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Everything posted by ManDee

  1. Tappy is the only delisting not to be thanked on the MFC site, probably means he could be rookied. Or Josh Mahoney was away.
  2. binman, on 30 Oct 2014 - 5:49 PM, said: Ok they made some early denouncements. WHAT HAVE THEY DONE ABOUT IT? What actual actions have the AFLPA taken? Its is now years after the events, and other than some lip flap they have done stuff all. Edit:- By comparison, what happens in any other workplace? What about a building site? The workers would be on strike in a heartbeat , and the site closed. Edited by ManDee, Today, 12:39 PM. ​Thought I'd move this to a more appropriate thread.
  3. 1957? And are you also charming, good looking and a great judge of whisky? Edit: Just checked your profile, 1958, shame, I only befriend people born in premiership years.
  4. So you have a bit of the Mil Hannah style going on?
  5. Think he also laid a big one on Karmichael Hunt when playing for Casey.
  6. Not supposed to ask the age. If asked date of birth I recommend giving day and month. 30th of May.
  7. Ok they made some early denouncements. WHAT HAVE THEY DONE ABOUT IT? What actual actions have the AFLPA taken? Its is now years after the events, and other than some lip flap they have done stuff all. Edit:- By comparison, what happens in any other workplace? What about a building site? The workers would be on strike in a heartbeat , and the site closed.
  8. Cannot open the link. On the AFLPA site I found a media release containing most of the points mentioned http://aflagents.com.au/news/post/afl_players_ceo_matt_finnis_-_media_statement Dated 21st August 2013 That is fourteen months ago! Where are they, would any other union wait years to demand reparation from an employer? Would they?
  9. Sorry I take umbrage at the use of phrases like "the get go" when we have a perfectly apt word "beginning". Yes the AFLPA made early noises about the EFC, however in the past 6 months they only seem to complain about the AFL and ASADA. So when I hear them complaining about players undertaking a healthy activity (training) I question the current silence about the wantonly grossly negligent behavior of the EFC towards its players. Perhaps some perspective is required.
  10. It beggars belief the priorities of the AFLPA. They rail against training a week early and accept uncontrolled substance experimentation. If that was my union i'd be looking for a new union.
  11. Fixture by drip feed. Just release the fixture.
  12. 50 years ago we didn't need to look back and if we did it was all good. But if we don't learn from our mistakes we are bound to repeat them.
  13. It really is you, welcome back.
  14. Is that a typo? Shouldn't it read? Mitch Robinson - Delisted FW
  15. Just send an email to PJ. There is a typo in the thank you letter from the club. Las Angeles! My question is, does this make me anal?
  16. "To feel envy is human, to savor schadenfreude is diabolic."1 And yet I delight in EFC's mire. 1 Arthur Schopenhauer
  17. Saty or troll? Why the change of name? No previous names in profile. Edit: Saty last posted 16th Sept 2014
  18. If they made anchors I'd say do yourself a favour and don't use any rope.
  19. I know how to double the resale value of a Lada. Put in $5 unleaded.
  20. Have to learn new AFL speak. In the future Essendon means Bye.
  21. This Charter guy is a class act. Its surely is a case of whatever it takes. http://www.theage.com.au/afl/afl-news/key-witness-in-essendon-case-shane-charter-on-drug-charges-20141027-11cs1r.html
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