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Engorged Onion

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Everything posted by Engorged Onion

  1. I'd concur, he came good at Carlton - I'd love Stinga, and he got too injured too frequently to really be consistent unfortunately, (does anyone else remember the time in WA where he side stepped to eagles players (one ready to shirt front) and they collected one another...could have been the same game as a chris lewis bite...but hey I'm sure its not and I'm throwing all my WA memories into one basket...
  2. That's much like me - I hear from some sources Im a bit of a [censored].. but others think Im ok... and yet the FD decided to go for him with all their resources and business acumen... wowsers F.L.O.G was censored... amusing stuff indeed
  3. i just had unrealistic expectations, that much like last years trade period, and fifa on my xbox, we would jettison ALL deadwood and through rorting various systems - we would have landed 5 guns....ps...what ever happened to the jet midfielder from another vic club...hope @Siren can fill us in on said individual....
  4. are you being sarcastic?, FMD - why would you even need to post that?
  5. were richmond supporters this upset when 'lids' left?
  6. $ on Geetown, otherwise he would have called Port by now methinks... waiting for a few dominoes to fall...
  7. Remember C.Waterhouse was also a #1...
  8. Barwon Heads and Ocean Grove respectively, good sir.
  9. Absolutely - all of that - "empathic accountability" - I must have misread that original post of yours, that its the coaches responsibility. Sir Alex etc have all had players on their books, who irrespective of talent id -have been unable to hit perceived potential (i personally think potential is laden with unfair expectations) - and have subsequently been moved on. Jack is that person currently. I feel that the the majority of this thread is all about the point in bold - how have coaches helped Jack to improve - have they done it correctly (whatever that is, a sense of it, or scientifically validated means), and if they haven't (from supporters perspective how would they actually even know) - who's responsibility in the end is it for Jack to improve, the system, or Jack...
  10. Ahhh Schulzy , that is old school thinking at its finest... coaching courses that are AFL endorsed include - SDT (Deci and Ryan) https://www.learning-theories.com/self-determination-theory-deci-and-ryan.html tis not about getting external motivation (e.g.: do you hear any club, ever, discussing how their getting up and more motivated for a players 200/300th?) - all about the intrinsic , and that is the players responsibility, the coach(es) can merely provide the framework. If, this is all about effort levels from Jack - then its up to him in whatever context to produce it to a level that is mutual agreed upon - I would suspect that Goodwin and co have seen enough to acknowledge that Jack cannot do so in the MFC environment, - of course he may do elsewhere..
  11. the bugler, will no doubt have a bugle...
  12. fark me mate, that is a mighty mighty long run up there....got some personal history I presume?
  13. Nice work! Interesting point number 7 - between Neeld and Goodwin...Why would this be the case?, Aside from the media speak - is it because he is also a pretty empathic dude and has other coaches who are that way inclined, yet still make the athletes accountable? Because they're not mutually exclusive?
  14. For me its more about posturing that you have knowledge to affirm a point yet unwilling to corroborate sources, or your own identity. And yes that does betray confidence, but its merely putting out your own truth without validity - so on a forum such as this, its hard for folk to give it credibility. And it feels unfair that you can assert certain things and link it to privilege knowledge - and fall back on, well believe me or not. Reminds me of this cracker of an album...from the year of beating Adelaide in the finals, then them holding aloft the cup..sigh.
  15. @ChewyOnMyBoot whoever you are - do you wish to walk us (the lovers and the haters, and those in between) through it blow by blow - you seem to be teetering on the edge of a lot of knowledge but unwilling to fully divulge...
  16. does op exist anymore? whatever happened to it (serious q)
  17. Agreed, but its about keeping other sports outta the papers... saturation point mate, saturation... strategic marketing, blah blah blah
  18. I know mate...work in the area... its too oft bandied about by those that are unaware .... mind you, we no longer talk about mental toughness either...
  19. A high performance work environment, does not necessarily mean it is a high performing work environment...soz, just had to get it off my chest...
  20. I guess there is a combination of the club/development system/coaches (past and current) who maybe have not helped Jack reach his potential, as well as Jack prioritising other things to not eek the best out of his perceived potential (mind you,maybe what we see, IS his limit). Its it helpful to lay blame, probably not...it's okay to have a little from column a, and a little from column b - his story is no different from others, who wanted to stay at their clubs and perhaps haven't delivered (I'm looking at you Adam Hueskes ;P )
  21. can you tweet @texwalker13 please
  22. please stop talking about dwayne...
  23. I disagree with this notion, correlation doesn't equal causation - I think they're mutually exclusive events... For all the players that have left Adelaide - there are plenty that stay even when they're not in their state of origin. I would love the stats over the last 7 years (Gen Z's and Millenials) of how many who are not playing in their home state, have requested trades back home, vs those that haven't. Further, (and this is one of my biggest gripes) - for those who post on here that players who want to go home are 'soft' etc etc - family, friends, lifestyle just about always trumps working for an organisation when its based interstate - be it football or otherwise.
  24. Ahh, that wasn't a crack at you at all - just an acknowledgement that we all want instant gratification and solid gold nuggets...
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