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Everything posted by SaberFang

  1. Let's just hope GWS resume their run of miserable losses now, so the year ends on a sour note for everyone up there feeling homesick.
  2. So our excellent trade record built up over the last few years with GWS means nothing? We've established a great relationship at the trade table and Roos is big on win-win trades. No doubt he commands a bit of respect and integrity too, unlike plenty of other slimy clubs trying to dud others at trade time.
  3. Surely we'd be in the box seat for Shiel given we already had discussions last year?
  4. So their attempt to forge the contents of the mysterious vials from TB4 (banned) to Thomomodulin (legal) is now becoming clearer. And the illegal vials Dank was in possession of and insisted were destroyed? Nope, they never turned up. So where did they go? All coming together now. Essendon are absolutely, unequivocally ****ed!
  5. Was only holding out for money, that was pretty obvious I thought. Oh well.
  6. All in jest of course, but crikey this story will drag on for years if these bloodsucking lawyers have their way. I think everyone's had a gutful of our sport being held hostage by Hird/Dank/Little/Fox.
  7. Doubt Sylvia signed for much at Freo though. Surely not more than 350k.
  8. You mean, like when he was 6 weeks back in March? =)
  9. What we really need is a Jack Bauer type cop to arrest Dank and interrogate a confession out of him. Metal nipple pegs and a cow taser should do the trick! Fox could even televise it after 24 in a blockbuster double header, such is their moral depravity!
  10. Wonder how many years until FA compo gets scrapped? Surely to coincide with the fruition of ALFPA's push for FA after only 5 years on a list, knowing our luck.
  11. He does always look pretty smiley though. Considering he plays for the Saints, that's an accomplishment.
  12. How I hope that doesn't come back to haunt us. Kid looks the goods! WTF is he doing in Melbourne gear?
  13. Crameri has been terrible for weeks, he's basically an out inclusion if you get my drift.
  14. Bugger! Terrible timing coming into such a winnable match. The boys better go out there and get the job done in his honor. Blease and Michie must be locks now.
  15. Well Garland didn't have a pre-season, is coming off surgery and he's missed a lot of the game time where the other defenders were gelling with the game plan. Don't have a problem if he's not contributing as much as the others, but he's not going to find form and build his knowledge of Roosy's defensive gameplan at the Casey wasteland.
  16. Has to be the cornerstone of ASADA's circumstantial evidence. Why would Dank & EFC be injecting players with thousands of vials of standard Thymosin if it had no regenerative benefits? No wonder they're in panic mode trying to destroy the case on technicalities, because all the evidence points against them. And for ASADA/WADA to find players guilty, the onus is on accused players to prove their innocence beyond doubt, rather than ASADA to prove guilt beyond doubt.
  17. Yes, unfortunately our compensation will suffer drastically if we recruit a free agent after losing Frawley. Best scenario is Frawley staying and going hard for another free agent, but I don't see him staying.
  18. Keep trying Nate. Daughter's a good start but you're not done yet.
  19. Only thing dumb about it was he didn't whack him harder.
  20. Just not seeing anything consistent from Riley or Salem. I'd drop one and make the other the sub, probably Salem. Michie for McKenzie. Blease for Salem/Riley. Garland needs to find his form and that's in the ones. He doesn't have the same game time this year as the other defenders yet. Would like JKH back in somehow but can't see it happening. Kent had a poor game last night but he's taken JKH's role and showed much stronger fitness last week. Doubt we'll see JKH in the team again until the last few games, Roos says he's too tired.
  21. It might actually be better to rest some of our youngest, like Salem and JKH, than play them at Casey. The constant and miserable losses down there can't be good for team morale, either.
  22. I like the Roos mantra of "earning spots" in the team, but crikey I think it'd be bloody hard to do it at Casey. This alignment isn't working, does not develop our youngsters, and does not help get the best out of our team's youth. Really feel for the guys down there trying to string together consistent games when the team as a whole is so awful and directionless. It's probably hard to shine as a midfielder at Casey with some of the absolute clangers you'd be getting every 5 minutes from Nicho. Perhaps confusingly for players, they're being told constantly you need to be a "team player" at the MFC now, and (as shown again tonight in Vince's post match interview) individually brilliant performances are looked at as almost counterproductive to team player mantra.
  23. What he said. Might need a few light years worth of light between 6 and 5.
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