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Everything posted by Wiseblood

  1. Totally uninspiring changes... but that's a good thing. Aside from a few players missing we have a pretty strong team in at the moment and that means the players we need to bring in are not going to fill us with excitement. I'll be interested to see if Roos bites the bullet and selects Jamar or sticks with the current formula.
  2. 'Chopper' Lovell used to tell a great story about Jako at training where there would be times where Jako would train for 10-15 minutes, claim he needed to go to the toilet and then not return. It's also been mentioned that during these times things would go missing from a few peoples bags as well. I still love the great man. What a player he was!
  3. I think we are a tiny, miniscule, sneaky chance on the weekend. If we can keep their big fellas quiet and restrict Goldstein's influence then anything is possible.
  4. How dare you try and keep this on topic C&B!
  5. I get the cheeky part. But if there are enough of you on Facebook who can put in that sort of money then wouldn't it be better spent on things that can be used around the club, rather than on a fine that is like loose change to someone like Nate Jones? Just a suggestion. And disagreeing isn't the same as complaining. Some actually agreed, others thought it was silly. That's the nature of the beast.
  6. Would half the people on these Facebook pages be able to afford putting something in? Most of them seem to be 14 year old kids who want to talk rubbish or spout unsubstantiated rumours that they got from their friends turtles cab driver. This below is what we should be focusing on: I don't know what paying Jones' fee achieves. You wrestled someone for 10 seconds so we'll pay for your fine? Seems misguided to me Stu. I applaud this 'toughness' but I'll tip something in when the club actually does something come September.
  7. What's next? Stuie serving the next two week suspension that one of our players gets? Actually that's an idea I can get behind...
  8. Let it go Stuie. Seriously. We don't need you dribbling everywhere each time Kent is mentioned on Demonland.
  9. Pressure is the word. As long as Hogan bounces up from a marking contest and puts pressure on the ball carrier then he is doing his job. It's up to the little fellas like Garlett to anticipate where the ball is headed from that pressure and lay the tackles. In this regard Hogan more often than not does his job.
  10. The club has stuck by Gawn through his injuries and shown faith in him. Now it's time for him to do the same.
  11. We really missed him during the middle of the year. Provides toughness mixed with some run and carry and an air of arrogance about his play as well. It's been said numerous times but Jason Taylor pulled off a recruiting coup here.
  12. I worry about the bloke's mental state. He is clearly losing the plot.
  13. Goodvibes is right here OD. There is no need to go 'back to reality' only a few days after a win. Enjoy it as much as you can. I look forward to watching Footy Classified tonight to see them discuss how good the win was, what a pick up Bernie Vince has been etc. Sure beats the weeks where we get beaten. I won't stop enjoying it until our next loss.
  14. What a life you lead OD. If only we could live in perpetual negativity like you. I stuck it up every Pie supporter I know today and read every footy article I could get my hands on. Nothing like a win over the filth to kick start a good week!
  15. He has struggled big time since he got injured. I've got faith, another pre-season under his belt will hopefully help in this regard. He did, however, lay 9 tackles so the effort is there. He just needs it all to click.
  16. Amazing, isn't it? Had the boys defended for 40 seconds against the Saints and kicked straight against Essendrug then we are one game out of the 8. One. It's almost hard to believe. Clearly we aren't ready to be a finals side but had anybody here said we could possibly be 8-9 at this stage of the season we all would have taken it. Obviously that hasn't happened but it just goes to show how much we have improved and matured as a side. We have a long way to go but we've also come from such a long way back.
  17. We HAVE to beat Carlton. No excuses there. That would give us 7 wins which is good improvement, although if we can sneak one more win and get 8 then we've doubled our wins from last year and the players head into the pre-season with confidence.
  18. This is spot on. Our forward line will revolve around Hogan and we need to do everything in our power to provide the set up that gets the best out of him.
  19. His 60m pass to Garlett against Geelong where he pushed past two players and ran the lines was a ripper as well. Lumumba has done a variety of good things this year but has largely been asked to play more negating roles than he was asked to do for the Pies. He certainly hasn't had a good year by his standards but Roos is asking him to do things he hasn't been required to do in the past.
  20. And if we can hopefully add another good free agent to that mix then we are starting to look like a good football side.
  21. I believe Roos said recently they see Frost as a long term backman. He will be a handy addition to the side next year.
  22. He doesn't know any different. Easiest thing is to just let him be.
  23. Tipping point for threads that 'go too early' have well and truly been reached.
  24. 6 goal win over the pies means minimal changes. Michie makes sense as he was subbed and both Harmes and ANB showed enough to get another run. Michie our for Salem, if he gets through today, would be the logical way to go.
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