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Everything posted by stevethemanjordan

  1. It's a real shame Clark hasn't been on the park much over the last couple of years as I see him as a very influential leader. We're all aware the MFC really need to nurture and develop our younger players and help breed new leaders amongst the group. With that in mind, the perfect scenario for me is having Clark, Jones and Grimes as captains. We have all lines covered that way and it obviously means they share the load and can really own the line they look after. Jones would have fantastic support in Cross and Vince as other senior players, Grimes has Frawley and Garland as great support and Clark would have Dawes as another senior support in his division. I understand it's unlikely given how little Clark has played, but he is a massive presence for us when on the park and we know he can perform. I would live to see the player vote him in and hopefully he stays fit before round 1. This is what I hope for.
  2. Well clearly there is in his opinion. And I'd almost have to agree. It's the best I've seen. We understand you're impartial to any/all which is why you continue to say such things!
  3. With you there. I can't understand the argument against performing well in pre-season games. If there are people out there who believe that us getting flogged during these three pre-season games won't have any effect on the teams' psyche going into round, then y'all are delusional. We're still an extremely fragile club who don't know how to win. If we were to win the all three games of the pre-season, we'd be walking 50% taller going into round 1. Pre-season form does matter to us. I'm sure Roos will play it down to the media because he won't want to add pressure. Even the triple header game last year against North and Richmond, you could see such a contrast between how fluently they moved the ball in comparison to us. It's all about building our confidence for the season opener, and from there, anything could happen.
  4. The training jumper is great. Very slick indeed.
  5. It's beyond me also... Simulating match like drills at a high intensity over the course of a couple of hours seems the most logical approach to improving teams. It's football specific running. A tailored running program made for AFL football whilst still working on the skills required.
  6. Yes, and that's why he needed to stay there for much longer than he did - which as you've pointed out - was the club's fault at the time. Of course I am aware of his conditioned pattern of disliking physical contact, but I am absolutely 100% of the opinion that if he were at a club who really put the right people in place to nurture and develop this glaring weakness that he still portrays on the field, he'd be much further developed. Being cellar dwellers at the time, those in charge were more interested in earning the club some financial relief in June rather than developing a raw but talented kid who deserved to be nurtured in a much more sensitive way. You're kidding yourself if you think it hasn't contributed to his lack of development in that area of his game. He wasn't required to address it for the first half of his career!
  7. Well C&B, there's a psychological component to playing the game at the highest level which I'm sure you're aware of.Watts has never possessed a strong psychological approach at the highest level, and I'd argue that playing him so early in his AFL career, (in our biggest game of the year) has contributed to this slow development. Do you disagree? I'm speaking about the mentality and confidence a young player should have before being played at the top level. Especially a physically immature number 1 draft pick. Let's say he was picked by West Coast instead of us that year. I'm sure they would have taken a much more conservative approach. They would have nurtured him through the WAFL and really made sure he was ready mentally and physically before he got a game. It's what strong clubs do. We weren't and are not one.
  8. Playing him that early in his career, in that particular games has 100% contributed to his perceived 'slow development' as well as the the unrealistic expectations supporters placed on him, including myself.Maybe not the tackle. But definitely that game.
  9. They're chalk and cheese as others have said. I have no worry whatsoever. I will play round 1. He will hold his own I'm sure. And by the middle of the season I'm sure we'll see some impressive performances. That's being realistic. He's not the kind of player to have no impact in a game. He's too competitive, too strong, too agile and too quick to not contribute. I expect to see a solid game in round 1 and from then on every game he'll play with more confidence. No need to worry about Hogan. At all.
  10. A few questions for anyone in attendance: 1 - Has Kent shed any kg's to date? I understand he's been restricted but I'm hoping to see a body shape change for him come next year. 2 - How did Tyson train today? Intensity, skills, voice etc 3 - Have Watts' training habits changed noticeably? Intensity ? Thank you in advance
  11. If Frawley leaves, I'll be furious with him. For someone of his capabilities and age, his onfield leadership as an observer from the last couple of years has been very disappointing in my eyes. As a FB he is no doubt one of the best in the league, but when it comes to leadership, playing for the jumper, flying the flag, barking instructions etc, I see absolutely zilch. He cuts an extremely intimidating figure, yet he plays for himself and doesn't intimidate anyone. If he had the drive, he could be an unbelievable key back but he's happy to be just 'one of the boys' and be another 'footballer'. I fear he lacks a bit up top to understand this. He is a player that could grab our side or at least the back six and say 'come with me'. Just like Harley did at the Cats. I'm sure many will disagree, but Frawley needs to offer a whole lot more to our side next year.
