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Jumping Jack Clennett

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Everything posted by Jumping Jack Clennett

  1. It was BOTH Giles and Smith, AND behind the play when he was being beaten. Don't forget his cowardly punch of Neil Mc Mullin.
  2. I reckon he's tried his guts out this year. Posters will say that'd be because he wants to raise interest from other clubs. Perhaps, but at least it's better than spitting the dummy like Moloney did last year.
  3. both of them breaking a leg hasn't helped their development.
  4. I thought Chris did pretty well today, but on two occasions when he received good passes, he stopped and waited for the ball,when he should have taken a few steps forward and met it.I was very disappointed to see a fairly experienced player make this basic mistake.I think they both resulted in probable 2 goal turn-arounds.I hope he's learnt from it.
  5. Our inept kick-ins and absence of defence of Richmond's kick-ins were a major factor in our loss today. Just after halftime we were absolutely incapable of clearing the ball from defence after their first three points. Eventually, they goaled. In contrast, when we scored a behind, the ball was cleared quickly to the teeth of their goal without us touching it, every time. I think kick-in tactics are the most easily observable factor for the non-expert fan(like myself) to gauge the coaching. There appears to be a deficiency in this tactic compared to other teams. I wonder how far we are behind other teams in less obvious tactics.
  6. Thanks,Bob. This makes me realise that I'm unclear of the distinction between administration and governance. Peter Jackson was CEO at Essendon, wasn't he? So he had no part in Essendon's governance, just their admin. Though he's acting CEO at MFC , I presume his powers extend beyong admin. into governance.Is that right? I guess it would be right to say that while Essendon's governance was reprehensible, their administration was good. Both have been no good at the MFC. Is governance articulated by the Club's constitution? If so,how often is the constitution reviewed? The CEO executes the directives of the board....correct? If the CEO is doing a bad job, is that because he's not doing what the Board directs, or is it because the Board's directives were ill-advised.? Are the lines of communication between the Football dept and the CEO/Board part of administration or governance? I'd be grateful if you could explain these aspects of the running of our club to me, if you have the time. Thanks.
  7. This is one of the things I'm worried about.Wasn't he at Essendon when their recent administration was in evolution? Hasn't the governance of Essendon's administration been recently described by Afl executives as having failed dreadfully in its duty of care to its players.(the Essendon Board had no idea what substances it's players had been exposed to). Was Mr Jackson at fault at all? How long ago did he leave Essendon? Was it far enough back that he's absolved from blame? Is he in a position to help us? I certainly hope so, because I don't know who else is. I believe he wasn't keen to do the job, but has been promised rewards from the AFL for taking it on. I'm becoming so inured to disappointment from people in power whom I trust at the MFC, I can't help but feel pessimistic about Jackson. I fervently hope my pessimism is ill-founded.
  8. Correct me if I'm wrong, but hasn't Rodan been dropped and promoted on alternate weeks every match this season?!
  9. Ben Sinclair. Coll dropped him after taking him off at half time after a constructive first half. They don' t appreciate "Porky's" son.
  10. but Daniher used to only give him about 40-50 min game time. It used to drive him mad.(personal conversation).
  11. I've been at them all, and will have my annual interstate visit at the Gabba with my footy mates. Thought it was going to be something to dread, but now have developed some optimism!
  12. Exactly right ,Robbie. And in the same game she over-ruled a goal by Cam Bruce saying it was over the line before he gathered the ball,which replays later showed was wrong.I'm not for a moment suggesting she has a vendetta against Melbourne, but it's been amazing how frequently we have been on the unlucky end of her decisions. I'll never forget that game up at Carrara v. Adelaide. It was our third loss in the third game of the season. The next week we had a heroic victory on the SCG ,despite a grossly unfair 50m to Schneider against Rivers resulting in a vital goal to Sydney. Yesterday,If she'd stuck to her opinion with Byrnes' goal,it would have been paid. No one had a better view of that than her....it all happened between her legs!
  13. I heard Andrew Daff left because he wasn't happy to comply with Misson's mumbo jumbo.
  14. I see James has changed his story today.....he DID get injected twice!!!Perhaps he's just realised the implications of denial......the drugs must have been given to players if they weren't given to him.Hes decided to " take one for the team".
  15. I reckon the reason Dank says he injected Hird was to use him as a "smokescreen". It must be known he used the illegal substance, but not on whom. Therefore, if he can suggest it was only given to non-players, both Dank, and the Essendon players are guilt-free. So Hirdy has to"take one for the team". Trouble is, Hird is denying it. What is inescapable is the fact that the Ess admin didn't know exactly WHAT their players were being given. It's amazing that an experienced and respected club doctor, like Bruce Reid, could have let this happen.
  16. This guy worries me. I reckon he was sacked by the AFL for naively firing up the tanking debate while AD was away. He failed to see the ramifications of following up McLean's comments. Government gambling authorities still haven't announced the result of their match fixing probes. At least 8 Clubs are involved, and many millions of dollars earned by AFL Clubs from Poker machines are in jeopardy. I want a CEO with a better understanding of how sport works than a guy who makes errors like that. (especially since so far, we're the only victims of his ineptitude).
  17. Did Demonlanders see Peter Hanlon's article re Hawthorn's turnaround after its 128 pt loss to Carl in 1969?(p51 Age today, Thurs) Another example similar to the ones quoted above, of how it's wrong to panic and lose all hope after thrashings. It seems impossible for us to end up having an improved season after this horrific start. BUT.....time and time again, sides have made remarkable recoveries! (including us!) Keep the faith!! Tell your kids we're still worth barracking for!! Wins are all the more enjoyable when you've experienced what we have. It won't be long.
  18. In 1986 not only did we lose to Ess by122 pts in rd.15, but we lost to Carl by 116 in rd. 10, and Swans by 124 in rd. 17. Haw. Beat us by 11 and 14 goals, and Ess by 10 in the other game. Had Garry Lyon not broken his leg at Footscray in 1987, we might easily have won the premiership,the year after those debacles. I'm not saying that the circumstances are the same now, I'm just making the point that things can look bleak and hopeless, but can change for the better surprisingly quickly.
  19. Not only that, it was in about round 20! I wonder if those Essendon players were thinking about the next year 's flag as they trudged off the ground after losing by 160 points. I wonder if their own supporters booed them. I wonder if the booers felt guilty as they celebrated the 1993 premiership.
  20. In 1992 Hawthorn beat Essendon by 160 points!!! The Bombers won the flag the next year!
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