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Everything posted by ManDee

  1. And they will change the channel numbers around. You will have to watch Pro Bull Riding or Synchronized Swimming for eternity.
  2. OD I hope you are wrong although your logic is impeccable. I will see the next flag, I refuse to die until it happens. Another 50 years may be pushing it, nah I'll only be 107.
  3. When you consider the trouble that Faifax are in it is little wonder that they run around beating up stories. As quoted by the Fairfax press, an emailed statement from John Klepec chief development officer of Rinehart’s Hancock Prospecting said: “A series of bad decisions made by the leadership team has instead increased the number of publication errors and reduced the company’s performance to cover news to standards expected to maintain the credibility of some of the oldest and finest newspaper mastheads in the country… Should the Fairfax Media leadership change, we may consider a future role in the company.” Fairfax the owner of 3AW and The Age need to increase revenue. In a media company that means advertising, adverting is driven by numbers of viewers, listeners and readers. They need exclusive stories, if you don't have one make one up or stretch the truth. This is a shameful and ultimately self defeating practice. I for one am sick of the inaccuracies in the media, further I distrust all commercial media and choose the ABC as a reasoned source of information. Edit:- last part of sentence should read.... I distrust all commercial media and choose the ABC as a more reasoned source of information.
  4. Sorry, earlier I posted a you tube clip, which I removed. I didn't play the full clip when I posted it. It was in poor taste. Anyway the moral to the message was the Essendon players can kiss their aszes goodbye. Edit:- Backflip after stuff up. I had an Abbott earlier. So I made a captains call and removed the evidence.
  5. OD I hope that is because your eyesight has failed. Perhaps you could listen.
  6. 64 was not our last flag, it was our most recent. Its does feel like the last one though.
  7. If we have players injured by these fill ins what are our legal rights? Let's say James Magner (who I like) just for the fun of it runs through Hogan or Jones (Good luck with that) and causes a serious injury. Do we offer to play a 2nd team to protect our stars? Why is our preparation compromised because the cheats are still in the competition for the time being? Is it a coincidence that Essendon are playing the bottom 3 sides? Don't the bottom sides matter? What would Collingwood or Hawthorn have to say?
  8. Mr Little, already one of Australia's wealthiest people with a net worth of $820 million and chairman of the AFL football club Essendon, will make some $340 million from the deal. Read more: http://www.smh.com.au/business/not-so-little-meet-the-340m-winner-in-japan-posts-takeover-of-toll-20150218-13h0ti.html#ixzz3S3Mhf2eb
  9. SA clubs raided by Essendon, not even contacted. Essendon continue with arrogant disregard for everyone other than themselves http://www.afl.com.au/news/2015-02-18/bomber-raids-an-invasion I hope these sh1ts rot in hell.
  10. I just had a horrible thought, what if they start winning games or a flag with rejects like, Ben Rutten Jonathon Brown Mitch Robinson Luke Ball Nick Maxwell Brad Sewell Dom Cassisi Lenny Hayes Ryan O'Keefe Lewis Roberts-Thompson Dean Cox Daniel Giansircusa I feel sick.
  11. Gil McLachlan ....."The reality is there is a possibility this plays out and Essendon fielding different players may apply to the home and away (season). http://www.afl.com.au/news/2015-02-17/mclachlans-hope-for-dons Edit:- Highlight ---- Read that line twice, that is a big statement!
  12. Kia http://www.kia.com.au/about-kia/contact-kia Fujitsu https://www.fujitsugeneral.com.au/help-centre/contactus TrueValue Solar http://www.truevaluesolar.com.au/contact-us/ leave message Adidas http://www.adidas-group.com/en/service/contact/ HostPlus [email protected] Red Energy https://www.redenergy.com.au/contactus/webForm If anyone is interested in maintaining the rage against Essendon, here is a list of their sponsors that I have sent a message of complaint to. Some are easy some a little more difficult, but I feel much better for having done it. I didn't bother sending one to Toll. Edit this is roughly what I sent.. .I am disappointed that your company supports the Essendon Football Club. I would hope the ethics of your company are not the same as the Essendon Football Club. I tell all my friends to boycott companies that support the Essendon Football Club.
  13. As one of my very early coaches told me, "the thumbs are the shock absorbers of marking a football" Not rocket science.
  14. Sorry OD but Essendon have received no penalty to date regarding the use of PED's. Their penalty was for bringing the game into disrepute. EFC's penalty for the drug program is yet to come.
  15. http://www.melbournefc.com.au/news/2015-02-16/petracca-suffers-serious-knee-injury Unfortunately scans today confirmed a rupture of the ACL in his left knee. Christian Petracca will miss the 2015 season after rupturing the anterior cruciate ligament in his left knee at training on Monday.
  16. Yeah, but what is his defensive running like? I heard he can't kick, and if he can't kick he can't play footy. Looks like he may have potential, what is his fitness base like, we wouldn't want another Cale Morton. Has he got any mongrel in him, we don't need another Jack Watts. Nah, he would probably want to return to Freo after his first contact. etc .etc.
  17. No we would not all agree. And to presume that all of us would agree on anything is rather presumptuous, perhaps many would agree.
  18. And at the end of your fast are you planning on changing your name to bacon & eggs?
  19. And where does a fish rot from? And it sure stinks at Essendon.
  20. So to protect the identities of the 17 provisionally suspended players, the EFC are prepared to risk besmirching the reputations of the 7 or 8 innocent players. If you were one of the 7 or 8 that through fear of needles or suspicion of legality of program you chose not to partake in the "voluntary" injection program and were being viewed by the general public as a possible cheat, wouldn't you think it unfair to be dubbed a drug cheat? If it was a voluntary program and at least 7 players chose not to partake doesn't that further damn the 34 players for being involved. No peer pressure no ramifications, the 7 just chose not to do it and the 34 with eyes wide open went for it. Gobsmacked again. Guilty
  21. And the Essendon board thought they could see light at the end of the tunnel.
  22. R&B the reality bus is not on the horizon, it has just crashed through the stop sign.
  23. Shame about all those missing records. I cannot wait to see the face on all those smart arzed Essendon fans when the guillotine drops. I can see the blood draining from their faces as they realize the world of pain, then the recriminations will really start to fly. Mr Hird may be off overseas again, he won't be a very popular man in Australia. Schadenfreude I love it. Perhaps we could have a contest for the best EFC song commiserating their downfall. I think I will go for "Schadenfreude" to the tune of Edelweiss Schadenfreude, Schadenfreude Every morning you beat me Banned from sight, mean and tight You look happy to beat me Penalties and fines, bans and restrictions The pain will go on forever Schadenfreude, Schadenfreude The pox on Hirdy forever Schadenfreude, Schadenfreude Every season you beat me Bombers are banned, fined and damned Everyone seems happy to beat us Banned from sight, mean and tight The pain will go on forever Schadenfreude, Schadenfreude The pox on Hirdy forever.
  24. Oh the humanity. The soon to be renamed "Essenburn disaster" Edit:- Typo+
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