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Engorged Onion

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Everything posted by Engorged Onion

  1. Just on that - its nice the the team can score a couple of junk time goals in the final minutes of a match just for the scoreboard cosmetics - its been a long long time when we had the polish/desire/capacity to do so.
  2. My take was the structure, there were period throughout the game where there was no score for 8-13 minutes (3 times I think) we were so strong at the back and cut off any potential 45 kicks - locked it in in our forward line at times (although I felt the entries were kick and hope) - so both forward mid and back pressure. Lesser light players such as Harmes, Hannan, tackled, smothered - it was great - particularly as Port had a lot of drive in the 3rd and 4th. Just quietly - has Hogan's output stopped people doubting him yet (or worst case, wanting him traded)?
  3. Such a mature mature performance for such a inexperienced side (games wise) - leadership was shown by each and all. And... I think I may start to give Melksham the benefit - clutch.
  4. Such a mature mature performance for such a inexperienced side (games wise) - leadership was shown by each and all. And... I think I may start to give Melksham the benefit - clutch.
  5. I'm sure there is a gag here somehwere- maybe along the lines that he should have got some consistency in performance by now....
  6. Really happy for Billy, he's not in the side for output, yet this is vindication for him. 20 years of age, and we can expect fluctuating form at times... mind, some of us think thats a delisting opportunity.
  7. will have a pretty sweet media gig retainer....
  8. I for one am happy for Jack, though I really did think that the game had passed him by. I do look forward to the commentators clarifying Jackson and Jack Trengove for 120minutes +
  9. Thanks for posting that - that is so so feel good.
  10. Just to clarify - It's not free sessions, the psychologist will charge what ever they charge - $150-$250 per session, the government rebate will be $84.80 for a general psych (they have lower fees, AND they're just a competent) vs a clinical psych (who's training whilst deals with the general population, work a lot with personality disorders i.e.: schizophrenia etc) as well as mood disorders (anxiety, depression) whereby the rebate is $102.00 - hence they charge more - you'll be roughly $50-$75 out of pocket - and considering what we spend on booze and food during the week - its pretty cheap to get your head sorted for the long term.
  11. @Wrecker45I take your point - and I rekon thats a bit of 'confirmation bias' of picking out those particular players - being skilled and tough (lets call most of their toughness blatant thuggery) - How did Martin Pike (4x) go about it, or Mitch Morton(1x), or Nathan Ablett(1x) - or Shane Ellen - they're all premiership winners - unsociable football didn't win the Doggies last year Does Shane Burgoyne himself play unsociable football (he's got 4 under the belt), what about Gary Jnr?It takes all types within a team from the silk, to the workman to the role player to the guys that love the physicality. We don't need to be one particular way as individuals, but we certainly need one ethos.
  12. I think it speaks volumes of a guy who loves the attention in a positive way - this is how he acts under 'stress/pressure' or where there is judgements from others and he doesn't engage in safety behaviours in front of the media, this maps out how he plays on the field, where there is scrutiny i.e.: finals time. Personally, I'd be wrapped to see a Melbourne player act like that... (whether I believe they're a chop or not) The only Melbourne player who gives me a sense of that is CP5 - where he wouldn't become insular, and stick to committed actions in finals irrespective of judgements from crowd, peers, coaches and keep playing with freedom - this is exactly what Dangerfield was doing in that context - and this is simply symbolic of his attitude across any given context where he may be judged... I've posted the band before - but as the super furry animals once sang
  13. Yeah, but 'I' the underwhelmed supporter who is deserving off optimum output due to misaligned expectations, can't wait that long...
  14. team defence...team defence Ronald dale... - it aint pagans paddock in 1996
  15. Personally I thought it was great - it was in direct response to an accusation, and rather than get all defensive - he got playful... I'm all for it. Any player with a serious injury would get it, its always always about the context.
  16. Goal of the year for sure if it was Dangerfield or Eddie.
  17. harsh as [censored] bloke... and your opinion is your opinion
  18. remember when an average loss was 12 goals (80 odd points) and a big one was 110 plus... be thankful for perspective.
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