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Everything posted by Drunkn167

  1. Well for one I was in the ADF for 4 years and I've done sleep dep camps so I definitely do know what I'm talking about But I've actually spoken to someone in great length who actually did the camp and I'm telling you for a fact that is was a lot more extreme then anyone here has ever done, unless they were once elite athletes
  2. This was special forces level training, I very much doubt anyone here has done 'similar camps'
  3. This arguing about whether it was a good experience or not when most of you don't know what you're talking about is getting to me worked up. How can you argue for the agaisnt when the players and the coaches have said they thought it was 1) the hardest thing any of them had ever done in their football careers (Including Lewis who was done some crazy stuff over the years) but 2) most believe was extremely beneficial to their personal development therefore the team development. I have a direct source to the mindset of the playing group, and I can tell you for absolute certainty this camp was indeed a good experience for the club.
  4. You do realise they had less then 2 hours sleep for the whole camp right? After all the super mental physical stuff they did, and then being forced to stay awake for 40 hours straight, that will stuff anyone's ability to think clearly
  5. Love reading through these training threads, keep up the good work fellas. Unfortunately I haven't been able to attend any sessions myself due to work commitments and geographical restrictions. Was planning on going to the Friday session at Casey but since they had to change it, that won't be happening. Can anyone give me an honest review on how Dec is looking at training? Much appreciated.
  6. What do you mean not being paid as such? He still gets a decent wage for someone his age, and it's not that much less then the 1st year national draftees. But he is absolutely loving it, seems to be settling into the training really well with the rest of the group. He said the camp was the hardest thing he has ever done (the things they had to do were insane, like most people would probably die from exhaustion insane) but otherwise it's all good.
  7. Exactly. It was to sure them just how far they can physically and mentally push themselves. Nothing to do with teamwork or fitness, if they weren't fit already they wouldn't have done to them what they did.
  8. The whole group just before the xmas break went on a Boot Camp style, high intensity, sleep depreviation camp with a few ex-special forces guys. The whole squad went. I don't know if I can give out specifics of what they did but I believe there will me a media release/video of the camp. What I do wanna say is over the 3 days, they had less then 2 hours sleep, while doing more intense physical work then they ever have at any training session. Was some crazy stuff.
  9. They essentially do though? With Plapp as Senior Coach and advisory staff to the Casey board, as well as tightening the business connection, they have the same control as any other AFL team has over their VFL teams.
  10. Okay I have one question, The current alignment with Casey has never worked so well, with a full-time Melbourne coach and more funding the club has in just a couple of years gone from the bottom of the VFL to the top, and now with the name change from Scorpions to Demons, this connection is stronger then ever. Why the hell do Melbourne need to ditch this for a 'standalone' team when what they have now is essentially the same thing!?
  11. Couldn't tell you dude pretty sure only the club staff are privledged to that info
  12. As in players or club members? If club members then quite a few, the board and the majority of the older staff/volunteers are basically all old Springvale people. Super nice and welcoming group of people. I highly recommend, if you get the chance, to go down to one of their pre game lunches then talking to the members afterwards, really is a great club to be around, which I guess is why I get very defensive and almost angry when I see people arguing *cough picket cough* to try and sever the tie between this 2 great teams, when people don't even know what they're talking about.
  13. You really shouldn't comment/argue on things when you have no idea what you're talking about man. Maybe next year get down to a couple of VFL games, talk to the players and the club members and you'll see for yourself exactly why the Casey and Melbourne alignment is a great benefit to both clubs.
  14. Because Melbourne singed a business deal with the City of Casey? That's why there's pre season games there, AFLW games there as well as the Melbourne Academy. And why would they when Casey and Melb are working so well together? Cmon dude you've got to at least read the stuff I've said before you reply.
  15. Mebourne has signed a 30 year deal with the City of Casey. Casey had brought Springvale to Casey Fields to 1) bring a VFL team to the area to promote its ongoing football development in the region and 2) revive Springvale from fininacial trouble. Melbourne therefore aligned with Casey to honour there deal with the City. Melbourne has since then lifted Casey to great heights in the VFL for its own development as well as for the good of the region. Now they have strengthened this partnership by renaming Casey from the Scorpions to the Demons, but they recognise the history in which Casey aka Springvale has come from. It would be very rude of them to ignore this history and the Club recognises this, which is why they have made sure the Casey Demons will still honour the Scorpions. Just because it is a VFA club doesn't make it any less special then an VFL/AFL club. In the history of the game, the VFA and VFL/AFL are extremely important in remember where the game came from. So why wouldon't the MFC honour the clubs past?
  16. What do you mean the club doesn't owe Springvale/Casey zilch?! Maybe if MFC went alone and made a solo VFL team the yes, but taking over a club with over 100 years of history doesn't mean you can just do whatever you want with them. And the Club has made it very clear it has a great relationship with Casey and respects the history of Springvale. Not only that but the Casey/Melb alignment has never worked so well and it's doing wonders for the eastern suburbs and young footy development. Why on earth do they need a standalone team when the one they have now is working so god damn well? I'll never understand this argument.
  17. I dunno man. Check out the Facebook comments, all the old supporters are furious over the change. But I don't think any of them read the press release and saw what the club is doing to respect the heritage.
  18. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Casey_Demons "In 2005, to attempt to financially secure its long-term future, the club came to an arrangement with the City of Casey, which had developed the new Casey Fields multi-sports complex in Cranbourne East and was seeking a VFL team to play there. The club moved its training and playing base to Casey Fields in 2006, and changed its name to the Casey Scorpions Football Club " Springvale has been a club since 1903, and has a lot of history. They need to, and are going to, honour the clubs origins.
  19. Port Melbourne already has Grand Old Flag as their song so its not gonna happen.
  20. Nice article about Dec in the local paper https://imgur.com/gallery/4V19X
  21. CD isn't reliable when it comes to this. For instance, because Caddy is ranked as an 'elite midfielder' he is given the same weight as Nat Fyfe, which obviously isn't right. For a much better look at the statistics have a look here https://thearcfooty.com/2016/12/11/how-much-do-midfields-improve-year-to-year/ To me this is much more representative of the current game, and has the Dee's at around the right spot, although I think we all believe it should increase again over the next few seasons
  22. Noted. Thanks mate. Nice work with the Instagram pics btw, I sent him that solo picture you took of him and he really appreciated it.
  23. I'm not. I will still always enjoy my beloved Cats. But after watching many Dee's games, and the majority of Casey games this year, I know a lot more about this club and its players than I do of Geelong. Oh and when your best mate and brother gets drafted to them, it's hard not to change your allegiance
  24. Just to let you all know, I've officially refunded my Geelong membership and have order my Melbourne membership ? Carn the Dee's!
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