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Everything posted by ManDee

  1. What a stupid, inane, misguided and pathetic statement. You said it and I couldn't agree more. Great heading for your diatribe, it sums it up very well. Why must some posters denigrate others? Next time you disagree try , I disagree......and then some form of coherent argument with out the personal insults. ​Edit: Had to make it clear that I wasn't agreeing with Still Waiting's insults.
  2. And only half of them are to shut up. Not me I might ad.
  3. Do you remember Allen Jakovich's strut? I would love to have a forward that could justify a strut.
  4. Oh delight, a training report about training. Thank you all. Interesting observations. Will Gawn lock down a forward position? Will Dawes struggle to get back in after suspension?
  5. And what about that great first up effort of CC (Caligula's Cohort).
  6. So, can we ask Saty nicely to come back, any report is better than none. Or are we too self important to suck it up? Please Saty I am sorry the neanderthals sorry the naysayers keep picking on you. Please come back. I will even refer to you at TDI if that helps. Note to self: Do not make personal remarks that may offend. Mind you most would go over the troglodytes heads.
  7. ^^ The sad thing is that that would make sense to me. PS:- This is a training report that has not been censored, yet.
  8. We should train on the MCG. Stop paying rent elsewhere and put the savings towards an extra re turf when required.
  9. That is sad. Not swimming just drowning. There is a lot to be said for natural selection, I suggest the removal of all warning labels out Essendon way.
  10. Personally I dislike double negatives. Thread title should read. It should be possible to play our VFL team at Yarra Park. Double negatives are clumsy and are easily misinterpreted. PS:- I am a pedant and proud of it. Edit: - I am not saying I don't dislike being against the idea of not knowing but I won't confirm my inability to disagree with the concept. If you know what I mean.
  11. 78% of statistics quoted on the internet are made up, the other half are just wrong. (sic).
  12. We all have opinions, in a mature society we cater for this. I disagree with many posts here, sometimes I bite, more often I move on. I do not agree with everything Saty or anyone else here posts, but that diversity of opinion is what makes sites like this work. If we all agree on everything it would be pointless. TDI, toughen up princess, write your reports and stuff those who disagree. To the negative nancies, argue your point and don't disparage your opponent. Dissident views are important and I for one am interested but i'll be damned if I will tolerate the personal denigration that goes on here sometimes. Go Deeeeeeeeeeeeeeees!
  13. Yes I remember. I agree with your sentiments. Keep posting Saty we country members need you, even when we disagree.
  14. What would his mother say? The door is open!
  15. Sorry WB but I don't read your posts, if I did I am sure I would agree with you. Edit:- I do read them, just taking the pizz.
  16. I was thinking that but I have 3 aces and the joker, not sure what to throw out in the kitty.
  17. dos I remember FORTRAN. Well I don't really remember it but I did use it.
  18. What a pack of stroppy angry old men we are. Don't hold back, let it rip you cranky basturds. Ah gotta love it, the smell of napalm in the morning.
  19. I thought we were playing cards, that was my opening bid, pass.
  20. Or go to the c:/ then type *.*delete then press enter. That should clear it. Does anyone else remember dos? Man I am old.
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