction of the MFC in his eyes, whilst still meeting our needs for a gun tall/ruckman, key forwards, strong midfielders.
  17. There really is a good deal of ...'need to do(s)'... in this; it does ask a great deal and outwardly seems crucifiable; however, I'd agree with it all if the subsequent recruiting and/or required developments were all successful. It certainly is worth a shot and will emphasise the need to undertake extensive professional mentalities and core developments. The players that we have let go over the past two years are sorely missed and may well, had they been retained, have filled much of the 'gapping' that is now apparent. This observation would only be temporary, most likely. We need a motivating 'head' to oversight and factorise the remediation; in my mind, that ain't Goody alongside a team of alleged facilitators. As supporters and Club members, we must also be patient; time will be the key for positive change to emerge from consistent endeavours.
  18. Dysfunctional it was - he still had a 'go' despite the odds.
  19. Trac has worked his way through many things and in particular, he is our best player as a consequence. Given that our season is virtually over after the KB game, we cannot hope for a speedy recovery, let alone a worsening of his physical condition threatened by an attempt to see him on the ground again in 2024. Best wishes to you Christian, and whilst we wish you every comfort and appropriate recovery in this part of the season and what may follow, we have few demands for your onfield return in 2024 - so rest easy...
  20. Nothing inspiring, nothing new, no specifics upon which to outwardly analyse options, no direct comments at all other than well-deserved praise for ANB's tagging role, no exploration of key remedies for performance. Notably, we no longer attempt to look into Goodwin's post-game pressers; fuddle-duddle, non-specifics. Particularly after a loss but also, after a win (that appears to be as random as his 'explanatory and sandy intents'. We linger on, once again.
  21. Fully agree, most of the games I've seen in the past two years fully emphasise this tendency - and we all thought that the long bomb era should be over by now. We do not have the cattle to receive this way; in turn, it just doubles our opponents' rebound opportunities, pressurising our backs and leaving our midfielders a return run of around 120metres every intercept, leaving the midline almost open to opposition progress.
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