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Everything posted by ManDee

  1. I'll give it a try. The players are distancing themselves from the club. This is an effort to be able to do a deal with ASADA. The words said by Watson merely add to the smoke and mirrors we have already seen. But I do see a shift away from the club.
  2. Lemmings spring to mind. Not that lemmings actually do anything usual, except in folklore.
  3. The more I hear about this club the more gobsmacked I become. Are they OTFM's? Ryder should walk. Take them to court, tell the truth and sue the FWits
  4. That's definitive. I love it when people go out on a limb. Sometimes.
  5. Selective editing DC. Wonderful prefix manipulation. However your point is well made. Never let it be said that pedantry does not exist on demonland. And to the thumb typers- no it does not involve children.
  6. Good call pants. Other than Jimmy and Lyon and Stretch my memory has failed me again. 1992 we finished 11th I think. Our current side is really crap. Edit: 1991 we finished 5th- 1992 11th
  7. Trolling? Reminds me of the good ol days, back in 1991 we had a crap team, Carlton meantime had Kernahan, Bradley, Williams, Sylvani, Brown, Gleeson, Madden etc etc. We could not afford to pay Earl Spalding what he wanted so he moved to Carlton , they had plenty of money and space in the cap! Sound familiar?
  8. DC I think you are overstating this. In fact AFL and the other two are mutually exclusive.
  9. No sense of humour ILL? Face it we all have sad lives being Melbourne supporters. And you do leave yourself open grammatically.
  10. Why does this not surprise. Little & Hird could not care less about the players. If they cared at all that offer would have been passed on. They are narcissistic hedonists.
  11. Due to the unmitigated disaster called Essendon and the likelihood of their demise, I think this will distract the other clubs from picking on us. The presidents will be so involved in putting the boot into Little that draft assistance to us will not seem so bad. I think we will get it, maybe a first rounder. Yes 2 3 & 4
  12. I think my stance re the Essendon players is softening. I think a 6 month ban in season is OK. However the EFC should cop the full whack. Two years ban from fielding a side in any competition. The coach a lifetime ban. The directors should get a workcover whack. The Doctor, de-registered. There, my softened view for what it is worth.
  13. The EFC statement:- Essendon Football Club is understandably disappointed at todays Federal Court decision. Before deciding the next steps, we will consider the reasons for the final judgement, including whether or not to appeal this decision. In taking these proceedings, our priority has been to protect and vindicate the legal rights and interests of the players. The Club maintains its confidence that, on all the evidence available to us, neither harmful nor banned substances were given to the players during the supplements program of 2012. Out of respect for the competition and the Clubs still competing this season, it is not our intention to provide any further commentary on this matter beyond today’s statement. Edit:- Don't you love the all the evidence available to us line. Could that be because all the damning evidence has been lost or destroyed?
  14. I haven't forgiven Carlton for Ron Barrassi. Earl Spalding, Greg Wells, Brock Mcl etc.
  15. Love the headlines on the EFC site. Goodwin departs Dons Pair provide potent partnership about 2 forwards Bomber Shop 25% off Crighton medal contenders Young Dons emerge in defence. Not a word about the most important thing to happen at the club in years. Delusional? you bet.
  16. Hope she took notes. "James, Middleton says you're farked. Lets go back to France" Edit: Spelling
  17. Score update, the merde has hit the ventilator. ASADA 0/ 987 declared Essendon all out failed to score. Edit:= Had a look at the EFC site. No news of judgement. That's funny because the AFL site has it.
  18. Why the long faces boys? Oh that's right you're farked.
  19. One of my staff, is not coming back after lunch today, he is an Essundone supprter. He may have Mitch Clarks Disease. Could be a fair bit of it going round.
  20. Thought I'd have a look at bomberbliz just for a laugh. Site currently unavailable. Hahahahahah!
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