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Everything posted by ManDee

  1. Now all we need is for the umpires to wear lime green so they don't clash. Remember that Breast cancer match the umps and us in pink! aarrgg!
  2. Great, I had a veal pharma the other day and it was under cooked, who do I complain to?
  3. Poor old Col Sylvia will be missing most of the pre season with an ankle. Just needs that pre season and he'll be a star. Might never happen. http://www.afl.com.au/news/2014-11-18/delayed-start-for-sylvia
  4. So if I get booked for speeding and then can produce a photo of a speedo showing 55kph that means I'm innocent of speeding. This is so ridiculous it beggars belief. This Dank fool is staggeringly stupid, what amazes me is that the EFC brains trust could not see it for themselves. If Dank truly could get the players off surely by now he would have done it. This is the most incompetent ruse I have ever seen. The media mostly have been inept, worksafe apparently MIA and the sound of shuffling deck chairs is deafening. If in trouble, fire your best shot first. I feel that EFC Dank and Hird have already done that. Now we have the smoke and mirrors pantomime. Time to dish out some pain.
  5. They have a few ex Dees at the Hawks don't they?
  6. So that is a 2:1 ratio of scumbags to legends.
  7. As I said hindsight is a wonderful thing. My recollection was that Morton beat Goodes, as you rightly say, Goodes was the only one to beat his man. So I was wrong. Morton did play some good games, (I think) Richmond have had some draft disasters. I was not trying to disagree with you.
  8. Hindsight is such a wonderful thing. I remember a certain Jordan Gysberts being twice nominated for a rising star. He showed plenty. As for Cook he was an All Australian under age CHF. It is easy to critisise now but both showed potential. Some bag Morton, but at times he was really good, I saw him beat Adam Goodes one day, he looked like a future star. Sometimes things go wrong, injury, attitude, homesickness, lack of drive. Bad drafting results happen at other clubs too.
  9. 1 + 1 + 1 = 111 Quite a few quantum leaps in logic, there may be something to it but I would put my gonads on it.
  10. I think I can hear the sounds of violin coming from the hangar, it may be a little piece, I have been seeing smoke for some time. Perhaps Nero (Hird) is on the fiddle. It would appear that no one knows how to put out the fire, and no one would dare ask Sir James to stop fiddling. It has occurred to me that this is a sad time. I have been baying for Essendons blood for months, now that it seems inevitable, I feel a kind of pity. This gross incompetence and total disdain for its players and the competition will destroy this once proud club. All involved seem incapable of stopping the spiral. Watching the EFC over the last year is like watching people in a sinking boat, the people on the boat are poking holes in the boat to let the water out. Edit spelling+
  11. Eight players in the forward line, could be crowded down there. Mind you Dawes is out reported.
  12. Try the AFL National Draft 2014 Pick 40 thread.
  13. Only 9 games less than Tom Boyd, and 8 goals behind.
  14. Yes, but 9th is still only one better than 10th.
  15. Most of those photos are of the Essendon board and a goat, apparently Tania was taking notes. McKenzie and Evans have photos of Tania and.......
  16. We may have gone a bit heavy on the horseroids, but you have muscled up. By the way any plans on having a child/foal with the misses?
  17. . What's to remember, we won. You are the first person I am aware of that was born the same day as me. No doubt you are highly intelligent, witty and irresitable to the opposite sex. And most importantly a Melbourne supporter. Welcome to dl.
  18. It is a donation to the club we love. I pay my membership and wear it with pride. I would hate to be seen as a fair weather member. When we are successful I want people to know that I was there in the dark years, I am a true supporter,
  19. I have a few friends born in 1964. So they are about 50. Due to the passing of time I may have to relax the rules to include the "missed by that much, years" so you qualify. Sad when we have to drop our standards.
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