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Deemania since 56

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Everything posted by Deemania since 56

  1. Here we go again. We have already achieved a couple of good trades from other clubs. We are still attempting to 'buy' a finals berth for 2021 but transferring in more players from other clubs. We appear to ignore the cradle talent at hand - and our responsibility to develop, develop and then a little more development. We do have some guns, and many of these are young and inexperienced, but keen. Their chances of achieving improvements wither on the vine without drills, skills practices, game time used as a measure of the next step, not immediate success, necessarily. We can make great footballers who link with their teammates with purpose; however, we shy away from such creationism and responsibility. Hopefully, Yze may seize this melting pot and set it straight.
  2. I like the sound of this post, complemented by the previous post from AF on 7th Nov. It makes very good sense and as such, provides an improved pathway for Harmes as a utility/forward/mid rotating with Petracca. Viney as a pressure forward is the way to go, as well - out of the centre, into the hot zone. All complements well, I'd say. Releases same-team midline congestion, as well as grunt and pace where critical.
  3. Just about as significant as chat complaints. People raise a point, can relate it to the topic, express it and stimulate others to similarly comment on their thoughts. One-dimensional thought can be boring, RD.
  4. With his limited game time experience, and being rather raw at that level, he cannot be expected to display 'seasoned' football. This is a case, I feel, where talents have been seen, albeit briefly, but do appear to be ready for that good old myth that we can develop players in a role - and do so rather well. With what he has shown, I agree that the ingredients are there; it is now time for the FD to get him up to a standard of reliability and application. Yze will be an asset for this achievement to occur.
  5. I find this statement from Mahoney refreshingly responsible - we have a little clean-out, we select the best available/accessible, we get our team together and develop the youth to challenge in a meaningful way. On your toes, boys!
  6. This is an annual problem ... we have the recruits and younger players and must concentrate not on the supermarket shelf but instead, on widespread youthful development to the highest standard.
  7. We have more than a handful of younger players ready, willing and able to take the next step directly into the best 22 should our coaching and FD roles meet the required standards (ex-review by Pert).
  8. ... and a valuable, now experienced asset to the Club. Whilst the lofty mountain ash are populating our side, Hunt's run and pace - and very sound footpassing are critical. Game time, please.
  9. Oskar Baker has immense potential for such a role. His sense of space mixed with his speed and agility in close are tremendous assets so it is strongly hoped that he is intensively developed by the FD for such functionalities. Game time will be critical.
  10. I'd rather think that this is a part of the modern game (his aptitude for free kicks against infringements) in which the snot goblins have regularly failed to penalise some rather ordinary, unsportsmanlike spoils by backmen over a series of years. Brown does not tolerate these and because of his tenacity for the ball, it is not too difficult for backmen to put him off his attack and strident efforts for the ball under such circumstances with balletic non-poise. I do concede that some of his choreographed demises in such attempts are far more graceful and predetermined than expected when challenged, now that he is a Demon forward, absolutely all is forgiven and if he gets a six-pointer or enables another mighty Demon to so do, that all is well, as you suggest. Whichever way one looks at such circumstances and the respective outcomes of the competitive duels that emerge, if it's our team and our players that benefit, it has merit. Selwood, not so much a pure forward, is a classic example of the hundreds of favourable outcomes that can emerge from what was previously known as 'staging' - and there are a myriad of considered champions that we all can recall who have the same approach to the game. A bit of this, a bit of that to get a nod and free kick, that is all that is recalled. Yes, it has frustrated us for years; now it can delight us for a few seasons, I'd suggest.
  11. Agreed, and disappointed. At least it gives Yze a season to adjust, upwards against the strife that no doubt is about to continue.
  12. I have similar thoughts and see him as an asset to re-develop into something forceful - such as a CHB or as a Half Forward. He does provide some chop for Max - and this is a good idea, I'd reckon, releasing Jackson from the role to focus more fully on Key Positions and mobile utility roles. McKernan may be useful as forward defensive pressure. I'd like to know more about his mobility, speed and bodily resilience (are there any injury concerns?) to support such a function.
  13. Yes, I see Oscar McD as a really good fit for North. He could possibly re-build his career there - developing skills, attributes, intensity, speed at the ball, competitiveness - all these factors in the hands of a better coach and FD than those of the MFC over the past (...how many years has it been?) timeframe.
  14. We have to develop 'mongrel' now. We have the personnel to win, we need 'mongrel' to get there comprehensively.
  15. He's also going to be a decoy forward to some extent, at least. This is also very good; it will reduce the onus on the Weed and Fritta so they can get stuck into it as alternative targets as BBrown leads out or moves to space just a little, dragging one or two opposition defenders with him and with his mobility, speed and possible distance achieved from goal, congested gaps will disappear leaving space, space and fewer oppo defenders. It is all very good news. Now, for the midfield clearances ...
  16. It was a time to remember, formative and successful. Ashburton? Head back down High Street to the Burke Road corner. That's where I grew up, on that corner. As for the Dees in those days, it was terribly difficult not the follow them avidly - such was the rate of success and the virtual control of the VFL, as it was back then. The names of the footballers in our team stand in the memory like monoliths. Moreso, the occasional outings to see a game at the 'G remain indelibly etched on one's brain, particularly after beating the Filth, Essendrug and Footiscray. Thanks for this little missive evoking happy memories, D3031.
  17. Certainly hope this optimism re: Brown pans out and quickly, too.
  18. ...and Frosty would be left to do all the work himself!
  19. Joel Smith, most certainly but as a forward.
  20. I think the wish to delist OMac has been held by more supporters than we may realise - terrible coaching/selection/expectation/ignoring of realities. How could this ever happen, for so long, so frequently, so expectedly?
  21. In my surfing youth, Geelong was a nice place to drive towards from home in the SE suburbs of Melbourne, in my 351 GTHO (and Sandman before that). A quick feed, usually great hamburgers or a small pizza when these were made by great pizzariers in the Geelong hill strip, refuel at cheap prices, and off to the coast road for the waves, sands and sheilas. Never thought the old Geelong was a bad place; it was usually a great place filled with great people. Cannot say that about the footy club down there - but that was winter and on the weekends, it was Mt Hotham or a home game at the 'G. There were always good memories of Geelong as a town, a stop-over, a launching pad for some of my real interests 'back in the days...' I hope Geelong has not deteriorated since then. In summer, it was a hub of sheer delight.
  22. Geelong will carry this handicap for some time - we will not. One less 'perhaps two years' on the table for the MFC, with another year at the respite home and medical guidance. I could not see Smith playing out a full season across four quarters each game with any likelihood. Handy, but not essential to our needs. Brown is another issue, a lock-step forward with potency. It is not a great problem that we missed out on Smith - it is a problem for the Cats, far sooner than later.
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