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Everything posted by ManDee

  1. Binney, I think it is a bit late to be adding delusional to his character assessment list. PS:- May have gone early on the avatar.
  2. The only reason for us to get compensation is so that he can get to the club he wants, otherwise into the draft bucko.
  3. Nick Bowen ✔ @AFL_Nick Follow Essendon reportedly not appealing Federal Court decision but James Hird is. What does this say about club's relationship with its coach? 4:30 PM - 1 Oct 2014 Edit:- Indeed what does it say about its coach?
  4. Had me wondering too DC. Pre - before Hiln - kiln in a hill? cive - American for seive? Edit : Tatu help, what did you mean?
  5. Clark's passion stronger than ever! Geelong might be counting chooks a little too quickly. Note:- Hawthorn keen on Frawley
  6. I say let Jaques Merde swim in the pool of his own creation.
  7. Well he is a Colonwood supporter, did you expect more? I'm surprised he didn't say pick 2.
  8. The difference is Lamamba hasn't shafted Colonwood. I am all for fair or nothing. You never know that nothing could end up helping us get the player we want. Edit:- ie We do a deal that Stkilda don't pick a certain player that we pick, and we let Clark go to the draft and slip to them 2nd round.
  9. What i'm saying is slow down. We are going to pick him, don't attract attention.
  10. What would you call it? Thunderbelly, a 1000 shots. S undone From Don to undone Junkers JU188 The bad bomber.
  11. Could someone tell Billy Stretch to slow down. 20m sprint Petracca 8.506 Stretch 8.495 Edit:- Sorry should read agility run.
  12. We hope. Senior coach still trumps assistant.
  13. I question the censorship on here. I imagine you think he is a massive [censored] ([censored]) which you can't say, but the faster he [censored] off the better is okay?
  14. Imagine the Crows supporters next year if he walks for nothing, if they pass on picks 2 & 3 this year. There will be blood on the ground at AFC
  15. You know, it is possible the club were concerned about him and did the responsible thing to help get him back on his feet. That is how I would hope the Club would behave.
  16. Good advice beeb. I once went out with a Miss World, yes really, just had to ask. And I can assure I am no pretty boy.
  17. Good points, but remember they don't even have a coach.
  18. http://www.gwsgiants.com.au/player-profile/sam-frost James Frawley replacement?
  19. I think we should tune up the auto censor. These words should be acceptable, [censored] ([censored]) as in spike, [censored] (bltch) as in to complain. When you allow [censored] or fukker it seems somewhat churlish. Happy for you to delete this.
  20. I think it is a wonderful ploy to suggest we could offer pick 2 & 3 for Danger. Every club would [censored] up their ears. Melbourne are seriously open to trading, what could we offer for 2 & 3 or just 2? I have no doubt we are interested in Danger. I think it far more likely this will shake another deal out of the tree, probably with GWS. I expect another Tyson like deal rather than a superstar like Danger. I hope we keep pick 2 and trade pick 3. Edit: Can't say [censored]! Please administrators can we fix that?
  21. Free agency fix. When a player movers through free agency the recipient club must match the initial contract payments as a fee to the donor club. This is added to the salary cap. In Buddy's case that would mean an additional $10 mill in Sydney's salary cap + they would pay it to Hawthorn. Free agency fixed! Note: this still allows players to move.
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