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Everything posted by ManDee

  1. I think Charters program back in the late 1990's-2000 probably fried Hirds brain. Wouldn't that be ironic?
  2. Ash, if you intend to use an illegal drug/supplement you are guilty. The club clearly ordered illegal drugs/supplements, they do not need to be actually administered nor do they even have to be an illegal substance (the club may have been supplied a placebo) The intent is sufficient for guilt. Well done Ash for coming on here and defending your club, we may disagree but passion is good.
  3. Ash, I sympathise with a supporters pain, but the EFC's pain has only just begun. Fact 1 .There is no need to prove players took illegal drugs. Intent is sufficient ie ordering banned substances. Fact 2 . The burden of proof is with EFC not ASADA Fact 3. EFC have received no penalties yet for drug use. Fact 4. Workcare are yet to announce their investigation. A whole world of pain is yet to descend on the bunker at Tullamarine. You are welcome to follow the Dees during the EFC exile. PS an 18th team will be introduced during EFC hiatus.
  4. Perhaps they need to send him back to France for next year, as non coaching coach.
  5. Dogs and Bombers are imploding, makes me feel very happy about MFC
  6. This may well be a valid point Choke. They should make it public, that would shut up EFC, deal or lose, nobody is willing to go to EFC. Edit: Typo
  7. IGAG do I know you? Or is is the Mandy reference? Because that Barry Manilow image looks a lot like me in my youth, particularly the sequined vest.
  8. Trade radio is shlt. Every day it drops out. Surely with the amount of ads they pump through and the fact that it is on the Telstra site you would think they could afford to make it work. SHAME AFL - SHAME TELSTRA Edit: - While i'm complaining, can we fix the time?
  9. бомбардировщики трахал los bombarderos están jodidos de bommenwerpers worden geneukt the ekuhlaseleni basuke Kamasutra
  10. Admins please rename this thread "Phishing with Danger"
  11. Speaking about shoddy, it's about time this site got the time right!
  12. Quote from AFL trade period 2014 -The AGE "James Hird has given a pre-season update on the Essendon website. On Ben Howlett and Jason Winderlich, he could not give a specific update but praised both players "We'd like to keep both Jason and Ben," Hird said. On Paddy Ryder: "It'd have to be a good deal for us otherwise Paddy will stay an Essendon player." "He's a required player." He also added that the Bombers needed to bring in another ruckman, and that the club had established an interview process to determine a replacement for departing assistant coach Simon Goodwin - who is headed to Melbourne as part of a succession plan with Paul Roos." Read more: http://www.theage.com.au/afl/afl-news/afl-trade-period-2014-day-two-20141007-3hf8b.html#ixzz3FQysV1nb I think Paddy may have something to say about that.
  13. Another wolf call sweet? What is that 5 times in the last week?
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