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pineapple dee

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Everything posted by pineapple dee

  1. Rome, of course, was named after Romulus. If it had been named after Remus, it would have been called Reme.
  2. Spiros Arion !! Con the fruiterer !
  3. Moonie, you just beat me. You are 100% right.
  4. Didn't the Greeks invent sex ???? And the Romans introduced ...........women.
  5. Brayshaws presence was not the high point of that show. He is the sycophants sycophant. He was only there to laugh at Billy Brownless, roll his eyes after any reference to North Melbourne, say Nicky Dal at any opportunity and rub his hands together at the start of the show. Tasks he managed to master. He's run out of ideas now.
  6. Oh no!!! Now we won't hear James say " Nicky Dal this Nicky Dal that " any more. Now I'm really upset !!!
  7. Melbourne will be a whole lot better when we have a world class population, say 15,000,000. And the sooner the better!!! Heck, São Paolo is the most populous city in the Southern Hemisphere. We can easily surpass them if we try a bit harder. We will all be better off if that happens. I have 50 square metres available in my back yard. More than enough room for 4 triple story town houses. Think how much money I can make doing that. Let's build a mass of apartment towers on the land currently occupied by the Botanic Gardens. It's only a miserable collection of old trees!!! Who needs them when there's money to be made building lovely housing close to the city?? I'll shut up now. It's time to take my medication. And write to my friends in Rome and tell them how liveable and fabulous Melbourne is.
  8. Are there some good sorts down at Glen Iris dc ?? I might have to take up tennis.
  9. This one is the " Clash " straight jacket. Predominately white but with a nod to the dees with the logo.
  10. He's in a happy place........ and so will we be if we can pinch a flag
  11. This is what any number of my Carlton supporting colleagues and students have told me. I don't totally agree. I reckon he is the player our big forwards need to clean up the crumbs. He presents a real dilemma for defenders. If he tightens up the pressure when we lose the ball his value to the team skyrockets. That creates many more scoring opportunities for himself and his team mates.
  12. Old Dee, He's wearing on of those caps with the peak at the back. There must be a shop that sells them. They seem very popular.
  13. Don't sweat it. I reckon Demonland is covering the rookie draft. Give us another Brayshaw please !!!
  14. I don't like him. ........ Hasn't got a possession yet !!!!!!
  15. GWS are staring down the AFL and defiantly dclaring there should be no sanction against the club. Now the tail is officially wagging the dog. Should we expect anything different ?????
  16. H will still be " ........ the one who has the last laugh............. and is gifted. " don't you worry about that !!!
  17. I'm sure you're right Earl. I took a risk and watched some on youtube, not recited to me direct by an actual Vogon. No discernable ill effects ....... Yet
  18. Have you ever heard Vogon poetry ??? Do yourself a favour and find some.
  19. Exactly this situation is where I expect Simon Goodwin to excel. I have read Goodwin's biography and it's clear he had a setback or two as a young man. He has empathy and will offer Oliver guidance going forward. How Oliver responds is the key. I reckon this will work out ok.
  20. I know for sure that Zacka knew about the program and I have to assume the other players were the same. My source is someone who knew Zaharakis very well as a young man for six years and in whom he confided about this business, a person he respected and trusted. I don't doubt what she told me is absolutely accurate.
  21. I will say this unequivocally that the oft repeated claim that Zaharakis was afraid of needles was a total furphy. Zaharakis' attitude was that he wanted to succeed or fail on the basis of his own skill and not to play under the benefit of some supplement or illegal enhancement. That is what he has done. He wanted no part of the " program". He is a man of integrity and quality. He could read the tea leaves and made his decision. The rest made the other choice.
  22. If this is a dig at the self-absorbed narcissists, then I for one resent it !!!!
  23. Man Dee, you are too old !!!! What show was Joffa Boy in ?? The Tarax club???
  24. Mental health issues are incredibly prevalent amongst the young and not so young. People who have these issues need all the support we can give them. Lets hope that Reece receives that support from professionals and all the compassion and understanding that the rest of us can give him. Forget about what he said, engulf him with love and care.
  25. This is my favourite post of the year. It tells me what I wanted to know about Jordan Lewis and what I hoped I'd hear about Simon Goodwin. Get back to the Sorrento pub Member's and keep your ear to the ground.
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