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Everything posted by Drunkn167

  1. To a couple of those posters who are discussing field positions and ins and outs, Fritsch played in the WAFL v VFL state game last week so I assume he'll be rested this week having missed out on the bye. Also the field positions are never accurate, Weideman, Keilty and Bull in the backline? Yeah don't think so.
  2. Yes Keilty isn't up too AFL standards yet but "very,very average"? You really don't know what you are talking about man
  3. Dec and Dion Jonhstone spent the weekend up in the NT doing community work, a good write up on their experience http://melbournefc.com.au/news/2017-05-27/dion-and-declans-excellent-adventure
  4. No offense at all, as I said I was just curious as too how other people saw him as a player. Thank you very much for your insight
  5. Just curious, but what did this opposition ruckman have to say exactly?
  6. Gonna be at the game today with my Brother and 2 of our mates, sitting in the reserve seating among the other players and coaches. Hopefully the boys can follow up on last weeks performance and continue what Casey started last night! Carn the Dee's!
  7. I know I'm biased but pretty surprised he didn't get in the best, nearly every Casey player did have a great game though. Missed a set shot after taking a ripper contested mark in the pocket but I thought it was Decs best game of the season. Took a few really important marks, seemed to win the majority of the ruck contests he was in, against a much taller opponent (will be interesting to see his hit out stats) competed really well on the ground and got numerous handballs/clearences out of the contest. He is usually pretty humble when it comes to his performances but he was pretty rapped after the game, probably more due to the fact that it was a great win and the boys did really well, reminded me a bit of the Adelaide game. Lets hope the seniors can do the same agaisnt North tonight!
  8. Best half. This is the Casey of last year playing, their intent and pressure has been immense
  9. Hasn't kicked a goal but is having a cracker of a game!
  10. Amazing start by the boys apart from a few lapses of concentration. This is the Casey of last year we are seeing and the best they have played all year. QT Port lead 5.0-30 to Casey 4.4-28
  11. Was just announced on the Triple M Rush Hour that they had received a text from Jesse's manager saying that he is awake from his surgery and it all went extremely well, good signs!!!
  12. Yeah boys! What a thumping win over there! How good! I picked up $700 too!
  13. Got a funny story to tell. So there was a lot of north supporters at the game today because north sent an email to their members mentioning the game at hoppers crossing had free entry. I was standing next to a bunch of them, and because I was wearing my MFC gear plus I told them Keilty was my brother we had a bunch of friendly banter throughout the game, was a really good day. Lindsay Thomas had a quiet game until the last quarter, and given the dirty hit on Maynard I was giving them lip about Lindsay, which they enjoyed because they knew the hit was dirty. When Werribee was walking off the ground, I yelled out "Enjoy the holiday Lindsay!" to which a bunch of the north boys laughed. Then all of a sudden an official for Weribee, who was wearing a suit, started having a go at me, yelling and pointing "You are a clown mate" to which I said "But he tried to kill someone today mate!" We had a bit more of a laugh whilst the rest of the supporters were looking at me trying to figure out what was going on. It was pretty crazy.
  14. He was very good, made a few mistakes but attacked the ball like crazy. Played in the midlfield most the day hence his high stats but did a lot to put his name back in for selection
  15. Yeah, was very quiet, a Kangas defender kept him goalless (can't remember his name) he killed us in defence today
  16. That was one of the dirtiest hits I've ever seen
  17. Don't get me wrong for the sake of the MFC I agree, but I don't wanna watch a boring Friday night game where the Giants have a super easy win, footy is a spectator sport and I wanna be entertained!
  18. I have high hopes that the Saints will put on a good show against the powerhouse that is the Giants tonight, but it might turn into a blowout.
  19. T.Mac looks pretty good too I reckon
  20. So far I'm loving it, can't figure out contested marking though Keilty looks absolutely nothing like him hahaha nice career/coach mode too
  21. Yep- http://press-start.com.au/news/xbox/2017/05/04/afl-evolution-now-breaking-street-date/ I'm currently off work, hobbling around on crutches after tearing a ligament in my foot during footy on the weekend haha so although I can't drive to my nearest EB games, I've got someone currently going to get it for me, so I'll let you know once it's installed and updated! Here's hoping Dec's character actually looks like him.
  22. Yeah you might be right, I spoke to him twice on the phone yesterday and something wasn't quite right, he seemed kinda out of it.
  23. He'll be right, only very mild. He was adamant that he was still okay to play out the game and apparently became quite aggressive when they wouldn't let him back on but that weren't gonna take any chances given he has a history of concussions
  24. Plus Keilty went off in the first 10 minutes with concussion who was the only other sorta ruckman on the field so Kingy had a huge job, especially agaisnt someone of Stanley's ability
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