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Everything posted by ManDee

  1. Not sure which article, but I would think ASADA are merely showing the court due courtesy. It would be a brave Middleton to stop ASADA from moving forward on evidence of which he has no knowledge. ASADA stated that they had plenty of other evidence. I hear a ticking...... Perhaps all this talk of imminent terrorism is just knowing that the Bombers are about to blow.
  2. How can Middleton stop them from performing their statutory duty?
  3. I don't want to sound like Martin Luther King but - I have a dream. Mitch knows that his foot is stuffed. He asked the MFC who do we hate, they said Collingwood, He said lets set up a scam so that Collingwood think they can get me for stuff all. They trade a player and the AFL gives a priority selection based on the unusual circumstances. We get Harry Who and pick 4 in the draft (after the Frawley compensation) Mitch does a pre season with the Pies and breaks down for good and gets another pay out. How good would that be?
  4. I think many posters are missing the fact that he bagged the club and its leaders for sacking Sanderson. He said it was their position to do it and not the players. I think he actually gave Ricciuto and co a fair slap. He said he was happy there but I wonder. Looked happy to be with Bernie. Edit: Spelling
  5. I read somewhere (sorry) that if it was deemed illegal for ASADA to participate in the interviews ( to gain the AFL's right for an answer/ over the right to remain silent) that they still have the power to demand the AFL provide transcipts of the interviews. In other words, if Middleton say's that ASADA exceeded their rights and the evidence ASADA garnered from those interviews being inadmissible then ASADA can still get the information from the interviews legally. (as if they were not in the room) I would think Middleton would be fully aware of this. So the question of ASADA going beyond their powers may be moot. Either way ASADA have stated that they can reissue show cause notices almost immediately after a judgement. They have kept thir powder dry, I'd expect the Bombers to blow up early next week. Hoofukkingray!
  6. We need to get this conversation Bach on track. I know some of you get Stuch on things and I hate to Telemann what to do. You may have opinions Festing away and you maybe Bach ing up the wrong tree. Don't spit the Lolli or call on your Kohaut to help you out. Sit down have a Beer and a Salomon Bologne and perhap join me to Azopadi. Some Volger Kraft cheese could be served. But I couldn't drive my Carr because I'd be of my Tittl. Edit: That's the end of my Liszt.
  7. That would be Andrew Leon Cello, he was on our liszt and played in our most recent Grand Finale
  8. Following MFC is done with pride. Wear it on your sleeve, tell the world. I support MFC through thick and thin, when winning (rarely) and losing (often) . That tells people that you are loyal, strong willed, not easily distracted and above all a masochist. I can remember people saying "look at all the Melbourne supporters come out of the woodwork" (yes I am that old) Not me I am loud and proud, Go Deeeeees!
  9. One wonders how much discussion took place between Bomber and Roosy. My guess is that Bomber was fundamental in making this happen, just a feeling.
  10. Good win has a nice ring to it, don't you think?
  11. On the subject of the Goodwin announcement WAM
  12. The liszt of double entendres goes on.
  13. I read somewhere (sorry) that if it was deemed illegal for ASADA to participate in the interviews ( to gain the AFL's right for an answer/ over the right to remain silent) that they still have the power to demand the AFL provide transcipts of the interviews. In other words, if Middleton say's that ASADA exceeded their rights and the evidence ASADA garnered from those interviews being inadmissible then ASADA can still get the information from the interviews legally. (as if they were not in the room) I would think Middleton would be fully aware of this. So the question of ASADA going beyond their powers may be moot. Edit: Spelling thanks Redleg
  14. I must be a bit dull today BB. Capt? Not the boat? Edit: Typo
  15. Both Ball & Williams were selected despite poor kicking. Greg Williams was passed up by Carlton was selected by Geelong, followed Hafey to Sydney then onto Carlton. He was always slow & couldn't kick. So would you pick him in the draft today? YES
  16. You reckon that's bad, I named my son Earl. After Earl Spalding!
  17. So in our toxic environment we develop Nathan Jones but not Col Sylvia. What is the difference. Nathan Jones takes responsibility for his actions and does whatever it takes to get better. Col Sylvia is lazy. Even Ross Lyon and Freo cannot get him off his backside.
  18. I think you have provided the argument against yourself here.
  19. Didn't seem to bother Greg Williams. He had over 50 disposals against StKilda one day and they were real disposals not the give and gets today. 53 disps (25 kicks 28 hballs), 5 marks and 6 goals Not bad for a 176cm player who was too slow for Sydney. PS: He could handball as far as he could kick.
  20. The points I think you miss are that other clubs rated Sylvia highly, not just us, Even after seeing what he was like with us Freo still rated him. And they can't get him to perform. So it was not us it was him.
  21. We should get him one round later than he is rated unless StKilda nominate him, then it will be his true value.
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