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There is a Melbourne fan on Big Footy who is claiming that this is the deal

"thats almost on the mark but the crows arent involved

TJ and Miller to Sydney

Picks 4 and 11 to West Coast

Judd to Melbourne

a lot less then WC want but thats what they have already agreed to

really surprised me when i heard it but its true"


If I honestly gave that much of a rats, I could set up a new BigFooty account and go on and on proclaiming the big scoop and the source that would knock everyone for six.

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If I honestly gave that much of a rats, I could set up a new BigFooty account and go on and on proclaiming the big scoop and the source that would knock everyone for six.

Wouldn't waste your time mate. There are so many Carlton idiots over there in denial that you wouldn't get a word in edgeways.

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I just find it strange that we haven't heard a Judd to Pies rumour in a couple of days, then all of a sudden this bloke thinks he is going to the Pies. You would think if he had that mail, quite a few others sure of hell would've, and there would have been a betting plunge and a few leaks already.

The favourite doesn't always salute the judge and nor does the late market mover.

In this case I'm hoping we do but there's nothing to say the money flowing our way is smart money.

I suspect, as you do, that the bloke on the phone hasn't a clue. But I also suspect that most of those who've started rumours (or 'reported' the facts in the media) about Judd haven't a clue either. Hopefully I'm way off in relation to the rumours about us.

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He wanted to say something bigger than "one million percent" but couldn't think straight. He was trying to muster up words to explain how confident he was that I finally told him he made his point. It's like a tween trying to explain how they didn't do something ... they know they didn't do it but can't think of anything more to say to prove it - but they KNOW they didn't.

Making an announcement tomorrow is not out of the question, BTW.

But the only 'evidence' you're mate has given you is BT being adamant.

Steve Harris sent an sms to all MFC players last night saying that they know nothing and not to be swept up by the rumours. There's lots of rumours but I don't think anyone has definite 'mail'. If there was a real leak the media would be all over it. At the moment it's purely speculation.

You're mate gives me no confidence, Deers. I wish he did.

My gut feel has always been the Pies with us as outsiders. I reckon we closed the gap after the interview, but may be the bridesmaid. I know for a fact that we were outsiders before the interview.

Hopefully we'll soon know.

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No problem if my mate gives you no confidence - if he fails, I'm rich! :D

PS. Side note ... in inner-eastern Melb area right now - 10 minutes ago it sounded like Baghdad circa April 2003 out there.

PPS. "I know for a fact" - who told you? Paul Connors or Chris Judd? :rolleyes:

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I'm with you.

Heart says Melbourne, but head says Collingwood.

However, I think Collingwood have major trade issues with West Coast. Hopefully Judd is happy to go to either club, now that he's met with us.

Deers, I think you'll find that Hannabal is not making up [censored]. I'm not saying you are, but he isn't either.

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I'm with you.

Heart says Melbourne, but head says Collingwood.

However, I think Collingwood have major trade issues with West Coast. Hopefully Judd is happy to go to either club, now that he's met with us.

Deers, I think you'll find that Hannabal is not making up [censored]. I'm not saying you are, but he isn't either.

Hey - Hannabal tells me that Paul Connors or Chris Judd gave him the heads up that Melbourne were the bridesmaid in this race and I'll be happy to acknowledge.

I know ... pot, kettle, black etc etc but I love blind optimism. It comes second only to blind drunk. :lol:

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Hopefully Judd is happy to go to either club, now that he's met with us.

I know this sounds a bit picky, but if Judd chooses Melbourne then I want him to want to come to Melbourne and no one else.

I'm sure he'll grow to love any club he is at, but it would just be nice for him to have some desire to only play in the red and blue.

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Hey - Hannabal tells me that Paul Connors or Chris Judd gave him the heads up that Melbourne were the bridesmaid in this race and I'll be happy to acknowledge.

My information is prior to the interview process. We definitely firmed after the meeting.

Look, I'm hopeful. Every waking moment is consumed by Judd and the Dees. But when I sift through everything I can't find evidence. And combined with what I knew 10 days ago, I'm doubtful.

I just want to be put out of my misery.

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I have no doubt that Judd has already advised a Club of his choice and now is waiting for that club to come to an agrrement with WC reagrding the trade prior to him officialy naming a club...makes sense i think.......

If that is indeed the case then you would have to think we are a red hot chance, because there is plenty going around in the media about possible trade deals (all involving us). Probably not enough about Judd's preference for mine.

