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Everything posted by ManDee

  1. That wasn't a shot, that was merely removing the tarp from the cannon.
  2. Rosie Huntington is that really you?
  3. I think you are looking at a photo of her boyfriend.
  4. It seems to take about 10 years, my Richmond supporting 1st son (the throwback) was wearing MFC gear until then, sadly he is lost. 2nd son is supporter when in the country. I think singing "its a grand old flag" every morning to wake them up may have driven him away. Keep up the good work.
  5. I think the items were imported, but he did not take possession or consume the product. So he attempted to take a product that unknown to him contained a banned substance. Or so he claimed, does this sound familiar?
  6. They were going to but he forgot his head.
  7. I reckon Jeremy Howe then Dunny then Dom then Uncle Fester?
  8. I imagine he told someone, his solicitor appeared. A can of worms around him and Carlton failing to disclose pending legal issues.
  9. O, what a tangled web we weave when first we practise to deceive! Walter Scott
  10. Not so easy OD, the penalties to date have been for bringing the game into disrepute excluding drug breaches (none proven at the time). So if drug breaches are now proven that is an additional problem. Further penalties must be forthcoming. They cannot say that they have already been penalised for the use of PHD's Edit: That would be like saying that I was penalised for driving a stolen car, therefor I cannot be charged for the bank robbery done at the same time.
  11. No need to prove that they took anything, only that they attempted to take a prohibited substance.
  12. From:- http://www.theage.com.au/afl/afl-news/essendon-hird-charged-with-bringing-game-into-disrepute-20130813-2rtye.html The AFL has charged Bombers coach James Hird, doctor Bruce Reid, football boss Danny Corcoran, assistant coach Mark Thompson and the Essendon Football Club with bringing the game into disrepute over the club's supplements program. AFL general counsel Andrew Dillon announced the charges on Tuesday night. A hearing before the AFL Commission will be held on Monday August 26. "They have all been charged with conduct that is unbecoming or likely to prejudice the interests or reputation of the Australian Football League, or bringing the game of football into disrepute contrary to AFL rule 1.6," Dillon said. Note: No charges were laid by the AFL about performance enhancing drugs, that is ASADA's bailiwick.
  13. Extract from notice of charges:- http://www.afl.com.au/staticfile/AFL%20Tenant/AFL/Files/EssendonFC-notice-of-charges.pdf 90. Hooper states that 34 Essendon players were injected with an Amino Acid compound sourced by Patient A from a Chemist in Mexico. The identity and integrity of the commodity was inferred by Hooper from labelling without independent or professional verification. Additionally, the Amino Acid appears to have been in storage at HyperMED for a considerable time prior to its use. 91. Save for the above, Hooper does not know the content or source of the amino acids he injected into the players at HyperMed. Anyone that has not read the notice of charges should do so, particularly if you support lenient penalties.
  14. From:- http://theconversation.com/frankenfooty-essendons-mixed-bag-of-supplements-17323 Unproven drugs, not a scientific approachHere is a short list of the drugs allegedly given to the players from the 34 page Notice of Charges (page 24-25): actovegin unspecified amino acids unspecified multi-vitamins AOD-9604 creams AOD-9604 injections cerebrolysin colostrum REDACTED (it’s blanked out in the charge list) lactaway lube-all-plus melatonin melanotan II TA-65 thymosin beta 4 traumeel tribulus For more interesting articles see :- http://theconversation.com/au/topics/essendon
  15. 1st the CEO 2nd the board 3rd the Hird Then the players
  16. If it was us the coach would have been sacked, the board would have stepped down and we would be under administration of the AFL. And this all would have happened 2 years ago.
  17. I just spoke to an Essendon supporter that reckons the players have claimed they had no idea that the injections contained anything illegal therefore they cannot be banned. ..........................sigh! So to carry that to the extreme, clubs can inject anything into their players and it is ok so long as the players don't know what it is. But there were no positive tests he claimed. It will all be thrown out. I am staggered at the lack of understanding of some Essendon supporters.
  18. That is a bit of a generalisation. Which drugs? Some can be detected in hair samples months later.Think of Ben Cousins shaved head & body, No hair.
  19. From the Age http://www.theage.com.au/afl/afl-news/nine-afl-clubs-cleared-but-workcover-probe-into-essendon-afl-continues-20150223-13mict.html "WorkSafe has completed an investigation into alleged health and safety breaches by nine Victorian-based AFL clubs and will take no further action," the VWA said in a statement. "Separate investigations relating to the Essendon Football Club and the AFL are continuing, and it is inappropriate to comment further."
  20. Sue, I didn't know the gun was loaded when I aimed the gun at his head and pulled the trigger. Would that be a successful defence against manslaughter? I didn't know that the hundreds of injections were loaded! I do not believe for one moment that not one player thought the program was suspect. Not one player contacted ASADA to clarify what they were taking was OK. Not one player contacted their manager to clarify what they were taking was OK. Are you suggesting a Jonestown situation where they all did as they were told. What about the eight that did not take part? Why? Or did they do due diligence? Edit: What I am suggesting is that the players knew that the program was risky but they did it anyway, they were probably told that they would get away with it.
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