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Everything posted by ManDee

  1. Sometimes I hate the backstabbing and bitchiness on this site, and then at other times I just laugh. I can't wait footy the footy to start.
  2. We all have opinions, and thankfully they vary, we see things differently and express them in many ways. If you don't like a poster get over it. Some people don't like how you express yourself, but do they carp on about it endlessly? I don't like Andrew Bolt, so I don't read him. Either read Saty's stuff and shut up or don't read it, your whinging is excessive. Yes ironic isn't it, but my next step is to not read your posts.
  3. Beeb, I think the clubs may well have to file their teams but that is in order to field them. I love typos! I hate Essundone.
  4. I had to google it, although I had a fair idea of what you meant. Assclown: One, who, through the fault of his parents conception, is a skid mark in society's collective underwear (http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Assclown) Well played Mr Frag.
  5. Harsh deefrag, but you left off delusional narcissists.
  6. I don't think you can be found innocent. You may be not guilty but this may be a long way from being found innocent. You may be guilty as hell but with insufficient evidence found not guilty, if you know what I mean.
  7. Hallelujah! A visionary, hindsight perhaps but still a visionary. One change to that. Start with the under 19's. & NO MUSIC!
  9. AFL umpires do a much better job than soccer officials.
  10. People that don't understand ruckwork tend to play down the intricacies. If it were easy, anyone could do it, just get a tall dude. Clubs are prepared to trade for ruckmen or develop them for years not knowing if they will ever be any good. Why is that? Ruckmen are important. If ruckwork was not important why not just have an extra midfielder and concede the ruck? Sides with dominant ruckmen usually win. So the opposition will plan to negate that influence. How? Position, timing, variation, blocking, aggression etc. I use to love watching Jimmy play, not a dominant ball up ruckman but he would beat his opponents by running them into the ground, he would get to more stoppages than his opponent and give silver service to his onballers.
  11. There are a few in the AFL. Chris Judd Gary Ablett Phil Davis Callan Ward etc t
  12. Compelled to answer questions under terms of contract. If they refuse as is their right, they have breached that contract and may be excluded from AFL player ranks, easy really. The players had a choice, tell their story and possibly be sanctioned or not tell their story and be removed from the AFL. I have no problem with that. As far as less rights than Australian citizens, pleeese! The police have less rights than the average citizen as do pilots and bus drivers. Special jobs have special requirements, footballers get paid very well and for that they cannot smoke grass at a party or have too much caffeine or withhold information from the AFL. They have a choice, and not one of them chose not to be an AFL footballer.
  13. I was interviewing for staff many years ago and I asked a very standard question. Who is the most important person in an organisation? A very bright future employees said, "the paymaster". I was looking for the standard answer of, the customer, but the paymaster? He backed it up with,"If the paymaster doesn't pay the staff then staff become unhappy, unhappy staff results in unhappy customers." So the most important position on the ground? Maybe the TV broadcast director or more obviously the umpire.
  14. If you have a key forward, think Jonathon Brown at his prime, then the half back general will have less influence as the key forward can and should run through them. For me it is the CHF (big bodied powerful forward). If I had the choice of Jonathon Brown at his prime or Gary Ablett jnr I would pick Brown. The whole side would play better, other forwards lift big & small and midfielders have more faith in delivering it forward. Midfielders are dime a dozen. (Ablett maybe a dollar) I dream Hogan is the one. (in time) What players are the most sought after? Tippett, Franklin, Boyd, Cameron, Clark, Pavlich, Cloke, etc. Follow the money.
  15. Or he has a personal beak with whom he sleeps. Always in his ear, "James you should take legal action! James you should take them to court! If everything you told me is true James then your are an innocent victim, sue the buzzards." Poor James what can he do? Fess up you sociopathic cheat! The football public are sick to death of you hijacking season after season, putting young men's lives at risk and lying to the public. Get out of our lives creep.
  16. Very much like that, however there is no flaw in the search warrant.
  17. 2:34pm: James Hird got lots of legal advice .... most very expensive ... some gratuitious ... but all wrong. Now we can turn to the real issues. — Richard Ings (@ringsau) January 30, 2015 2:33pm: "We will continue working out the tribunal process" Paul Brasher, Essendon Vice-President. — Seb Costello (@SebCostello9) January 30, 2015 2:32pm: If Hird wants to proceed with the matter, he will need to seek leave to appeal to the High Court. 2:24pm: Appeal dismissed, and appellant must pay respondent's costs.The judgment was unanimous. 2:21pm: Hird and players were all legally represented at the interviews. 2:21pm: There was no unlawful disclosure of information to the AFL in the interview of 34 players or Hird.There was no procedural unfairness. Argument about lack of free consent rejected. 2:20pm: The court rejects Hird's arguemnt because the decisionwas authorised by the ASADA Act and the NAD scheme.Legislative scheme encoruaged ASADA to act with sporting bodies. 2:17pm: BREAKING: James Hird's appeal has been dismissed. 2:15pm: The gavel is knocked, and the court is in session. 2:14pm: There is only one representative of Essendon on hand today, the club's chief marketing officer Justin Rodski. 2:11pm: FROM:- http://www.theage.com.au/afl/afl-news/live-james-hird-v-asada-appeal-judgment-20150130-1320bt.html
  18. Still none the wiser. And song can be so overrated.
  19. I would like to see an 8 per side game with eight 10 minute quarters (eighths for the pedantic) and 16 subs. with no interchange.
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