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Everything posted by stevethemanjordan

  1. Says zilch about his footballing ability though, doesn't it. He's been delisted by two clubs. No.
  2. The act of engaging between two in this case. It doesn't interest me in who started. The point is you've engaged. For you to think its an amusing pastime is even more baffling. Schadenfreude is what it is.
  3. Please apply for a job at the MFC for guernsey design BB, thanks.
  4. The most interesting and intriguing thing about all of this, is that you, in all your infinite wisdom feel the need to engage in personal attacks with another poster for their physical appearance on an AFL supporters forum. For someone with much to give when it comes to knowledge of the game, I think there are a couple of other areas in your life you need to work on Ben. You got a lot bottled up big guy.
  5. I don't think there's one forward going around that would be able to mark a ball if a defender 'blocks their run'. You can't do much if a defender blocks your run when your eyes are at the ball coming in. Not only that, you're not allowed to do it. So really it's a positive that you're talking about such an issue. Teams know that he'll mark anything if he gets a jump at it, so if trying to block his run is their only rebuttal, watch the free kicks come our way. He's not a stay at home forward so I think it's pointless to talk about him not being as strong one on one. If we kick to his advantage, he'll mark it every time. He was never built like a strong bodied full forward. He doesn't play like one. If you kick the ball to an advantageous position to where Howe and he's man are, I'll back him 9/10 times to use his aerial ability and mark the ball. It's the same with Fyfe. To date, I've seen very few occasions where Howe has needed to use his body strength to outmuscle his opponent to mark a ball. It's a non-issue. If we have players that are kicking it to the middle of Howe and a bigger bodied opponent, then it's the kicker that's the problem. If you're going to bring up Howe's lack of body strength in one on one contests you may as well bring up McKenzies lack of... most things?
  6. That's already one hundred times better in my view. Great job bb.
  7. Have been told by someone who works closely with Hines in recruiting that on the night of the draft he was battling with a severe case of gout in his right toe. I'm not certain, but I reckon it would be safe to assume that the facial expression made during the pies selection 10 call was attributed to the sudden and intense pain one feels when attacked with gout.
  8. I don't care for the relevance of the white, or for the history of our jumper designs, or that we should 'concentrate on winning games instead of talking about our clash strip'. This is a thread about Guernseys. And our clash one is utter shite in my view. And I hope that it will revolve one day.
  9. This may have been answered somewhere, but is one of the reasons why our clash jumper is predominantly white because of these 'rules' people speak of?
  10. Your desire to make your opinion sound more convincing than the rest by claiming mine as 'the greatest crap you've ever read' shows how big that ego of yours can get Ben. I agree with much of what you post, but you still have an unfortunate knack of trying to belittle the opinion's of others on here in order for you to stand out. Whether you're conscious of it or not doesn't matter. It's plain for all to see with the language you choose. As for my first comment, I regret saying that Salem's body shape resembles that of an ectomorphs as it's not the entire truth. There's a distinct difference between someone like Morton and Salem. And then Salem and Freeman. We've seen some skinny guys find it surprisingly easy to put on weight. Fyfe is an example. Even within the Ectomorph, Mesomorph and Endomorph model there are still extremes and inbetweens. And then of course cases like Fyfe who as a skinny youngster, has put on considerable size. I've started something I didn't mean, and I'm not for one minute saying Salem's body shape will effect his career. And I do believe he'll fill out nicely. What I should have said was Salem's body seems to be more Ectomorph like than Hannebery, which was in reference to what Arrow was saying. Nothing else. Not, he is and Ectomorph. Perhaps I shouldn't have said anything at all.. Back to the thread. I'm a strong believer that Salem was a sound choice at that pick and will bring a lot to the footy club.
  11. It ain't a load of trash, and you've taken the whole thing out of context Master. We were talking about the body shapes of Salem and Hannebery and that's where I made the comment. Nobody is talking about the relevance of Salem's biceps, no need to make out that we are. Relax.
  12. Let's say between Ectomorph and Mesomorph. But he's on the the leaner/slimmer side of Meso. Not that this is an argument to get into because I don't believe that he'll never fill out. He just won't be built like Scott Thompson.Regardless, players start weight training before Tac cup level and then throughout until they're drafted. He has more than 'touched' a weight.
  13. Agree 100%Jordan Lewis and Luke Hodge are perfect examples. They've filled out now sure, but during under 18's they still played with the same aggression and ferocity. Size can help in some cases yes, but I'd argue the way someone plays is decided by their mentality.
  14. Interesting. Where are you playing nowadays Arrow? Agree their body shapes are very different regardless of what they weigh at present. Salem seems like an Ectomorph so will never become beefy. I'm sure he'll fill out but he'll always be lean.
  15. Perhaps good coaching. Perhaps good kicking.Blease is a conundrum. His standout attribute is obviously speed. However he's not damaging enough when it comes to using the footy. It will be interesting to see what comes of him. All of his footy pre AFL has been played on the wing and he stood out clearly because of his pace. He's gotta find something more to bring to the table for us, as we know you can't rely solely on speed at the top level. We've seen glimpses. But he needs to find a gear or two in 2014. If he can improve the following areas significantly, then we'll have a solid contributor. Endurance Defensive pressure Kicking Of course one could argue that our entire team could benefit from having these three areas improved, but I reckon Blease is pretty one dimensional at present and hasn't offered a whole lot more.
  16. Well it's good to hear then Dees2014. Appreciate your observations I'm sure they will all have a spring in their step knowing Roos is lurching. That'll be a huge confidence booster on its own. Surely this is the season we see a rise. We'll see how high. I'm also one to get overly excited over pre-season only to be let down as everyone else has.
  17. I don't mean to sound like a negative nelly but everyone can look good at training. Everyone. The intensity is pleasing of course. But I do remember hearing the same about pre-season last year. And we all know what followed on from that.
  18. One thing that baffles me is wherever you read Salem's bio, his height reads differently. Is it that hard to measure someone's height? Surely the players' measurements were taken at the draft combine which is what should be feeding the Journo's that are writing this up. I noticed The Age and The Hun both differed when it came to Salem's height... Not surprising. Ahh the little things. As for Salem himself. Very excited to see this guy play and I'm confident we've made another fantastic decision that will pay big dividends in a few years. Tyson and Salem for pick 2 Hogan and Barry for Tom Scully Do not underestimate these two strokes of luck/genius. Long way to go but I see a spark.
  19. So do I...Because Hawthorn have added another gem to their almighty list.
  20. He was at the 'suns'. As for mature bodies and stats. The first is talked about way too much, especially when a player has little ability. (Mav Weller in this case). Having a mature body won't magically give you the basic skills you need to posses at this level. The second point. Stats.. Again, numbers give me the shits. Gysberts and Morton. Have a look at their stats early on in their careers and tell me what they're up to nowadays? I think for our football club at present, we need genuine talent and ability. Players who are gifted AFL players. Players who I know will make sound decisions under pressure and hit targets. Be able to handball, mark well and block. We need players who can do the basic AFL skills very well. Mav Weller may 'fill a hole' for a club that are looking for a specific role. One that won't require him using the football much. Perhaps a stopper. We don't need any of those. We still have enough players on our list who have the same skill set as him and we'll need to squeeze them out over the next few drafts, not add another one.
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