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Engorged Onion

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Everything posted by Engorged Onion

  1. oh, you don't need footage of Buckley confidently gulping water in the coaches box...
  2. Whats with BT talking about good kicks for goal "he missed, but it shouldn't be seen as a bad kick" all of a sudden...it'll go down as a point in all future literature pal...
  3. most of all - I like the last half a second of content...
  4. Fan's are fickle - He hasn't said anything controversial at all, its not about him - its about the media departments response in what they curate (naturally accentuating the positives). It then got me thinking about whether MFC would even want his calibre...
  5. Panic stations from Fremantle Football Club Media via their twitter feed - just to quell the sick taste in their mouth that is bubbling. "Fyfe: I see my future at Freo and have said I'd always wait until a particular time to discuss contracts, wins and losses won't impact that" In all seriousness, I don't know that he suits our organisation... and we certainly shouldn't sell the farm...
  6. Thanks for the clarity @nutbean - I eat umbrage with my scrambled eggs for breakfast!
  7. And this is the distinction - which I agree with @iv'a worn smith (as I work in one of the aforementioned fields) language typically in reports is ambiguous, and particularly in relation to matters of the brain - always infer and are never causational. The MRP is flawed no doubt (however it needs to work off 'a' version of information which is deemed 'best-practice', who best but the medico's eh), because the baseline in the case of matters of the brain is always inferred- and the baseline attitude is rightfully the head is sancrosanct. This is also the reason there are longitudinal studies into concussion in elite contact sport, when anecdotally it's clear that there is 'causation'.
  8. I take umbrage and am completely incensed by this- no matter how well intended you believe it to be Nutbean. Believe me, no medico/psych/physio would incorrectly document something because of allegiance - their impartiality is imperative to their ethic. They're not supporters, they're professionals who still operate under Doctor/Psych/Physio, client privilege with respect to transparency, authenticity and confidentiality. Far too cynical a statement to be taken seriously.
  9. Thank god someone talks sense on here
  10. Not just the selected highlights, though some dude pointed out that they edited out Jeffy's run down...WTF.
  11. I think some post match perspective should be taken - even though I was sweating buckets. 1) Expectations Vs Apathy - it's so good that we have expectations now as supporters- let's keep em realistic - we don't need to be a juggernaut. 2a) A young team, will eff up plenty along the way - very few polished players (Lewis, Salem no one else) 2b) This effects decision making, and fatigue - again we have a young young team. 3) This is a process - refining game style, adjusting in game - won't always hit a supporters urgency. 4) Carlton match up very very well - and even though Kreuzers body of work is bloody average - jeez he does a good job v Gawn. 5) Let's not buy into the media's hype of our stars in the making - Clive Waterhouse was one also (here's looking at you Trac )
  12. Salem... stealth jet... let hope the thyroid rolls well for him (not just for football truth be told)
  13. nice little reality check... trust the first kick, and stop effing around with dinky little kicks (not even the 15m's on the 45) Gus to lift.
  14. Why is Nick Maxwell wearing a 1996 prom suit? Hating the channel 7 broadcast, seething in fact. Interesting fact nonetheless - the almighty (ahem) Leigh was stating that tapouts and clearances are irrelevant to winning...
  15. Dude's diabetic mate, sometimes its genetics not ethic.
  16. ugh, same boat @Deemented Are Go! - I've tried to reframe it like its xmas morning - cause I'm quite excited about the match BUT the coffee has warn off already... and little dude - is very well much like 'The Super Furry Animals' song - "The Man Don't Give A Fork" I'm sure Misso has walked through with the boys the biological effects of sleep deprivation following the change in clock
  17. Thus far, both teams have 0 defence. Old fashioned shoot out on the cards...
  18. Yeah, that Tyson kid - he's crap...such a turnover merchant... lets review round 20 last year, and the 7.20 mark of the afl video - ahh those two wipping boys are cuuuhhhhrap! Sample size of 1- but hey, there's plenty more vision to sort through. http://www.afl.com.au/video/2016-08-06/highlights-melbourne-v-hawthorn
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