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Everything posted by SaberFang

  1. Not sure how many people are watching tonight, but if you thought Richmond were embarrassing, tonight the Eagles are giving them a run for their money. Awful, awful game plan which hasn't been adjusted by their coach despite being obviously flawed from the first quarter, terrible kicking skills from the entire team, and an endless series of bombed kicks into their forward 50 that North continually intercept with ease. Our defensive game plan will crush this team in form like this. Embarrassing to watch.
  2. Jetta would have been instructed which way to kick, presumably to give us a 4th quarter advantage. Didn't work out that way obviously.
  3. Hawks were way off their game tonight. Patton was foolish at the end, and cost them the game. Both by missing the shot, and taking too long to kick it.
  4. If his plan was to go to Freo, it makes zero sense for him to come to us begging to reneg on his contract and retire. He'd find an amicable way to get a trade out west, so we end up getting something out of it. It would be the dog act of the century and he'd probably go down as one of the most despised players of all time. That isn't Mitch Clark.
  5. Looking at it again, I'd say he's a shoe-in unless someone in tonight's Eagles/Kangas match turns on a blinder. The Lions have already had two nominations this year, including 2 weeks ago. I don't think they'll get a third nom before they give us one somehow.
  6. If Frawley is telling the truth about seeing improvement and direction, he won't leave. If he's just after money and success, and this is all a charade, then [censored] him.
  7. Yep, Maxwell is an on-field coach, even if he does have his questionable games from time to time. It's a great out for us because their defensive structures, against a forward line of Dawes/Pedo/Frawley/JKH/Watts, will really struggle without Maxwell leading players to position.
  8. I definitely think they believed their own hype and expected to just waltz into this season and land in the top 4 without putting in the effort. We'd do well not to make the same mistake ourselves after the improvements this year, and all the gushing praise from media. We need to look to Port and the way they knuckled down and pushed themselves harder after people called their success last year "a fluke".
  9. Whenever I lament our recruitment, I always remember how much worse Carlton and Richmond's has been. Awful, awful list management. Hampson has to be the worst trade for a second rounder of all time?
  10. I'd say at least half of our games this year have been highly entertaining, very tight matches from an objective point of view. Can't see the AFL rewarding us with better fixturing just yet sadly, but maybe the year after.
  11. Didn't specify, but you'd have to assume clash jumper. Unless the MCC logo will be made more prominent in our home jumper. I like the subtle integration of it this year, but it's unnoticeable on telly.
  12. 3AW just then. While fawning over our indigenous guernsey and how much better it is than our usual outfit, Caro says "watch this space". Says not only are the club working hard on a new logo and branding for the club, but revamped guernseys for next year. Think we'd already been told the away strip was being revamped but missed this year's cut-off, but good to hear more confirmation. PJ's fingerprints all over this.
  13. Anyone think Salem's in with a chance this round? Still four games to go, but not only is he in the top 2 for this round's overall stats sheet, his showreel on the MFC website is incredible. The shepherding for Toump before running on to goal himself, the smarts and strength in his kick to Bail, and the one step kick and goal in the 2nd. Wow! I know plenty here consider the nom a curse for us, but would be great to see more recognition for our club's young players (and further highlight and embarass that idiotic "anonymous recruiter" Roosy wants sacked). http://www.footywire.com/afl/footy/ft_rising_stars_round_performances?sby=14&year=2014&round=11 All that said, obviously it'll go to Paparone because the Lions probably won their last game for the year and the AFL are desperate to give them any advantage they can. Also he got one showy goal.
  14. I'm stumped by that turnover he made in the 3rd quarter. Was such a momentum killer, and a totally unnecessary risk.
  15. Riley and Dawes in for me. Probably Toumpas and Gawn out? Didn't think Toump gave us enough spark as the sub; need more of an electric JKH fast running type in that final quarter. Gawn was monstrous against Richmond but seemed to be carrying too much of the load without Dawes today. Fitness probably an issue.
  16. Realisation sinking in that next year we'll likely be playing the bottom 5 teams twice. Almost a lock for 10 wins, plus a few scalps of the 12 teams above us. We keep improving this form and add Hogan and a few KPP's in the off-season, we're locks for finals next year. Looking forward to the new fixturing plan, will absolutely help us if we finish bottom 6.
  17. The level of stupidity by Richmond players in this game is absolutely... Stupifying. Under 15s could play a more competitive game.
  18. I know what it's like to be a Norf supporter now. Saints, GWS, Suns, Dogs, Port. These five games we lost practically the same way; gave it away when we had a fighting chance. Likewise the Swans match where were highly competitive. Really infuriating to have a win within your grasp and let it slip, but I do think it will empower the team to keep improving. In the end though, silly rushed behinds in the fourth, lapses in concentration in the first, and turnovers all over the place from the usual suspects is the reason we lost today. Change two or three players and that was a win for us.
  19. My heart can't take this team. Same thing every week, always taking it up to the end.
  20. Reminding me of the Dogs game, giving it up despite having chances to win.
  21. Sorry but HOW THE HELL IS THAT NOT A GOAL IF IT HITS THE UMPIRE'S [censored] LEG!!?!?!???!?!?
  22. As the sub, the vision of Toump not running to the contest was absolutely damning. He will be back to VFL next week if he doesn't show more in the 4th.
  23. I'd hate to see us lose this now. Never though we'd be in a position to let it happen like this.
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