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Everything posted by stevethemanjordan

  1. How he got that far up his own arse, I will never know.
  2. I gave examples of mistakes they continue to make and eventually we will need to eradicate these if we are to get to continue to improve. Their form for now is indeed what will decipher their presence in the team, however over time I hope that it will not be form alone as these players are not well rounded enough and are too limited as players. I am aware that we are still making baby steps as a side, consolidating a best 22 for now and still learning and fine tuning the way in which Paul Roos wants us to play. However, I'm also aware that with recruiting and development of other young players on our list, we will need player upgrades. Those who display a greater number of attributes will obviously fill positions available from players who are more limited in ability. I don't know why I'm bringing this up because I know you're more than aware, but your response confused me. We will continue to add quality to our list now that the recruiting department looks to be in 'working order' as well as our development program and standard of coaching. Viney, Toumpas, Salem, Barry will hopefully, after enough development and natural maturity take the positions currently held by McKenzie, Bail, Nicholson, Evans.
  3. Would be handy having them, however, I maintain that it's far more important having a fit and firing midfield. And by that, I mean about 15 or 16 potential mids fighting nail and tooth for limited spots in our best 22. Hogan/Dawes and Frawley/Dunn/McDonald are fine for now. Garland will be back hopefully round 2 and Clark can wait for now. We're not playing for finals just yet..
  4. Dknow about Bail getting me overly excited... He definitely got himself in the game, provided great run and support and hit some targets. However, his two set shots and a few targets he missed are still very damaging to the team, especially when we have a couple of others in the team in the same boat. Nicholson, McKenzie perhaps Evans. Some of the targets Vince was hitting were just really smart kicks that were opening up play. Toumpas has the same ability as does Trengove and even Jones has fantastic vision and really splits the defence open with his kicks. Over-time we're going to need players who can commit to and execute these kinds of kicks if we're going to match it with the best. I still see McKenzie handballing to players right next to him because he doesn't have the vision or smarts to go for those kicks. I'm probably nitpicking, but it's important for the team that we get the balance right. Hawthorn are the absolute pinnacle of what I'm talking about. Players who split teams apart with their foot skills and many of those players still possess fantastic endurance, contested ball winning ability etc. They're an unbelievable side to watch.
  5. Well spotted. After seeing him move so fluently last week, I have no concerns for him going forward this year. I'm still in disbelief as to how much of a difference both Vince and Cross made to the team and especially to the performance and output levels of players like Trengove and some of our bottom-tier players like Bail. Tyson and Viv helped a bit with this as well. This holding of possession game-style we've seemed to have adopted will bode well for Trengove as well as he can use his strong endurance to keep providing options. When the opportunity presents itself to really break through defence on the counter, players like Toumpas, Blease and Watts will be valuable for that kind of an attack. Really looking forward to seeing how we standup against Geelong and Hawthorn in these praccie games.
  6. I don't know about this, although I understand why you'd think that... Players can still develop at the top level whilst playing particular roles and I reckon Toumpas will play the majority of games for us, providing he contributes and plays his role. His skills and decision making are too good for Casey, Roos would know this. And whilst his body is still maturing, he'll be played as a half forward who uses his running ability to get into open space and then use the footy with deadly precision. Lewis Jetta played the same role early on when he developed his tank even though his speed is more like Blease's. People easily confuse midfielders and what's required of them early on. The Wines and Toumpas argument is a bore and is absolutely pointless. They are two completely different body shapes, have different game styles, and different attributes. You need a mix of types of players through the midfield and if we had drafted Wines, it possibly would have changed the outcome of the mids we recruited this year.. I'm happy we have Toumpas, we have enough ball winners now but we lack players who can tear teams apart with their foot skills. Toumpas, Salem, Vince and Watts over the next couple of years will really help with that side of our game. It's just as important as having ball winners. Get behind the young fella. He has a driven mind, wants to succeed. He'll be a ripper.
  7. There would be nothing more in the world that would make me happier than hearing Frawley and Roos extending their contracts with the MFC by seasons end. And by extending, I mean Roos realising that it is he who wants to take us all the way to a premiership. Succession mcmession. Let me dream..
  8. For me he is nothing but a backup to someone like Dawes/Hogan or perhaps a a tall defender if they go down. If we had an injury free forwardline to choose from, he wouldn't be getting a gig. Nothing against him, but we certainly have players who can contribute a lot more and don't make as many errors on game day. We need to squeeze him out of the best 22 eventually. Nothing wrong with him trying his guys out to earn a cemented spot, will only help our performances while the quality talls are down.
  9. Howe's an extremely versatile player so I wouldn't worry about it being overcrowded. He is deceptively quick and agile and has beautiful hands so once the ball hits the deck, he still very dangerous and can absolutely be another crumbing option if not in the marking contest. We saw the forward pressure he applied on Friday night. He's a ripper, Howe.As far as the forward line itself, I agree with WYL. Hogan, Clark and Dawes are only going to provide more chances of scoring. It's all about our midfield. We need to be able to win enough of the ball, keep hold of it and defend fantastically when we don't have it to remain competitive during games this year. We saw some really positive early signs on Friday, however Geelong and Hawthorn will be great tests for those three key midfield indicators as to whether or not we can stay with the best. If Geelong and Hawthorn play strong sides against us, we'll be up against stronger bodies at the contest, we'll be under greater pressure when we try and play our possession game, and they'll be smoother on the fly when attacking. I can't wait to see how we standup. It's just a bonus that we have such a dangerous forward line on paper, but as many have pointed out on this thread already, it's the midfield that will decide whether or not we're competitive throughout games. Positive signs though.. Go Dees
  10. Doesn't need to. What is an ocean but a multitude of droplets. It's the start that we needed and that in itself is significant enough.
