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Engorged Onion

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Everything posted by Engorged Onion

  1. love the tenacity - 4 goals 'feels' a bridge to far
  2. more easierly accomplished with a midfield for those players you mentioned to pop - mind you, olivers smashed without another 3 mids - Gawn is the only surprise really, but 3?4? games in from a return... under done post injury.
  3. Oh agreed - there has been so much persistence in games this year - for something that we have seen in a decade and a half.. Adelaide are far to classy when they're on for us not to have 4-5 top players NOT in - to be disappointed that we are getting smashed - the common parlance is post a loss with all your players in - something along the lines of "we were 5% off"...well we're objectively 20% off - whilst its good exposure for smith, jkh and even trac in the midfield - seasons aren't won and lost on these games, and its great learning for some. We'd be closer if we had said midfield...
  4. Tis ugly - and if we get smashed only one game this year - then I am happy to concede this as well filter back in our top 5 - hope we can pull the margin back - and clearly without the midfield - no adelaide oval heroics ahead, me thinks...
  5. RTG - I suspect you're missing the point.. if that's what you perceive me to be on about. I'm all about having robust discussion which invariably there is a disagreement on opinions - as its a forum its not about that at all - its about criticising the individual, rather than the content of their thoughts...
  6. personally i'm satisfied with 90 odd comments on here - as presumably people actually do give a damn about it enough one way or the other to comment on it... hope we have a win tonight in Darwin - and am resigned to a loss based on injuries...
  7. I would say 90%+ of the time its polite, and the banter is superb - and only at times does it cross a line (at least in my perception) - of course this may not be the other persons experience - but who's to say it isn't either. Further, the process to deal with repeat offenders would clearly be up to the mods (who by everyones account do a great job of accountability) and not driven by my suggestion..it was simply that, a suggestion. If anything, I just wanted to highlight some concerns of mine and promote some discussion. I work daily in mental health and it felt remiss of me for what I stand for to not put in on the table - its clearly up to each individual to do what they want with my thoughts.
  8. I agree, I've been on 1 year - not even actually and I don't get offended, and I can see how people do - I wince at some comments made to others - not that I am self proclaimed moral arbiter - yet i still think its important to discuss....
  9. @Skuit amusingly so - but not all, and that's ok - mine is just one persons opinion, and not the way life should be lived.
  10. can't say that I don't live the dream myself...
  11. I'm not surprised at the 'soft' response and how its 'just words' - to some and no wonder our kids are weak etc etc... clearly I'm not going to convince you to change your minds. Maybe i read too much stuff after becoming a new dad.... Mmm, I am a mung bean munching sandal wearing, tree hugging, left wing leaning softy at heart... I'll see myself out for a while :)...*trudges off with head hanging in shame... Ps...Neeld is a [censored].
  12. Some friday musings over a coffee or 4... We bang on about mental health on here, yet numerous posters prefer to attack the man vs the content. Now I'm not coming from a holier than thou perspective, I am coming from a compassionate perspective and we've no idea really how someone feels when their attacked - even if their response would suggest they're cool with it. Personally, I get quite upset (angry AND sad) when I see some posters critiquing others on here rather than the content. Would love a 3 strikes and you're banned for a bit rule.
  13. Funny you say that @Abe - as it was happening - I was thinking the exact opposite - I thought he will definitely spot someone in the centre (even if the option wasn't quite there) - I can't recollect a time that when there is another option, he has a ping himself... it's pretty rare that he isn't selfless..
  14. I think its marvellously honourable of the AFL to do this - their transparency in alerting Hird and Essendon about ASADA to save face was deceitful and self serving, so why stop now? - I suspect numerous mothers and fathers of these players will be sobbing tonight...and sending quite stern correspondence to AFL HQ tomorrow.
  15. sigh.... so did I - shame he did nothin but eat pies...
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