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I've already been going early and telling my Collingwood mates that he wants to play in the Red & Blue jumper. If he chooses the Filth, there is gonna be some serious pride to swallow.

Haha. Most of my mates go for Essendon, but I've been fairly reserved in gloating, and have no intention of doing so until the ink is drying on the contract.

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My information is prior to the interview process. We definitely firmed after the meeting.

Look, I'm hopeful. Every waking moment is consumed by Judd and the Dees. But when I sift through everything I can't find evidence. And combined with what I knew 10 days ago, I'm doubtful.

I just want to be put out of my misery.

No concrete evidence, but so many rumours about Melbourne.

You have to wonder where they all come from.

For example, why would BT make such a strong comment on radio this morning (I heard him, and he was very very positive), if he didn't know something? Given that he is working with the Pies, and risking his reputation somewhat, what reason does he have for stating that Melbourne and Judd are pretty much a done deal?

I know Steve Harris has told the media that nothing is known and that he has told our players the same, but there is every possible chance that Melbourne does know but are keeping it private due to Judd's request.

We are not a club that 'leaks' information generally.

However, where there is so much smoke, there is usually also a small fire burning somewhere.

But as you said, the information you had at the start was solid enough and suggested that Judd wanted the Pies. It is entirely possible that after speaking with West Coast, and speaking with Melbourne, that he's realised that going to Collingwood is going to be very difficult.

Either way, I think he knows and I'm hoping we know soon too.

The rumours are doing my head in!

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There is a Melbourne fan on Big Footy who is claiming that this is the deal

"thats almost on the mark but the crows arent involved

TJ and Miller to Sydney

Picks 4 and 11 to West Coast

Judd to Melbourne

a lot less then WC want but thats what they have already agreed to

really surprised me when i heard it but its true"


That is the 50th different rumour/version at least, that is true, that I have read on this site.

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I have a feeling that Judd said to WC that he wants to go to either the Pies or the Dees.....

Brian Taylor is very close with Eddie...it may be that Eddie has mentioned to BT that WC perfer what the Dees have on the trade table to that of the Pies....

Judd has always said that he wanted WC fairly compensated for his departure....

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No concrete evidence, but so many rumours about Melbourne.

You have to wonder where they all come from.

For example, why would BT make such a strong comment on radio this morning (I heard him, and he was very very positive), if he didn't know something? Given that he is working with the Pies, and risking his reputation somewhat, what reason does he have for stating that Melbourne and Judd are pretty much a done deal?

I know Steve Harris has told the media that nothing is known and that he has told our players the same, but there is every possible chance that Melbourne does know but are keeping it private due to Judd's request.

We are not a club that 'leaks' information generally.

However, where there is so much smoke, there is usually also a small fire burning somewhere.

But as you said, the information you had at the start was solid enough and suggested that Judd wanted the Pies. It is entirely possible that after speaking with West Coast, and speaking with Melbourne, that he's realised that going to Collingwood is going to be very difficult.

Either way, I think he knows and I'm hoping we know soon too.

The rumours are doing my head in!

Could this be? Jaded thinking positively about Judd? The planets are truly aligning.

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Could this be? Jaded thinking positively about Judd? The planets are truly aligning.


I'm just trying to make sense of it all.

I don't know why respected media people (yes ok, calling BT and Hutchy 'respected' is pushing it a bit) would be making such strong claims unless they knew something.

It makes sense to me that Judd would want to play for Collingwood, however if he met with 4 clubs, 3 big rich clubs and one poor struggling club, and has narrowed the field down to one big rich club and one poor struggling club, you have to wonder why the poor struggling club is still in the mix?

Maybe it's because we can satisfy West Coast more than the other clubs. I don't know.

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I have a feeling that Judd said to WC that he wants to go to either the Pies or the Dees.....

Brian Taylor is very close with Eddie...it may be that Eddie has mentioned to BT that WC perfer what the Dees have on the trade table to that of the Pies....

Judd has always said that he wanted WC fairly compensated for his departure....

You may be right about BT and Eddie, but more interesting is your second point. Judd may have some club preferences in mind when he leaves WC, but he is simply not going to hold them to ransom. We pretty much knew that from day 1, that he was not the Nick Stevens kind of person who would stick it up his old mob in the forlorn hope of getting what he wanted. Particularly when they had given a fair bit to him.

Hannabal may have been right, and Collingwood may have been the early choice. I have read several (admittedly unproven) things to the contrary, but in any case, following our interview, where, according to reports, we blew him away, we firmed significantly. It is entirely possible and indeed almost certain (remember Greg Denham's article in the Australian) suggesting we were already discussing deals with WC... no doubt the filth were as well.

