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Bedraggled Dee

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Everything posted by Bedraggled Dee

  1. Top 8 Melbourne players starting 2014 Frawley Garland Grimes Clark Howe Jones Vince (obviously based on his work at the Crows) Dawes Improvement will need to come from the young blokes who are getting up towards the 50-70 games experience. We should expect the following to step up next year: Rohan Bail - 44 games (concussion issues allowing) Sam Bleaze - 31 games (limited games but been in the system long enough) Neville Jetta - 41 games Tommy Mac - 39 games Jordie Mackenzie - 69 games Luke Tapscott - 45 games Jack Trengove - 79 games I also think Dom Tyson, Jack Viney, and Jesse Hogan can make immediate impacts
  2. I never played a game of AFL. But still kicked the wife but was dreamin I was kicking a dog. I migrated from the UK in 1970 grew up playing soccer and rugby union. I played Rugby Union till around 30 including representative games for Victoria. I always enjoyed watching AFL but never realy had a team until I started going out with el presidente. Her family going back through a number of generations have been rabid demons fans and if I wanted in I had to jump on. My father in law has been paid up member for over 60 years without a break and his brother made his final journey recently to the sound of a Grand Old Flag. The whole extended mob bleed red and blue. I probably have a skewed view never having played the game because I know you cant realy understand a game you have never played.
  3. Not nterested in him, dont want him back. He left us not the other way around. He was paid very well to work positively with who ever the board appointed as a coach. Personality clashes happen but professionals work around them. That was part of his job and he failed to do it. Dont need that sort of individual at the club.
  4. Not gettng Dew has potential to be a good thing. There are sme pretty talented people in that list all looking to get a leg up as Roos successor. I like a bit of helthy competition.
  5. We embarked on a long term plan with Grimes and Trenners and I dont see any reason to change that right now. Neither have done too much wrong as Captains but ther is no doubt that the responsibility at such a young age combned with the state of the club has impacted on the boys performance at times. I think they are both stronger and better people for the experience. I think there is a reasonable arguement to drop Trenners to VC alongside Jones to try and free him up a little but I think Grimes will be one of the best Captans this club has ever had and will lead this team to its next flag. There is no need to change, Jones has enough on his plate leading the worst midfeld in the comp and I cant see how adding prerssure to a bloke already carryng the club on his shoulders will help.
  6. Where are we at with Sponsorship. The club has struggled to attract and retain sponsers over recent years and have now lost our joint major partners in Opal and Webjet. More than ever finances are playing a major role in a clubs success and we are not making enough right now to pay our way. Free Agency COW's and pressure not to limit clubs expenditure by the power teams is creating upward pressure on clubs budgets. The proposed fan tax of $2 for each person attending a game will generate a few Mill to be distrbuted to the 6 or so poorer clubs but that wont be enough to bridge the gap for us. I think more needs to be done by the AFL to compensate us for the limited media exposure and gate takings from the crappy draw we get handed. This is not li9mited to the Dees but true for all the strugglung teams. I worry about the Sants if they embark on a rebuild and have an extended period as cellar dwellers. We are not a big drawing club but I defy any club to get big crowds playing Gold Coast at 4;40 on Mothers day Sunday. This sort of game costs the club millions in our gate takings and limted sponsorship opportunities due to the lack of media exposure. I think a lesser sponsorship of Collingwood provides more exposure for the dollar than being Melbourne major sponsor. Why would any business ho conduct due diligence do it?? We are competing in a crowded market in melbourne and we are not getting a decent run at the ball. How much extra cash are we getting from the increased games in the NT? I like the quiet way the PJ seems to go about his business and De Crispigny has only just arrived but has anyone heard of potential sponsers coming on board?
  7. Hopeful for the Dees to head north and i dint think it will take as long as some migt think. There is some quality in the list but it is hidden by the mental state of the team. Confidence is a big thing and like PJ has stated Roos is there partly to sell hope not just to us but also to the playing group. I can us pushing for the 8 with the tiges, Doggies and Port etc. Top 4 who will fight it out for the flag Freo Hawthorn Sydney and one of Coll, Kangas (both did well in trades and draft) and Adelaide (Tex factor) I recon when you view Geelongs losses over the last couple of years it is not easy to replace and while they still have some greats and will be okay I dont think they will be the team there once were. Bombers will be struck down by the off field dramas and players wanting out (I am giggling like a teenage girl in anticpation). Hopefully the players dont get whacked as I dont recon its thier fault.
  8. Not sure if your an accountant or not but you need to have a look at the books mate. We are in the negative, ie we spend more than we earn and have done for years. Thre is not millions of dollars of sponsership out there banging the door down either. Bottom line either revenue goes up or expenditure goes down. Squawking wont change that fact. You choice is either cut the bottom out the club administration and football dept and keep the player payments at 95% or play in the NT for the next few years. For me its a given and I hope we follow Hawthorns lead and milk this for everthing it is worth. I dont like it anymore than you and in an ideal world would love to b in the filths position but we aren't so we need to suck it up and make the best of it. If we can turn the NT into a Demons stronghold and make teams fear to play us there I will be happy.
