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Everything posted by ManDee

  1. I agree, someone somewhere has spoken, possibly to the AFLPA and probably to ASADA The ox is slow and the earth is patient. I see the law as the ox and ASADA are patient. Essendon are just mad hares. The inevitable will come, we are impatient to see the cheats punished. They will be punished. A long, slow, drawn out punishment.
  2. Good point. Time to ask the club for those details.
  3. Essendon to date have used the défense de connerie. Essendon parler tellement la merde qu'ils espérant masquer la vérité.
  4. Are you saying, coming up to his level, or down to his level? Either way even Ronnie Corbet doesn't want to be compared to his twin Barrett
  5. BB I think you have used most of the metaphors available here. But the River reference is that Merde Creek?
  6. No need, we leave them in the lodge.
  7. Damn, you ask a lot of very good questions. I will give an attempt at the EFC answers. So why are they in court? To defend our good names and reputations. Why are they challenging the investigation? It is an outrage we have been set up, Vlad was out to get us, he and the Martians are jealous of our success. Why are the players not answering the show-cause notices with the simple statement that as far as they and their club is concerned they were given stuff that was all legal and here's the list provided by Paul Little and Bomber Thompson just to prove it? We have nothing to hide, and we refuse to waste our time dealing with jealously. Why the farce of the last year and a half? What farce, James wanted a holiday in the farce capital of the world on full pay, worked didn't it. Why is James Hird in Paris? Wouldn't you be if you could, he will be back after le tour. Why was Robson sacked? You make cakes, eggs get broken c'est le vie Why are they saying in their defence to the Weapon's action that he didn't provide a safe environment? Obvious isn't it, look at the s4it we are in. WTF? You may well ask.
  8. It staggers me that the EFC have told their players that they have nothing to worry about with regard to the supplements program. http://www.theage.com.au/afl/afl-news/essendon-players-shrug-off-cancer-talk-20140704-zswcf.html Is this the same EFC that have no records about what the players were given? No records, drugs from Mexico, drugs from unmarked vials, thousands of injections but the EFC have the temerity to tell their players they have no risk as a result of the program. How gullible do the EFC think we are? I am outraged!
  9. PJ_12345 You pose this question "If you think that's how the word bummers is used correctly then I implore you to walk up to someone and call them that. Even better, please do it on a Saturday night, on Kings Street, preferably to a group of guys or bouncers." That is not how bummers was used, see above "program at the bummers" surely you can see this is a reference to the club. Your context has nothing to do with the context of this thread. Essendon are the bombers. Bummer has negative connotations (NOT SEXUAL) in this context It is a clever play on words to transpose bombers with bummers. If you are offended I think that is your issue. I am usually the first one to jump onto the moral outrage train if someone on here is inappropriate, but language should not be reduced because one person misinterprets a correctly used word. I would never use bummers to describe a group of guys in the street. But on here describing Essendon I think it fair. If that offends you please block me.
  10. I know he didn't have to prove it. I don't think travelling to the Northern Hemisphere is/was a disgrace. Poorly timed yes. My response has been to "the end of Vlad's reputation" line you used earlier #6008 which I thought was wrong. But I am happy to disagree.
  11. My brother, who knows the family, told me that Scotts father fell out with Neil Balme (correction - Neale Daniher) because Balme (Daniher) kept playing Scotty injured. The dad said "play him again injured and he will never play for Melbourne again". And so it happened. Now this is hearsay but I believe my brother. Edit:- Must not get my Neils Neales confused.
  12. I don't disagree, I think he had a very good idea of what was going on. But could he prove it? I say no, and therefore he did not know, he suspected.
  13. What's the problem? Don't all Melbourne supporters drive Beemers now? I thought its was compulsory, well it is in Mansfield.
  14. I was told that Fred B has underworld contacts. He may even be a honey thief!
  15. I disagree. I think he was trying to do the right thing by helping EFC. I do not think he would be stupid enough to break the law, so he would have operated in a manner that was legal but let EFC know that they should clean up their act. e.g. Listen, there is a club that has been up to no good. If I were that club I would clean up my act. The s4it is about to hit the fan, so if it is you guys do the right thing. Hard to type s4it these days,
  16. AD said he could not have known because he had not been told by ACC. The ACC did not investigate because they knew that they had not told AD. AD most likely presumed it was Essendon and that is not a problem. All this rubbish coming from the EFC is subterfuge. For goodness sake, if AD warned EFC he was trying to do them a favour, and in return Hird & co. want to repay that favour with what could amount to a jail term for AD. This typifies the twisted, delusional belief held at EFC. They behave as if they are the victims in this matter. They are the perpetrators.
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