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Everything posted by SaberFang

  1. Wingard was having no impact as it was. Not going to celebrate a player being injured, no matter whose team they're on.
  2. Grimes: two steps forward, one step back. Frustrating as hell player. Killing our momentum over and over.
  3. Salem will be RS for R10 if he keeps this up. JKH questionable today, why didn't he handball to the running player there at the end of the second quarter? He kicked it backwards and we turned it over, only saved by the siren and probably half a second in it.
  4. Can you imagine how much better we'd be as a team without Terlich and Grimes constantly making idiotic mistakes? We'd easily be in front by now. Far out. Impressive effort by the other 16 to pick up the slack.
  5. Must be great to be Port when they have Terlich playing for them, and the umps gifting them goals all day long.
  6. Really worried that the conditions today will kill us for Queen's Birthday, coupled with only 5 rest days.
  7. Funny how the "write offs" of Jetta and Pedo have been reinvigorated by Roos into key players. Imagine what Roos will accomplish with Trengove next year.
  8. And are Port the league leaders in staging? Monfries is the Laurence Olivier of theatrics, and that Viney "swing" barely touched the Port player, yet he grabbed his chest as if he'd been punched square in the gut. Flogs.
  9. Umpiring is absolutely PATHETIC. JKH being manhandled and held all over the place, not getting any free kicks despite being impossible for him to mark anything. [censored] joke umps.
  10. Who did Dom live with back in Sydney? Might help us work out who he was closest to at the club. If Shiel was interested in us after LAST year, you'd think he'd be even more interested now. Things must be toxic at that club. Imagine growing up wanting to play AFL, then end up performing in front of 5000 person crowds for half your playing life.
  11. The AFL will do whatever it takes to keep these players, even if it means doubling their ridiculous "expansion allowance" so they can start paying idiotic large salaries that no other team can match.
  12. Nice to hear Jesse and Tommy Hawkins caught up for coffee the other week, I believe at Tom's suggestion, to talk about Jesse's injury and help coach him through what would be a difficult period. Champion material right there.
  13. Quick, get Roosy in Dom's ear to start sending out texts to his former teammates!
  14. GC will be the only one of these two expansion clubs that show any success, if you ask me. The ace up their sleeve is their location. Any sane player wanting to choose between the two would prefer to go to GC. GWS will have massive player retention problems, they're showing absolutely no sign of cohesive improvement year after year.
  15. It's quite the indictment that GWS look this much worse than the Tigers. What a debacle. Can they beat any other team this year?
  16. He tweeted it after the Richmond defeat.
  17. I don't love the idea of trading Hogan out for anyone, although Roos likes win win trades. But Hogan would have to see Fremantle have an aging list rapidly losing their punt at the premiership window, whereas Melbourne have an exciting upcoming talent pool he can find much success with. Ross Lyon will leave that list in disarray when he gives up and moves on.
  18. Really want to see Strauss and Evans prove themselves, I think they have untapped potential but they need to show it.
  19. Shiel and their second round pick for one of our first round picks (Chip compo maybe?).
  20. And it gives the players more to play for. It would be delicious to beat a team fair and square and watch the meltdown that ensues directly from your actions. It'll also drive them to keep up the momentum and effort, to get proper recognition for their efforts. I'm inclined to believe Richmond weren't really that bad against us, rather it was the pressure from our tackles which took a heavy toll on their players and led to turnovers, rushed behinds and overall disbelief.
  21. He definitely only fell in the draft due to his height and size. You couldn't fault him for much else. I'm so glad he and Dom are besties too!
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