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Everything posted by ManDee

  1. I think Essendons problem is that if all the paperwork is provided they may be more guilty. (other chargers to be added)
  2. I am sick to death hearing about the Essendon 34 and their right to privacy. Stewart Crameri, Patrick Ryder, Angus Monfries have openly stated that they received notices. Strangely they don't appear to be bothered that the information is out. If as is leaked to the media the 34-3=31 less delistings etc now reported = 17 are innocent pawns in this sorry saga why not come out. Mark Slobinson named them. But now it is a secret. The 17 are not the victims they would have you believe. If you are innocent hold your head high, look people in the eye and say so. This is not rape or murder the spin doctors would have us believe they were duped, but the duplicity is painting a different picture for me. Guilty. Guilty. Guilty.
  3. Are you trying to drum up business for Newscorp? Edit : put missing word in.
  4. I like the silence from the AFL. Imagine what Essundone supporters are going through. The angst, I love it. Finally its is dawning on them that this is real and it is happening. And it is happening now. ASADA and the AFL must be sitting back thinking we told you so. The silence before the guillotine drops is palpable.
  5. All that after not sleeping all night, waiting in the MCC cue in the drizzle and rain from midnight. The tactics used against the wiz. I still have nightmares.
  6. That may not be the worst goal to goal line in the AFL
  7. Au contraire. Six flags for us. He could wear a gorilla suit with a feather boa and pink hot pants for all I care. SIX Flags. Are you mad?
  8. You know the type, throw a bomb and log off.
  9. What a stupid, inane, misguided and pathetic statement. StillWaiting, to label someones statement as stupid, misguided and pathetic is a personal attack. Judging by your reaction you don't like being judged by your statements. As you state in the middle or your rebuttal " I disagree strongly with the statement I referred to. " Now that is how intelligent argument is constructed. It is fine to have strong opinions, but leave the rudeness in the playground.
  10. Hird a rumour that Essundone are sick to death of the AFL and ADADA interruption to their plans of world dominance whatever it takes. They are going to tell the AFL and ASADA to shove it and they are going to start their own competition. In this new competition much like in the AFL, Essendone can do whatever they like and ignore the rules of the land. Apparently the name is already registered and they believe that they will dominate, this may take a Toll on their competitors and it is called the Little League. Hahaha
  11. As an MCC member I pay my donation to the club in August each year. It is a donation as I already have enough scarves but I do like the car bumper stickers.
  12. What a stupid, inane, misguided and pathetic statement. You said it and I couldn't agree more. Great heading for your diatribe, it sums it up very well. Why must some posters denigrate others? Next time you disagree try , I disagree......and then some form of coherent argument with out the personal insults. ​Edit: Had to make it clear that I wasn't agreeing with Still Waiting's insults.
  13. And only half of them are to shut up. Not me I might ad.
  14. Do you remember Allen Jakovich's strut? I would love to have a forward that could justify a strut.
  15. Oh delight, a training report about training. Thank you all. Interesting observations. Will Gawn lock down a forward position? Will Dawes struggle to get back in after suspension?
  16. And what about that great first up effort of CC (Caligula's Cohort).
  17. So, can we ask Saty nicely to come back, any report is better than none. Or are we too self important to suck it up? Please Saty I am sorry the neanderthals sorry the naysayers keep picking on you. Please come back. I will even refer to you at TDI if that helps. Note to self: Do not make personal remarks that may offend. Mind you most would go over the troglodytes heads.
  18. ^^ The sad thing is that that would make sense to me. PS:- This is a training report that has not been censored, yet.
  19. We should train on the MCG. Stop paying rent elsewhere and put the savings towards an extra re turf when required.
  20. That is sad. Not swimming just drowning. There is a lot to be said for natural selection, I suggest the removal of all warning labels out Essendon way.
  21. Personally I dislike double negatives. Thread title should read. It should be possible to play our VFL team at Yarra Park. Double negatives are clumsy and are easily misinterpreted. PS:- I am a pedant and proud of it. Edit: - I am not saying I don't dislike being against the idea of not knowing but I won't confirm my inability to disagree with the concept. If you know what I mean.
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