Now, at this stage, you can bet your boots Judd has been in contact with WC. It's quite possible that they have given him the (horribly sad and just totally devastating :rolleyes: ) news that the filth won't come to the party. So Juddy has seen us as the best alternative for both himself and WC.

Ultimately, as Jaded has said, there is some serious smoke going around, and there is a fire somewhere. The fact that the World's Number 1 newshound, Craig "airport sniffer dog" Hutchison, has suggested, similar to BT, that a deal is almost done, makes us a massive chance.

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I'm just trying to make sense of it all.

I don't know why respected media people (yes ok, calling BT and Hutchy 'respected' is pushing it a bit) would be making such strong claims unless they knew something.

It makes sense to me that Judd would want to play for Collingwood, however if he met with 4 clubs, 3 big rich clubs and one poor struggling club, and has narrowed the field down to one big rich club and one poor struggling club, you have to wonder why the poor struggling club is still in the mix?

Maybe it's because we can satisfy West Coast more than the other clubs. I don't know.

C'mon Jaded, just let yourself believe that he wants to play for the Red & Blue because he still loves the club, and that he is just stringing the Pies along because....well they are The Filth, it feels good. For now anyway.

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C'mon Jaded, just let yourself believe that he wants to play for the Red & Blue because he still loves the club, and that he is just stringing the Pies along because....well they are The Filth, it feels good. For now anyway.

I'm a realist.

There is no way a smart, educated, professional athlete would choose a club based purely on his childhood fantasies. It just does not make sense.

I'm not saying that this is all we have to give him, but certainly Collingwood can give him as much, if not more than we can.

This is why I think Melbourne supporters, more than any others, are so emotionally invested in this Judd thing. Because to get someone of his talents to our poor, struggling, forgotten club, would be an enormous achievement and one that could very well change our future.

For some reason, it seems too good to be true.

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I'm a realist.

There is no way a smart, educated, professional athlete would choose a club based purely on his childhood fantasies. It just does not make sense.

I'm not saying that this is all we have to give him, but certainly Collingwood can give him as much, if not more than we can.

This is why I think Melbourne supporters, more than any others, are so emotionally invested in this Judd thing. Because to get someone of his talents to our poor, struggling, forgotten club, would be an enormous achievement and one that could very well change our future.

For some reason, it seems too good to be true.

I do agree with most of what you have written there Jaded. However, we all hear that Judd is not motivated by money, so therefore Carlton and Collingwood don't move up the pecking order there.

If he is choosing a club from a list perspective or because he wants to play at the G, then why not meet with the Hawks?

The only thing i will say about the sentimental attacment, is that i presume he would have barracked for the Dees up to being drafted to WA by the Eagles. His family i am presuming still does. He does what few players before him have done before him and decides to come back to VIC and can essentially choose his club. It is conceivably possible through these circumstances that an attachment is still there. Why we he meet with us and not some other VIC clubs?

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You may be right about BT and Eddie, but more interesting is your second point. Judd may have some club preferences in mind when he leaves WC, but he is simply not going to hold them to ransom. We pretty much knew that from day 1, that he was not the Nick Stevens kind of person who would stick it up his old mob in the forlorn hope of getting what he wanted. Particularly when they had given a fair bit to him.

Hannabal may have been right, and Collingwood may have been the early choice. I have read several (admittedly unproven) things to the contrary, but in any case, following our interview, where, according to reports, we blew him away, we firmed significantly. It is entirely possible and indeed almost certain (remember Greg Denham's article in the Australian) suggesting we were already discussing deals with WC... no doubt the filth were as well.

Now, at this stage, you can bet your boots Judd has been in contact with WC. It's quite possible that they have given him the (horribly sad and just totally devastating :rolleyes: ) news that the filth won't come to the party. So Juddy has seen us as the best alternative for both himself and WC.

Ultimately, as Jaded has said, there is some serious smoke going around, and there is a fire somewhere. The fact that the World's Number 1 newshound, Craig "airport sniffer dog" Hutchison, has suggested, similar to BT, that a deal is almost done, makes us a massive chance.

Great point Diablo...

Juddy would definitely have been in contact with WC. Say for instance he nominated Collingw&%$ but later it was announced a deal couldnt be done. It doesnt sound right to me. He would know beforehand if it could be accomplished.

Having said that I could imagine the filth just saying leave the wheeling an dealing to us then taking it right to the death in trade week and holding WC to ransom... Ughh!

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