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Everything posted by Rocknroll

  1. Loving the oliver hate from other team supporters ....they are just catching on to just how good he is
  2. 2 x 90K crowds at the g on a friday night, with mostly dee fans, maybe itis time we are due for a few more prime time friday fixtures....just saying
  3. Pretty sure I am going to hear the NAtional anthem as the last song pre game, followed by a deafening "Carn the Dees"
  4. The weid blooms in september..... that that copy editors at the hun...
  5. Really cant wait for the posts from the guys that struggle home in spring dawn light.... enjoy this guys we monstered them cats fans not reponding to messages...... shoe on the other foot
  6. Hopefully cooper has some of his dads skills.......no pressure
  7. Only If he grows the dreadlocks back
  8. From titus "After the game, a lot of people contacted me to say I’d have to give up my ski lodge booking now. How little people understand us Melbourne supporters, we don’t book ski lodges; we own them."
  9. I dont get to the footy much as i live overseas, but i was lucky to see his first game v the doggies. Saw a nuggerty young bloke who played hard for every contest. Not much has changed except a few less folices and a few more tatts. well done jonesy, a mfc great
  10. Hogan ran a lazy 16.8Km today. Not a bad effort for a big lad
  11. So what is anb’s role? Hard to see from overseas. Does he take the dasher of the back flank. Does he guard space? He has not been as effictive this year, but running serious km during game. Hard to see in the telly where is he running to
  12. Spot on with harmes. Needs to start doing the little thing better not pretend he is nat fyfe
  13. Hoping this game proves my theory that the game plan is more suited to the dome than MCG. Hogan to kick 6
  14. My trouble with strech Mark 2 is his kicking lacks penetration. Most the time he's was rushed due to a fumble. But his kick were lobs forward. Compare that to Hogan darts he was firing in
  15. I asked in post match thread, where is he and strech running to? A km per touch is notgreat reward. Is he guarding or creating space? Because they were not using this run last night but hard the see the effort on the screen.
  16. Questionfor those at the game. Hard to see from overseas but the afl tracker has ANB and strech whith hugh kms and high kms at speed. Are they runnng around in circles? What is all this running for? Defensive positions? It is not to go get the ball. Though both were very poor, are they running around like a headless chooks?
  17. Im in nz, got the kids to bed, cracked a beer. Allready to watch. then 5mins in flicked to third. Got the score, tried for 10 mins to start again from the start, but only let me watch fron the third. Got stuck in some sort of loop. Did the usualy re boots. Would let me watch the cats game fine. wrote an angry email, whatched a sh#& final quarter now super [censored].
  18. The Torp is back Oliver's hands Trac clearance work
  19. Just cancelled my afl app subscription. It used to be great. Not sure what to do now and are happy for guidence from the tech savvy.
  20. In my best Trump voice "I make the best deals, I should of made the deal, I would of make The crows pay for his travel (and the wall) and them throw in their number 1 round pick 2018, Sad deal"
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