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Ethan Tremblay

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Everything posted by Ethan Tremblay

  1. He's a liability and was very costly today (and last week and the week before...) A spell in the VFL might do the trick, and maybe a few kilos while he's at it. Looking very skinny.
  2. [censored]! Someone take out Napolean Dynamite! (Westhoff)
  3. Hello from my lounge room. What's the atmosphere like?
  4. It died a slow painful death, now let it rest in peace. I don't think people remember how bad it became.
  5. How about the playing surface, size wise? I'm looking forward to the game but never has the same feel watching it on TV when the stadium is so small. Shame Dawes isn't playing, i have to say i'd be more confident if he was.
  6. Barrett is going to have a field day with this thread... Stop giving that squid ammunition!
  7. Can you do a bit of creative doctoring on our centre clearance stats? We're currently last. Do what you need to do to get us above Richmond.
  8. Sorry to hear that, I got forced to go one year as well, it was for a friends wedding, it was like being back in Perth but with even more bogans.
  9. Is that the same savage who's played one game this year?
  10. Considering it would be lean muscle it would be closer to 5kg. 10kg is a hell of a lot of muscle to put on especially when you're doing so much cardio.
  11. It doesn't deserve suspension then again Dawes' should have only been a free kick so who knows.
  12. My apologies, I'm new to this and didn't know what I was doing...Maybe GWS are just tanking...?
  13. Just me or was it a very average game of football with plenty of turnovers? I noticed this last week with Collingwood v Adelaide as well. Gives me confidence for QB game, love the style of footy we are playing.
  14. Hawks were 6 senior players down and they won by a few kicks, convincing? I have hope of a win, however can't see us being able to kick enough goals
  15. Are you talking about bringing Prestia in for 2017 after his contract ends in 2016? He's loving the Suns and going no where.
  16. Sooooo...GWS...pretty crappy aren't they...
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