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Everything posted by ManDee

  1. 75% may be right around Essendon, I live in the high country, and 90% feels about right here. Has anyone seen my magenta coloured glasses?
  2. Next you will be telling us you lived in a shoe box in the middle of the road.
  3. My personal view is that the 90/10 rule applies. 90% of people are decent and fair minded, 10% are cheating lying thieves & rogues (this includes the EFC) The 10% are so bad it feels like they are more abundant. It may be that the bad 10% are simply getting worse. No rain here in Mansfield and 90% of the people are fantastic.
  4. OD you sure know how to rain on a mans parade. I live in hope.
  5. Wish I had gone to that school. We went to the Shrine & the National Gallery. Mind you there were a few bare breasted sculptures at the gallary.
  6. Lawyers for 32 of the 34 former and current Bombers issued with infraction notices want the Australian Sports Anti-Doping Authority to surrender its entire body of evidence before the AFL anti-doping tribunal sits. ASADA is of the view it should only be required to hand over evidence it will rely on to prosecute its case. (News.com) I find it mildly amusing that EFC's lawyers want all the evidence gathered by ASADA. Probably because EFC shredded everything they had. ASADA think only the evidence it will rely on to prosecute its case is enough. Is this another delaying tactic? What could they possible hope to gain? Perhaps someone at EFC ordered some 50/50 KiaOra cordial and therefore they could not have taken prohibited substances!
  7. For me sport, professional sport is about winning within the rules. I accept that to win, rules will be pushed to the limits. I understand grey areas. I hope my team (our team) pushes all the limits within the rules. There is no way that the EFC stayed within the rules. They have broken multiple rules from good governance to workplace health and safety to accurate record keeping to administering unapproved and potentially harmful substances to young men in their care. For these reasons the club must be punished and severely punished at that. As Beeb stated earlier the players are responsible for their part in this appalling blight on our game, and a very real punishment must be meted out to them as well. The AFLPA have not done enough, and should be calling for penalties against the EFC . Workcare should do its job, and that will mean severe punishment for the EFC and its directors. The AMA should examine the role of Doc Reid and deal with him. Hird should be banished from the game with his name removed from the records, if ever anyone in this saga deserves to be persona non grata it is James Hird. Then & only then can the AFL and the competition move on cleansed, cleansed but tarnished. I will continue to expect teams to push boundaries, but to never break them.
  8. Two new Bombers arrive at Windy Hill. or Hey Jobe, those drugs have some weird side effects, I've grown wings and my legs fell off! I know its poor form to quote oneself but as no one else said it I had to.
  9. I just love all this pre-season footy talk. After the Escort a V8 XR Falcon then the ultimate XA GT Coupe, that was a rocket, I wish I still had it, glady swap my Beema.
  10. Welcome Jules, I have car envy. Would have gone for a red one myself.
  11. Nice work Fork. Some may wish to delete some of those posts.
  12. Clint, I think you may be running fast and loose with the truth here. Just fess up, and say. you got me.
  13. Did I say Kim, I meant Jim, or should I say Lord James le Turd.
  14. The Sporting Globe? I remember reading about Greg Parkes 37 disposal game at CHF inc 24 marks! Against Essendon 1970
  15. Reminds me of the North Korean photoshop fails Kim says remove the legs or your family die!
  16. I had an Escort, 1.3 litres of unadulterated power, it even had rally stripes! I dreamed of having an MG B.
  17. Did the directors sign off on this annual report? Are they mad? (rhetorical)
  18. Ah, the Rootes Group, loved that name. Hillman Minx's Hunter's and Arrows, didn't Maxwell Smart drive a Sunbeam? Don't think any living dee supporter is as old as you OD, premiership vintage for me 1957.
  19. Don't think old King Solomon had seen a smart phone or a Humber Super Snipe.
  20. I think he is one. a person who lives on the labor of others; parasitic loafer. Edit: or maybe... the male of the honeybee and other bees, stingless and making no honey.
  21. I think I went to school with him, good old Mal, I saw him crash a motorbike into a cow once. Think he works for Lloyds.
  22. I tried this diet (or similar) last year, I was bursting with energy. It was a bit hard to maintain so back to old habits. But people noticed my increased run and endurance. (Tennis)
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