  9. Always like Col but his comments that his best is still ahead of him anoyed me. Thanks for nothing Col, To be the player he wants and Freo xpects he needs to take responsibilit for his own performance rather than wait for a good team help him get better. He had the ability to drag the MFC kicking and screaming to where it needed to be but instead cruised through his career in second gear and then gaves us the thumb. Hope he gets to play finals and recon he will as small forward for Freo but it will annoy me
  10. Couldn't agree more. The ex players are the man cuprits on this one. It all makes good journos like Emma Quayle look like a diamond in dog turds
  11. Are you a fan of any current players because I look at the backline this year and the pressure they have had to wear ad T-Mac has rarely been beaten badly. I think in a better performing side and being able to find a second or two of space his displosal, like Frawley's and Garlands will improve. He can kick or he would not have made the draft.
  12. Barrat is one of the leaders of a pack of hacks who report on the AFL. They are a rabid bunch of self serving [censored] who each have there own barrow and agenda they push. They should be embarrassed to call themselves journalists. At times they get confused that they are not there to create the news but to report on it. Watching Robbo and Gerrard become the Essendon mouth peice all winter was an absolute disgrace. They obviously allowed themselves to be used to push Hird and Co's agenda and leaked information. It got to the point where I was no longer able to watch it. They miss great positive stories like Evans getting back to play after all his injuries and instead focus from week 1 on which coach is likely to get the boot. It is immoral and wrong that they contribute and even worse take delight in the demise of a persons job and livelyhood. The pressure on coaches is driven to a large degree by the media's desire for blood. How about analysis and discussion on why Melbourne is where it is rather than the the mounting pressure the can place on Neeld. Most don't do the work and don't know know the players or the teams. eg Brereton this year - "not sure why Gawn has not got more games?" Knee reconstructions moron!!! A couple of hours research is not too much to ask. I also have a pet hate - how is it journalism to pick some slightly overexposed video clips and set it to music??? There is plenty of drama in the game without these numbskulls trying to add to it in the editing room.
  13. Dont give a rats provided I get all home games at the G.
  14. Opened the finals fund account already and have blocked out every weekend in September in the Calendar to avoid conflicts. All relatives advised not to plan a september wedding, engagment or event that includes me.
  15. Magner gone - dont understand why but obviously a problem somewhere Taggart - round 2 pick (36 overall) 2011 draft and has not cracked a game in the worst team in the comp. Another shocking draft pick
  16. I actualy like the bloke and could not understand why he did not get a game, but if you are getting 50 odd touches in the Magoos and cant get a gig in the ones especially given the state of our midfield then you are gone.
  17. Couldn't agree more. My jaw hit the deck when I first heard. Its a team game and that deal creates the oposite effect. He is good but not that good, The one common denominator of great full forwards is a skilled midfield and he has benfitted from one of the best. Stick in the Dees forward line and he would not be the player he is with our delivery. Look at Roughy this year as an example
  18. Gone either by trade or by delisting. Dont know why he was overlooked but given our ordinary midfield I am guessing it was maybe discipline or attitude and that means bye!!
  19. Collars???? Really???? Thats an issue?? Very impressed with the work of the Football Dept this trade period. We appear to have got exactly what we need. Add to the trading the draft picks, Mitch Clark (Now fit and raring to go), Dom Barry, Jessie Hogan and another pre season into Terlich, Evan, M Jones etc and I am starting to feel the warm glow of positivity. Roll on preseason can't wait Carn the Dees!!!!!
  20. Good on him, he was a good player for us. I was always surprised at his stats after the game because I often walked away with the impression he didnt get much of the ball but then ended up with 25 touches with a high efficiency. His positional play was great. It is disappointing that we have been unable to retain within the club quality blokes like Jnr, Bruce and Green. There is no doubt we culled too many too early burng a few bridges on the way, to rely on what have tunred out to be poor draft picks to take up the slack that as youngsters were cruelled by long term injuries. Add in poor player development and the exodus of a few free agents in recent years and you have the recipe for the mess we are in now.
  21. Loving Dawes attitude in his latest offering on the club page. Clearly an intelligenct and articulate man, I think he is a great asset as an on and off field leader and potentially as the third forward. I recon he is worth every cent we paid for him and I hope the scumbags come to realise what a mistake they made in letting him go. I am all a quiver antcpating watching a forward line picked from Clark, Hogan, Dawes, Howe, Kent and Fitzy next year. http://www.melbournefc.com.au/news/2013-10-14/little-separates-dawes-two-clubs
  22. There has been a bit of discussion regarding the exodus of free agents (or lack of in some peoples opinion) from the club and the desire/need to bring in some quality experienced midfielders to support our kids. It seems to me from the trade discussions and the search for a senior assistant coach for Roos that even with the restructure of the club and appointments of Roos and PJ the club is strugglng to attract quality players and administrators. There has been critisism in the media of the lack of action by the club during the trade period but it is impossible to make a deal if none of the targeted players want to come to the place. There has been a lot of critisism of the recruiting of Rodan, Byrnes etc last season but maybe that is all that was available for a club in out position. We got Dawes and Clark but by all accounts paid overs for both to get them across the line but clearly cant keep doing that in our situation. I think to get a deal done for pick 2 we will only get a player with few potential suitors and like Sylvia with potential that is yet to to be realised or someone who has discipline issues. At this stage I think we will keep pick 2 and trade higher picks for lesser players who cant find another club. We will need to keep struggling through developing kids to try and improve slowly while stronger perfroming clubs cherry pick talent to top up their lists. While I dont recon our list is as bad as it has shown we need experienced midfield talent to help the kids become competetive and loosing our free agents as they come up without the ability to get in talent is a worry. What do people expect from the trade period and will we be able to get any quality mids into the club?
  23. Nope. If I was a Swans supporter I would not be happy a star on a 10 year contract is playing in a waste of time non game like this. There is not International rep footy
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