  11. So it was, however none of our wins were convincing under him. Even in the nab cup. Last night was the first time there were passages of slick, smart and structured football in a long time..
  12. Well, for anyone that had low expectations, I'm sure that's changed. I thought he showed a lot, and I've always thought he was a great get. Good skills, solid tackler, smart player, knows where to run. Regardless of the fact he's played half a 'real game', he's a definite upgrade from players like Bail and Nicho. We've taken pressure off those lesser players now with our depth through the midfield. Makes a helluva lot of difference. Whoever the poster was that said he heard a player say, "Viv will start at Casey" must have certainly made it up.
  13. I will eat humble pie. Never understood the pick at the beginning, (of course I'm no expert) but last night you could really see he knew exactly what he was doing. Unbelievable positional and body use for a first gamer. Regardless of the fact it was a praccie game. He looked very comfortable out there. Shocking kicking action indeed but it's clear he's aware of that weakness and still made the right decisions. Good backup to have.
  14. If you can't tell the difference between last night's win, and the one against Collingwood this time last year, god help you son. Some people just don't get it.
  15. I reckon Terlich's disposal is talked about way too much. He more often than not makes the right decision and uses it well. He's got mongrel, he's a good mark, fast and last night was a cracker. He's easily in our starting back 6 for me.
  16. And to think there are still some saying, 'it's only the NAB cup'... If people can't see the difference between tonight's performance and any game we played under Mark Neeld and most of Dean Bailey's then there's something wrong with you. As Nasher has said, we played and looked like a team. We looked solid everywhere on the ground, (with an exception of the forward line for obvious reasons). Look at the numbers we had hunting the ball, look at the confidence and hunger our midfielders played with. Look at the difference Cross, Vince, Michie and Tyson had on the entire midfield dynamic. We had structure. The win tonight was nothing like the win we had against the pies this time last year. It was a beautiful game to watch. It's not as if we won because the tiges played poorly or didn't have a strong enough side. We won because a number have things have changed at the MFC in a short period of time. Of course everyone will be playing it down, but I'll tell you now the lid is well and truly off for me... If that's the kind of footy we're destined to play, we're all in for a very nice surprise.... PS - Hogan, Dawes, Viney and Clark. Go dees
  17. I can never for the life of me understand these responses. It's as if you're saying you have no choice in reading or responding to any thread on this forum. Knick off if there's a topic you don't like. How hard is it, really? As for Sylvia, it was always going to be the case when he got to Freo. The guy has formed lazy habits, partly thanks to our club. He's never had a coach who was able to really wake him up, and if Ross can't to some extent, then I don't know what to say.. Anyway, I hope this gives some insight into how players are shaped by their environment. Watch Viv this Friday night and take a look at his work rate and concentration levels. I won't care about numbers at this stage, I just want to see him working hard and playing hard, team first footy with intensity. He'll bring it in bucket-loads if we're comparing him to Sylvia. And it's because he's had it drilled into him at Freo when he couldn't crack a game.
  18. Tyson, Hogan and Grimes. With our improvement we'll be having more of the ball so individual scores will go up. Hogan and Tyson both have been in the system ling enough and will be great for making some $. Grimes will be back to his best.
  19. * Seeing how our side has adopted Roos' game style.. * Observing a completely new midfield unit with Tyson, Michie, Cross and Tyson, a former number 2 draft pick. * A second year Viney (although may not play) and Toumpas who we've heard has been tearing up the track. * A glimpse of the future with Salem and JKH who are both reportedly training well. Whilst it would have been fantastic to see Hogan and Dawes play, there's still plenty to look forward to. Dknow how people aren't excited... Footy is back already, and we've got much to look forward to.
  20. It's the sad reality of it. Still consolidating best 22 spots during praccie games..Looking forward to the day when we can use the games for tweaking game style and looking at blooding youngsters that have been on the list for a couple of years and are desperate to get a gig.. What a time that will be. Baby steps for now.
  21. It's horses for courses peeps. I can hear those saying 'Roos never took NAB cup seriously etc', but he is not at Sydney. He's at Melbourne and is acutely aware of the importance a winning feeling brings to a group of players who have zero confidence and can barely remember the club song. That's where we're at.. I'm not saying the goal is to win every praccie game. I understand it's about learning and understanding the game-style he wants and for individuals to show they can play certain roles. But he won't be holding them back. He'll be consolidating a best 22 for round one and with these practice games I'm sure he'd understand the benefits of some wins and good showings. Even if it is against stronger teams who are perhaps tweaking their own side a bit and playing more inexperienced players. It all helps, and whilst 'winning' the games is not the point, you can't argue that wins won't help our momentum going into round 1. It's the MFC here. Not any other club.
  22. Team name: stevethemanjordan Leagues seem to be full, if someone could add me that would be mint.
  23. What I mean to say is a Round 1 win will be the difference and decider of how we go during the first handful of matches. If we can get up at etihad, we then play at our home ground against the eagles which will be a big challenge but one that is very winnable if we're riding high from the previous week. It will bring the supporters out in force. Honestly round 1 for us is our grand final. It's going to be the catalyst for change. Our players need a change in their mentality and confidence and this can be the switching point. We've seen what positive energy and confidence does to teams. They play like possessed demons. Roos will know this, regardless of whether or not it's talked up publicly, (which I'm sure it won't be). Can't wait.
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