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Everything posted by Drunkn167

  1. Yeah that makes sense, but this late in the pre-season there isn't much difference between match sim and an intra club game anyway. But whatever it is, it'll still be a great session to watch.
  2. OPEN TRAINING Pretty excited about this. I'm off work all week this week so this will be the first open session I will be able to actually attend. Should be a big one.
  3. Yeah you're not wrong. A large, properly built grandstand would do wonders for the ground. I wonder if because the addition of the AFLW games and JLT games there, if the City of Casey is looking into investing in one. I doubt it, but it would be pretty great to have as a windbreaker as well.
  4. But it's not? Especially compared to other grounds.
  5. lol yeah but there's a big difference between how a player feels he is going v how he looks compared to the rest so I was just curious
  6. Can anyone comment on how Keilty looked in the match sim, how he handled the heat, and if he looks like there might be a place for him in the backline? Cheers
  7. Hoo boy this one's a doozy. Disclaimer; I have a great sentimental love for Casey Fields, so my view will be very biased, as well as being quite angry at peoples comments. Firstly I will say I very much enjoy every game I go to watch at the ground, but then again I'm usually up in the function room ordering drinks from the bar and watching the game from the balcony so I can't really comment on the viewing experience. Now, the real stuff. I have been to almost every VFL playing ground. Apart from the purpose built stadiums (MCG, Ethihad, Simmonds etc.) and maybe Punt Rd, the wind at every ground is terrible! Compared to Whitten Oval, Trevor Barker, Windy hill, etc, Casey Fields is probably the most tame of the wind producing grounds. Yes some days it does get pretty bad, but I have seen shots for goal at some grounds where the ball comes back over the kickers head! To use this as a reason to 'Nuke it' and call it a terrible place is absurd, footy is a winter sport, you have to play to winter conditions. Seriously, look up some footage of Whitten Oval games. The Footscray players know that when kicking to one certain end of the ground they have to dribble the ball along the ground because any highish kick will not go anywhere, and that's almost every bloody game. Casey might have bad win every 3-4 games, but never that bad. As for the players, Casey is their home. The know the conditions to a T, which really aren't bad. The home advantage they have is enormous, I'm pretty sure they only lost 2 game at Casey last year, the first Williamstown game when they were flying (which was actually a really well fought match) and that slog of a game against Collingwood where the WVFL match beforehand had destroyed the ground. The travel distance is a problem for some players, but given a choice I'm pretty sure most of them would choose to play the majority of the reserve games at Casey. I do agree that some extra grandstands would be amazing, especially behind the goals on the northern side of the ground which is where the majority of the wind comes from, but the facilities they have are great! Newish dunnys, and up and down stairs bar, a canteen and usually a sausage sizzle. That's more then a lot of the other grounds have to offer. You can't expect the VFL to offer AFL level class for playing conditions and supporter comfortableness, that's just absurd. For a VFL ground, Casey does a damn good job at providing what it does. The players know this, and it helped them destroy so many teams there last season. Just look at these numbers: Casey v Frankston - 179-35 Casey v Northern Blues - 125-18 Casey v Box Hill - 83-76 Casey v Port Melbourne - 86-51 Casey v Sandringham - 92-46 Casey v Essendon - 129-43 Casey v Werribee - 151-46 7/9 Wins at Casey Fields is pretty damn fantastic. And almost all of these wins where absolute monsters. You can't deny the numbers. Casey is a great ground, it has its issues, as does all VFL grounds, but that is what the VFL have to work with.
  8. I think a lot of people miss the point about what the AFLPA are actually after. They are more after averaging out the bottom paid players and making it a bit more fair. It's not like Buddy Franklin and Gary Abblett are upset they're not getting enough millions. They more want to help out the lower level players, the ones who maybe stay on a list for 3-4 years and then leave the AFL without really a lot to show for it. Im all for player strikes, but maybe limiting them to the pre-season is a smart idea.
  9. I'm not gonna argue with you mate if your not going to listen to reason. By all means keep being paranoid and don't use the new app.
  10. That's not how it works though mate. 'Access' doesn't mean 'we are looking at what is on your phone and saving it' it means that the app has the ability to use those other apps on your phone. All access does is allow you to use different apps together, for example, the photos is so you can upload to the apps Photo Booth, and download the wallpapers, it uses the calendar so it can automatically input specific events into your phone, cal details is just the broad headline for the access to the ringtones, and the contacts is probably for a futures feature such as having your mates connected through the app. Theyre not after your information, people tend to freak out when they see the word access, but you really don't need too.
  11. The NSA has detailed information on anyone in the world that has ever logged into an Internet connection or a phone line anyway, it's not like the MFC app is gonna give them anything they don't already have.
  12. There's no need to be so paranoid dude, a lot of apps don't even use most the connected stuff anyway. It's just used for different things within the app itself, it's not like the Football club is saving all of your personal info for its own evil purposes, it's not the US government.
  13. In quite a few games last season, Bull played better then most if not all of the Melbourne listed forwards in the VFL. If he gets a go in the JLT games, or even plays well enough in the Casey pre season games, expect to see him getting his debut early in the season. For those that haven't met him, he is a super nice and respectful kinda guy, has worked his arse off to get where he is, and I think is more appreciative because of the hard work he has had to put into getting this opportunity. If any of the new recruits deserve senior games this season, it's definitely Bull (Even more then Keilty, who I am absolutely dieing for, hoping he gets a shot) He might not become a superstar, but he is definitely the most entertaining player outside the AFL I have ever watched. His ability to take marks that shouldn't be possible and his attack on the ball as well as anyone with the ball is great to watch. If he gets a go and stays in good form, he will become a favourite of the Melbourne supporters, gaurenteed.
  14. Yeah they've done a good job. Also just FYI if anyone is a Telstra customer, if you update the AFL app you automatically get the AFL Live Pass for free again this season.
  15. Yeah mate! Has put on at least 8kgs of muscle since then, if not more. I know I'm biased but everyone should be keeping a close eye on him.
  16. http://melbournefc.com.au/news/2017-01-29/hard-work-pays-off-for-smith
  17. No training. They get the long weekend off before leaving for Queensland on Monday.
  18. What happened to Dec? Just get roughed up a bit in the contested stuff?
  19. During a full ground drill yesterday, Gawn was at the top of the square and someone kicked it to him. Just as he was about to take a fairly high mark, Keilty came from the side and used his body/hip just enough to nudge Maxy to the side and take the defensive mark. Apprently this resulted in a big reaction from the playing group. This was also after Max was doing well and had already taken 3 or 4 good contested marks.
  20. http://www.melbournefc.com.au/video/2017-01-11/jones-on-camp http://www.melbournefc.com.au/video/2017-01-11/jones-on-camp-intensity
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