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Round 1, 2022 MCG - Demons vs Bulldogs

Tracc backs up his amazing NS performance of 7.55 with a 7.35! 

Top 5 Meters Gained > Tracc 869 (Doggy's best...Macrae with 569),  Clarry 549,  Langden 446,  May 384 &  Viney 329

Have left Salem out as he played only 13% game time.  Haven't watched the second half replay but Harmes must have turned things around pretty well in the second half to end up in the top 10 here.  Nice result Jackson!

Team score approx 5% off that of the average team score of the top 22 players from last year.  Not bad given the outs down back and the loss of Salem early in the match.

Player Score Rank
C Petracca  7.350 1
C Oliver  5.125 2
Jack Viney  4.150 3
Ed Langdon  3.875 4
Alex N-Bullen  3.525 5
J Harmes  3.450 6
L Jackson  3.325 7
A Brayshaw  3.250 8
Ben Brown  3.150 9
Max Gawn  2.950 10
Steven May  2.825 11
James Jordon  2.675 12
Tom Sparrow  2.250 13
Joel Smith  2.200 14
T McDonald  2.150 15
Jayden Hunt  1.975 16
Jake Bowey  1.850 17
Toby Bedford  1.825 18
Charlie Spargo  1.700 19
Bayley Fritsch  1.675 20
K Pickett  1.650 21
A Tomlinson  0.975 22
Team Score 63.90  
Top 6 27.48  
Bottom 6 9.68  

# Hit outs to advantage not captured

Stats courtesy of footywire.com

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Round 2, 2022 Metricon - Suns vs Demons

Bowey with the No.1 ranking!

What an effort from the young rookie with less than 10 games experience.  Quite incredible really.  And of course rising star nominee for round two.

His score in this round right up there with some of Clarry & Tracc's best statistical efforts (scores) over the last few years on these tables.

His first half in particular was some game as he intercepted so many entries and set up so many rebounds when (i felt) we were under the pump somewhat.  16 intercepts in total for the night with the next best from either team being Tomo with 10 (great effort in his second game back).

Top 5 Meters Gained > Tracc 780 (Sun's Touk Miller the best on the night with a massive 944...is he worth at least a 'run with' next time to cool him off a little... Harmes? However he does turn the ball over alot topping the tables with 9),  May 625,  Bowey 572,  Tomlinson 527 & Clarry 521.

Tracc would have scored / ranked higher here but for being our turnover leader on the night with a fairly hefty 8.  Having said that he did get an awful lot of the pill.  I couldn't really split Bowey, Tracc and Jackson on the night who i thought were, in their own fashion/style & roles, our top three players (visually from what i witnessed on the box anyway...can sometimes see things very differently at the ground of course).

Team score of 67.05 was only a smidgen off that of the average team score of the top 22 players from last year (67.23).

Although the humid / moist conditions probably had some say on the night, this might be an indicator that the Suns could well be a bit of a sleeper team to watch from here.  They aren't that far behind us on the experience front either, tracking about 15 games (or approx one season) of experience (on average) behind the team we fielded on Sat night ...

Average Attributes  
Gold Coast  Attribute  Melbourne 
189.3cm  Height  187.3cm
87.5kg  Weight  87.6kg
25yr 0mth  Age  25yr 4mth
82 Games  97.2


Player Score Rank
Jake Bowey 6.300 1
C Oliver 5.150 2
A Tomlinson 4.800 3
Steven May 4.750 4
C Petracca 4.100 5
Tom Sparrow 4.075 6
Luke Jackson 4.050 7
James Harmes 4.025 8
Alex N-Bullen 3.975 9
James Jordon 3.975 10
A Brayshaw 3.175 11
Jack Viney 3.150 12
Ed Langdon 2.475 13
Trent Rivers 2.350 14
Max Gawn 2.225 15
Joel Smith 2.175 16
T McDonald 1.625 17
K Pickett 1.450 18
Ben Brown 1.200 19
Bayley Fritsch 1.000 20
Charlie Spargo 0.700 21
Jayden Hunt 0.325 22
Team Score 67.05  
Top 6 29.18  
Bottom 6 6.30  

# Hit outs to advantage not captured

Stats courtesy of footywire.com

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Wasn't sure where to rant about this but a thread called Stats Files might be right.