  12. Yes. I'm still amazed Bail is on the list, and when playing against Nicho in the Amo's before he was drafted, I couldn't believe that we took him. Baffling that there are that many players in the Amo's who I'd confidently say could be on AFL lists and providing a lot more than what Nicho has given us. Anyway, great to read the positives as always, thanks for the report.
  13. I don't know what any of that means.I envy the club beyond words and pray that one day we'll become one of the most profitable clubs again.
  14. Collingwood have just passed the 60k mark before chrissy.... Who was it who opened this thread?
  15. I agree. This year was the season from hell thanks to an incompetent coach who lost all of his players. The list and quality of players getting games through the midfield was not good enough and it was just a snowball effect for the remainder of the season. There's no way there'll be a repeat next year, regardless of Roos' 'we're a two game win side' comment. There'll be huge improvement across the entire list, especially the midfield and our players will play for their coach. You can lock it.
  16. Cross, Vince and Jones as experienced and proven mids. Sylvia is not a proven mid, no matter how 'experienced' he may be in terms of games played. His output and endeavour aren't anywhere near the three above so losing him and gaining Vince and Cross already improves the midfield.Tyson and Michie - It doesn't bother me that Tyson has only played 13 games. If you watch some of those games he played, he plays as if he's been playing for over 100 games. Tough, skilled and smart. Michie is unproven at AFL level but there's a reason we drafted him. So he can play regular AFL footy in our midfield. Big bodied, tough, skilled and smart. Both of them give us more versatility and running power and depth if they don't start in the square. They are upgrades from Bail, Evans, McKenzie, Matt Jones etc. Trengove, Howe and Watts - All talented. All will play better, harder and more consistent footy than this year. They will respond to a coach that they respect. Viney and Toumpas - Second year. Obviously they'll improve because of our midfield additions. Toumpas fit and more confident. Viney to be even harder. McKenzie, Matt Jones, Kent, Bail, Evans, Tapscott etc all have pressure taken off. Only a good thing. RPFC, if you compare this to Port's midfield you'll see there's not a huge amount of difference. They have a few experienced mids at the top and then some genuine talent. It's the same with us now. The other addition is a coach that the players will play for. I'm not sure why anyone thinks we're not going to improve by much. Our midfield is a lot stronger, our Coach is a lot more competent and we have the easiest draw again.
  17. Port did it, we can too. It only takes a Coach who can get their players to respond as well as some talent on the list. Especially the midfield. And now we have that. Maybe not top 8. But an out of sight improvement upon this year.
  18. The game plan is not going to be very different at all. However, the way we execute it will be noticibly different. The intensity, uniformity, respect, accountability and concentration I expect, will also be different. Paul Roos commands respect and inspires players. Neeld did not. Paul Roos has brought with him a lighter feel at the training track much in the same way Bailey's training was conducted. He is a personable coach who forms string bonds with individual players and has a track record of getting the best out of them. Neeld did not, has not and will not. Dean Bailey didn't have a game plan but was a fantastic communicator and developer of young players. Mark Neeld had a game plan, couldn't communicate, didn't command respect and the players lost all confidence in the team and their own ability. Paul Roos knows what game plan will work and is renown for being one of the best (if not, the best) development coaches within the AFL. He commands respect, instils confidence, inspires players and this will prove the difference. It's all about how the players respond to him. And they will respond. New midfield, a fit Clark, a new Hogan and a team that will individually and as a team play so much better. As soon as we get a taste of that winning feeling against the Saints, it will catapult our confidence and we'll have a season many didn't see coming. I'm a firm believer of this.
  19. If Jones continues the form he's shown from the last two seasons as our midfield improves, he'll be thrust into AA contention for sure. Then we'll be able to call him A grade. He's gotta continue this consistency though. Otherwise he'll be another mid who had two great seasons in abysmal years for the club. Cross Vince A fit Trengove Viney Toumpas Tyson Michie Watts Howe Providing they all play the majority of the season, Jones shouldn't have trouble continuing his great form from that kind of support. There's talent and depth there. We know Cross and Vince don't have trouble finding the pill. Trengove should be a massive improvement from last years. Viney will only improve and the same with Toumpas. Jones is a B grade mid and that's only because of the team he's playing in. Give him two more seasons of playing the way he does matched with genuine improvement as a team and he'll be held in much higher regard. He reminds me of Boak really. I want him made captain also.
  20. As others have said Nasher, the bloke is about 187 cm. I don't care how good a lock down player he is at SANFL level. Put him in place of Frawley playing on Franklin or Tippet and all they'll have to do is stand there, put their hands to the sky and the ball is in them. Sure there are KP backs like Gibson and Grundy who stand around the 190cm mark, but they are built like raging bulls and use their frames to amazing effect. Georgiou is nowhere near the size of those two. Anyway, I'm ranting on without having seen a single match of his so I'll stop. But I disagree that he was brought in as backup for someone like Frawley.
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