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Everything posted by ManDee

  1. No problems we trade for him pick 98.
  2. Because you are a self righteous narcissistic pryk.
  3. I think further penalties against the EFC are required for again bring the game into disrepute. Get your house in order EFC or lose your position in the AFL this has gone on far too long.
  4. The compensation should include a cost to the destination club. If round 1 compensation is appropriate the destination club lose their round 1 tip etc. This way other clubs don't get pushed down as well.
  5. Long drawn out painful death, gotta love it. Those Hirds must have threatened legal action, big time. EFC to check with silks. I still think he is gone, I hope he drags that club down.
  6. Then we could call him teflon. Nothing on the EFC website about anything happening today?
  7. AFL.com.au understands Hawthorn expressed interest in Frawley but were deterred by the terms on offer and decided to move out of the race. The Hawks then re-entered the race after it was clear Frawley remained interested in the possibility of joining the club. Hawthorn stepped up efforts recently but was unable to deal with the decision properly until after the Grand Final. That would indicate the offer was less than Geelong, maybe.
  8. I hope it is also a long contract, that will also help us.
  9. Purely based on speculation that the Hawks pay unders. As an aside there is a huge MFC contingent at Hawthorn
  10. The once was a player called Hird Thought his shlt didn't smell like a turd. From Essendon?
  11. No both can be right, he was asked to resign or be sacked. So he has resigned.
  12. I would expect ASADA to wait until all avenues of appeal have passed as they previously stated.
  13. Time for some objectivity, he was using Charter to improve his performance when he won the Brownlow. He was using unapproved drugs while coaching. I think his state of mind and actions since seriously put in doubt his playing performances. He has probably been a cheat for a long time.
  14. As I said it was a placebo, it had no scientific support of its efficacy. Yes it damaged Brock's reputation but nothing like what Hird is doing to his through cheating, lying and totally disregarding the well being of players and his club.
  15. No comparison, the polariser was a placebo, it worked if you believed it, no harm done. NOT ILLEGAL That is nothing like cheating, lying, denying the facts and hiding the evidence. Peter Brock was a saint compared to Hird, and I think PB was a prlk
  16. Hird has gone rogue, and must be cut loose and shot down (not literally). I think finally the delusional EFC supporters will start to see him for what he is, a self obsessed narcissistic mad man who couldn't give a damn about anyone other than himself. Goodbye James, its is the day to cut both James loose. Fry in your own fat.
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