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Everything posted by Wiseblood

  1. For those who don't want Yarran, and I'm one of them, I want you to pray to any God you believe in that he ends up at the Tigers. He is just the sort of player who will make enough laughable mistakes and cost the Tigers enough games to keep many in the league very, very happy. Do it Chris. Do us all a favour and head to Tigerland.
  2. It's time to come home and make things right Stefan. C'mon mate, you know you want to...
  3. I don't know why players are keen to join the filth. They are treading water and other clubs will be on the up quicker than them.
  4. Another new logo? Can't we just choose one and stick with it?
  5. Took a mark on the back flank in either the first or third term. Kicked the ball inside to Viney and missed while he was under no pressure. Horrible turnover.
  6. I'll put your mind at ease. I snuck down to the rooms before the game in the disguise of a trainer. The boys gave me a few weird looks but I told them I had been helping out at Tami Roos' meditation sessions and that quickly shut them up. Anyway after making sure Bernie Vince was well hydrated and trying to 'trick' Jesse Hogan into signing a new contract under the guise of it being a release form for photos Saty took of him a few weeks ago (he didn't bite) I saw both Tom McDonald and Lynden Dunn head to the toilets at the same time. Intrigued I noticed that, as they went to separate stalls, there was some tension in the air. I pretended to use the urinal and as I did so I proceeded to hear them square off in what can only be described as a 'smelly log' contest. Once it was finished they both emerged from the stalls and Dunn acknowledged that, this week, Tommy Mac's smelly logs were the 'smelliest' and that he would play a bit below par so that Tommy Mac can look better this week. Happy with what I had found out I left. I hope that answers your question Skuit.
  7. Only one I disagree with is Thomas. Didn't earn a single one of those goals. But Higgins was clearly BOG, Hogan was on fire, Cunnington had 30 touches and Goldy was his usual dominant self. Just because he wasn't in the above votes doesn't mean Dawes didn't have a great game too.
  8. Spot on Nash. Dawes always puts the team first, something we haven't had enough of from our players over the last few years. Obviously yesterday's game was a ripper and further proof of what he is capable of - he just needs to do that more consistently and we will have a dangerous forward line on our hands.
  9. Agreed Pipe. I think Howe plays his best footy when he is forced to accountable. He is athletic enough to get to the contests and he is very reliable as a third man up. It's when he goes forward and he is not forced to be accountable that he can go missing and offer us next to nothing.
  10. Why can't they just have an off day? It happens. By your reasoning Brayshaw, Garlett, Harmes, Lumumba, Watts etc shouldn't have played as they got a low possession count, which to you means they didn't perform.
  11. Of course they are. I'm not arguing that. You were saying they shouldn't have played. You're wrong.
  12. Your reasoning is terrible though. If they were REALLY ill then they don't play. Obviously they weren't. Players have off days, we got one from both Jones and Vince. Unfortunate but a fact of life.
  13. Yeah, because Aidan Riley and Rohan Bail would have both done better.
  14. You can get a cold between Thursday morning and Sunday afternoon. Not sure you've thought hard enough about your reasoning.
  15. Just 14 possies for him today. Still had a dip but clearly wasn't as up and about as the previous few months. Flu might certainly explain it. His kick to Brayshaw in third was good and he gets to the right positions, but his disposal otherwise was poor - a case in point his horrible shot on goal and turnover when trying to kick to Viney 25 metres away under no pressure. Having said that dropping him for someone like Riley, Toumpas or even Newton is not much different so there isn't much we can do right now.
  16. We all have. It's no excuse though to be negative about our chances of keeping Hogan around.
  17. As others have said apart from the first quarter we played some fantastic footy. Some of the best in years. But the game summed as up as to where we are at at the moment. We still can't maintain the great football we are capable of, but we can sustain it for longer than last year and we play a better brand of footy. Hogan is a gun and Dawes FINALLY played as well as we all want him to. Now he needs to keep it up. There are good times ahead guys. As a side note - Michie is not up to it. Butchered the footy ALL day. Those crying out for him to get a full run - you got it and he fluffed it. No good.
  18. Or Prestia is honouring the final year of his contract to see if the Suns improve under Eade without so many injuries. Bottom line is that it's pretty clear he isn't going anywhere until the end of next season. If I were GC I'd be backing the club to bounce back next year and that will have a roll on effect for guys like Prestia to re-sign beyond 2016, so I can't see them trading him.
  19. Are you going to be one of those guys that turns up at the silly season, makes copious amounts of claims about what's happening and gets next to none of them right?
  20. Keep dreaming boys. Time to move on to other targets this year and focus on Prestia again at the end of 2016. Have you spoken to Mahoney? Viney? Roos? If you haven't then you can't guarantee a thing mate.
  21. I want to preface this comment by saying I'm not a Dawes apologist at all. For someone on his coin he needs to do more and do it more often. However - how often do you see Dawes playing in a position where he can kick goals? With Hogan in the side he generally plays closer to goal while Dawes generally plays further up field. I know that doesn't excuse the poor return but more often than not Roos seems to use Dawes as the link up man with Hogan out of the square. I might be going blind but I see Hogan being hit up on a lead inside 50 on a far more regular basis than Dawes. I don't want this to seem an excuse for Dawes as 6 goals for a key forward is not good, but he isn't given the same opportunity to kick them he once was and with him giving Gawn a chop out in the ruck he is spending less and less time in a position to hit the scoreboard.
  22. I fail to see your point budge. Being negative for negative's sake? We are certainly up and down but the formula clicked very well last week.
  23. Hogan and Garlett both have the potential to kick 40 goals for the season. If you said both would get that at the beginning of the year everyone would have taken it. It's a big positive. Obviously the rest isn't great and we still struggle sometimes to find goals from other parts of the ground, but if we can improve on this in 2016 then we'll improve further on this year.
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