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Everything posted by ManDee

  1. 78% of statistics quoted on the internet are made up, the other half are just wrong. (sic).
  2. We all have opinions, in a mature society we cater for this. I disagree with many posts here, sometimes I bite, more often I move on. I do not agree with everything Saty or anyone else here posts, but that diversity of opinion is what makes sites like this work. If we all agree on everything it would be pointless. TDI, toughen up princess, write your reports and stuff those who disagree. To the negative nancies, argue your point and don't disparage your opponent. Dissident views are important and I for one am interested but i'll be damned if I will tolerate the personal denigration that goes on here sometimes. Go Deeeeeeeeeeeeeeees!
  3. Yes I remember. I agree with your sentiments. Keep posting Saty we country members need you, even when we disagree.
  4. What would his mother say? The door is open!
  5. Sorry WB but I don't read your posts, if I did I am sure I would agree with you. Edit:- I do read them, just taking the pizz.
  6. I was thinking that but I have 3 aces and the joker, not sure what to throw out in the kitty.
  7. dos I remember FORTRAN. Well I don't really remember it but I did use it.
  8. What a pack of stroppy angry old men we are. Don't hold back, let it rip you cranky basturds. Ah gotta love it, the smell of napalm in the morning.
  9. I thought we were playing cards, that was my opening bid, pass.
  10. Or go to the c:/ then type *.*delete then press enter. That should clear it. Does anyone else remember dos? Man I am old.
  11. The reports were $1 million over 3 years. Not bad for potential. Just needs a good preseason. Maybe next year. Seems like ground hog day. Deja vu (deja vu all over again - intentionally erroneous) all the truisms.
  12. It wouldn't surprise me if Ryder had gone belly up on the EFC. Good on him.
  13. Over at Port, Monfries & Ryder are sitting it out. http://mobile.news.com.au/sport/afl/port-adelaide-is-forced-to-delay-unveiling-of-recruit-paddy-ryder-because-of-afl-anti-doping-tribunal/story-fndv8s6g-1227209447716 Edit:- Funny no privacy issues at Port?
  14. I will be in Bangkok August/September, yes I know not the best time. I never book holidays at finals time just in case. Thought I would risk it this year, it may be an omen? I would fly home for a GF.
  15. kika by name kicker by nature. PS. When I first read your nom de plume I thought it was kissa.
  16. How's the weather today Tidy? Thailand is one of my favorite places.,
  17. Arise Sir OD. Has a nice ring to it.
  18. Hang on, If I had been accused of wrongdoing I would want to come out and state my case. I would vociferously defend my innocence. Why would the 34 want to remain anonymous? (Remember Slobbo has already outed them.) If I accused you of stealing my budgy smugglers would you a: Go to ground and hide or b: Defend yourself vociferously. or c: Get an injunction against Jims Mowing or d: a & c? The EFC and players have gone a & c.
  19. Is that Machsy or Mc Queen or both? In Bullitt Steve McQueen drove a 390GT Fastback, could be confused with a Mach One but I digress. I reckon you like baiting them. Anyhow keep up the reports any news is better than none, I think.
  20. Beeb, I have been reading yours posts for ages. And only now have I read and understood your signature. Funny how we read things and sometimes do not fully understand. My comprehension levels must be worse than I thought.
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