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Rhino Richards

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Everything posted by Rhino Richards

  1. Careful Jack your pushing an argument which belongs with the square earth crowd. It does not matter a jot in T20 whether you bat or bowl because the wicket aint going to change that much. In the Shield match we could have been playing for a win had we held critical catches and batted better (sans Quiney) in the 2nd dig. I am not sure Q'land are an inferior side. Victoria has been routed by retirement and injury in the off season.
  2. You know Brisbane thought the sam thing when they got him. Mark Neeld has joined MFC as Coach. Allegedly he puts a high price on discipline, dedication and adherence to team rules. And there is Fev who little of each capacity....Nice dream JCB nice dream. BTW, with the FF line you put forward, It would not scare the an Auskick squad. One player gets spooked, one player cant run, wont chase and will get frustrated and the other has played 10 games of football.
  3. Sure but dont write him off yet. What credence should we take on the 3 games you saw? You sound like you have already cashed your chips. And there have been plenty of recent examples to suggest that sort of judgement is folly.
  4. Is that because their members have leather patches on the elbows of their jackets? What influence are you talking about and how does it make us too conservative? I think when someone claims that journalist hates us it really is claims on D'land about player bashing. And MFD its was that pillar of meeism and self interest KB using term. Either he is pandering to a low demographic or its further proof of his LCD instincts. FWIW, I could not give a stuff about Denham. A champion of the cheap throw away line.
  5. Yes He is a dud. Just like Garland and Frawley were duds in their first year. And Tom Hawkins. He's a dud and has been a dud in his early years. But then he almost won a NSM a couple of weeks ago. Maybe he is not a dud and that bigger players take time to mature.
  6. A talented cat at times. Given his unique background and non AFL upbringing, he can oscillate between sublime to looking disinterested. A definite challenge for Neeld. Not the out and out star posters were proclaiming after half a dozen games. Definitely a must keep but I hope we can switch him on.
  7. Tell that to the Kenyans and Ethiopians who dominate long distance running. McLean was never fast but he can run all day..... Hmmm might not be that big a plus today.
  8. He had one good year in 2002 and I thought he could have been something for us but then he broke down and was bog ordinary after that. At least we got one year out of him. Its better than some other trades. Good explanation Nasher. You need to develop a number of possible options in your list.
  9. It was Greg Healy not Gerard Healy. I dont know what the MFC constitution specifically says but it is usual practice for any director appointed by the Board retire for re appointment at the next available AGM. Unless Brett Lovett has anything special to provide MFC I am not sure I would be appointing him to any role in deference to the best available candidate. If its indeed him then appoint him. Otherwise we are becoming an Old Boys club. Prefer appointments on merit going forward not just because you played at MFC.
  10. I thought aside from 8 to 10 games, I thought Pickett was overweight, unprofessional and useless.
  11. You really would have to go back to Jeff White IMO. Cant think of others
  12. Notwithstanding his personal tragedy this year there were questions about Wonna coming into 2011. If he keen for AFL in 2012 and MFC are prepared to keep him (as a rookie) then he has to work his clacker off, drop some weight, improve his fitness and hope to hell his body stands up to it when his opportunity arises.
  13. MFC do lack a small forward option. Both Maric and Wonna have not stepped up there Good summary DOF.
  14. Agree. I am puzzled by JCB's observation. Not a first though. This guy is a gem and will get better.
  15. Maybe they have scouted potential interest and there is none. He is a very good VFL player...with a bad mo!
  16. Oh well live and learn..... I would much rather you were playing too. Who let the cat out of the bag? Quite right. Common sense.
  17. Spare me about playing for your country. Its a cheap bit of tin and a shallow accolade for an end of season jolly that regularly ends up as a punch up. And the selection is not an indvidual award. Its not a best of anything. I dont know why you would even bother trying to make any comparison with a premiership medal. Its the ultimate chalk and cheese. And a million "awards" to play the hybrid disaster would not even get close to a trade for a premiership medal. Its counts for nothing.
  18. Absolutely agree. A meaningless piece of fluff that does absolutely nothing for MFC. And we put our players at injury risk. Hate it.
  19. Agree Nasher. In respect of luck eg contact injuries you are right. But I dont apply this to Cale and I dont think you do. Edit: Just saw other comment. That does not address the difference between determination and application.
  20. I am not sure what is so good about Hardwick. He was going to look good by turning up for the job after the Wallet disaster. Richmond have not made great strides from where they were even with "the free kick" of picking a plug in gun like Martin. The Tigers top 6 are good. But it falls away after that. They still have the legacy of a lack of list talent following the failed Wallet years. He was always taking a dangerous job in the TIgers and he needs like any coach to provide hope to the Board and supporters.
  21. I learned to expect spasmodic cameos from Col that are cack tease that he can aspire to greater heights. He is a wonderful finisher of the play. Strong overhead and can kick 60 metres. But he is prone to brain fades. Not a chas candidate IMO but some who I want to keep in the side because I hope we will see better output from Col as the team matures.
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