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Everything posted by SaberFang

  1. Staying on and getting us into a granny within 5 years would be just about the best footy story of all time.
  2. In fairness, we'd all be ecstatic if the plethora of exciting young talent did everything in their power to leave GWS. Maybe not a great comparison given how destructive expansion clubs have been for the league overall, but you get the gist.
  3. The reason they'll never admit their wrongdoing, and will always fall back to misinformation and litigation to prevent the release of the truth, is because if every player comes back to sue the club they will be absolutely [censored]. That is the single motivating force behind the actions of the EFC. Financially it's in their best interests if nobody can definitively prove what the players were injected with.
  4. Couldn't believe just how bad 360 had gotten after last night. It's literally the most blatant pro Essendon, anti ASADA propaganda I've seen. It makes the Bolt Report look politically balanced! And of course they use the age old propaganda techniques of being blatantly biased while also attacking the "other side" for being blatantly biased, discrediting everything Fairfax journalists are reporting. Who at Fox has such a vested interest in Essendon? Because the propaganda machine is in full swing now, using every trick in the book to discredit ASADA. And the more you think about that, the more obvious their guilt becomes.
  5. Spot on. Part of Roos defensive setups is the only positions we allow the opposition to mark inside their forward 50 are at awkward 45 degree angles, leading to inaccurate kicking. Very rarely this year have we gifted teams a set shot for goal directly in front. Basically comes down to flooding the center of their forward line with defenders prepared to spoil and disallow any clean marks. The other game we should've won, against the Bulldogs, was only a loss because they got 4 or 5 freakish goals from tough angles. Every other team has struggled horribly.
  6. I reckon Roos would be absolutely loving him. Brilliant shut down player who's become one of the most crucial members of our back line. Great footy story too given how close he was to end game last year. Thankfully Roos has a penchant for spotting untapped potential.
  7. Love how he just gets up and keeps running towards the flow of players, as if nothing even happened. Meanwhile the Bombers player is down like a sack of potatoes. Riley will be great for us in a few pre-seasons, but I think his tank is pretty limited at the moment.
  8. Out of interest does anyone know if Dom's moved out with other teammates? Or did he move back in with his parents when he returned to Melbourne?
  9. Would probably start rotating Salem/Riley/JKH for the rest of the season, as starting 22, substitute, and week off.
  10. Geez a few less turnovers would really help us score! Frustrating watching this team. So very frustrating. If Essendon were accurate they'd really have put us away by now.
  11. Jones and Tyson both very quiet today. And Frawley? Pathetic. Three very easy, gettable goals and we buggered up all 3. Even Riley should have gotten that one from a few metres out.
  12. Not good enough. Defensively we're satisfactory but we have no offensive game whatsoever.
  13. Wouldn't that be a reason to come to Melbourne?
  14. Have been thinking the exact same thing. There will only be two stories today, win or lose. We win, the story is about how the drugs saga has finally taken its toll on the EFC. We lose, the story is about how "brave" the Bombers are after the week they've had. We'll get no credit either way.
  15. Dom Tyson has to be the poster boy for other Giants players, in how you can transform your career in one pre season under the right coaching group. Guarantee a lot of kids up there would be looking on with more than a hint of jealousy.
  16. Sub yesterday was interesting. He told the club he wants to be traded?
  17. Nice to have another game where the whole footy world will be rooting for us to win, bar the opposition's supporters.
  18. What Casey lacks is that player who grabs the game by the scruff of the neck and pulls the team over the line. Was really hoping JKH, being co-captain of Oakleigh, would've been that guy. A few posters earlier in the thread disagreed with my statement that JKH had something to prove this week. I think he had every right to prove that he was wrongfully dropped and deserves to be a part of Melbourne's best 22. He's a champion in the making and it might take a few years to extract the absolute best out of him, but would've been great to see him stand up today and be the missing clink iin Casey's chain to get them over the line.
  19. Fairly embarassing effort all season long really. Same story every single week.
  20. JKH to seal the game next quarter? He's got a lot to prove.
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