Last year the AFL released a whole load of stats on players on a site called AFL Stats Pro. You could look up a player's career and season averages for pretty much all stats, and you could compare up to five players.

This year - gone. Not replaced, or changed. Just gone.

I cannot stand the stranglehold Champion Data has on statistics in our game.

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8 hours ago, titan_uranus said:

Wasn't sure where to rant about this but a thread called Stats Files might be right.

Last year the AFL released a whole load of stats on players on a site called AFL Stats Pro. You could look up a player's career and season averages for pretty much all stats, and you could compare up to five players.

This year - gone. Not replaced, or changed. Just gone.

I cannot stand the stranglehold Champion Data has on statistics in our game.

I didn't realise that was gone.  Is it still available for Tesltra / Fox subscribers i wonder?  I seem to recall a couple of D'landers had access to the full data set above and beyond the version we could all use and access via their Telstra / Fox subscription.

That's a shame if this is corect as you could compare players in season as well as across their entire career.  It also allowed you to drill down to see things like kicking accuracy, ground ball gets i50 etc, rather than generalised stats like disposal efficiency etc.

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6 hours ago, Cards13 said:

Interesting to see the fwds of Spargo, Fritta and Kozzie low down on these rankings, I didn't check these last season, are the fwds generally lower down as a function of less possessions? 

Yes that is correct Cards.  The ball just doesn't spend as much time overall inside 50 i guess hence the forward's chances of racking up a relatively high statistical score (in these tables) is heavily dependant on tackles, getting the ball inside 50 (if they push up outside the arc), contested marks, marks inside 50, clearances (if they happen to get the odd one up forward ...pretty rare for a genuine forward), score involvements, tackles i50 & goals.

These tables don't capture other areas of forward play like ground ball gets & pressure acts but then again they don't capture these two stats for any position on the field.

To give you some idea of how a forward scores in these tables across a season here are the season average scores for our genuine forwards from last year from highest to lowest...

T-Mac  2.516

K Pickett  2.378

B Fritsch  2.155

C Spargo  2.068

B Brown  1.855 (does not include the odd hit out to advantage up forward)

J Melksham  1.853

S Weideman  1.055

and average scores across all 3 Finals...

B Fritsch  2.583 (roughly 18% higher than his season ave)

B Brown  2.508 (35% improvement on his season average!)

C Spargo  2.117 (slightly above season ave)

K Pickett  1.558 (fair way off season ave)

T Mac  1.325 (well below season ave)

Edited by Demon Dynasty
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Glad to see Sparrow up there in the GCS game. He snuck into my votes but didn't see anyone else include him, even as a special mention. I actually had 6 of the top 7 points here, so pretty aligned somehow!

6 Bowey

5 Pettacca

4 Oliver

3 May

2 Jackson

1 Sparrow



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Round 3, 2022 MCG - Demons vs Bombers

Not the first time Gus has headed these tables.  Without going back over the last four seasons i thought i would just check 2018 as he played a bit more through the middle at times in that season and he ranked number one in rounds 10, 16 & 21.

Another fabulous effort by Clarry.  Just a few too many turnovers on the night to get the chocolates here, leading the team with nine.

So how did Gus arrive at number one?  Let's take a brief look at a few highlights.  29 effective disposals, 3 rebounds, 5 inside 50s, 7 score involvements, 8 intercepts and 518 meters gained!  Clarry topped the meters gained count for both teams with 666 with Gus the next best.

Team score only 2% off the 2021 average...

Player Score Rank
A Brayshaw 6.350 1
C Oliver 5.250 2
Steven May 4.825 3
Jack Viney 3.950 4
Luke Jackson 3.750 5
J Harmes 3.675 6
Ed Langdon 3.525 7
Max Gawn 3.400 8
Jake Bowey 3.350 9
C Petracca 2.850 10
Trent Rivers 2.775 11
Joel Smith 2.725 12
T Sparrow 2.575 13
B Fritsch 2.475 14
J Jordon 2.250 15
S Weideman 2.250 15
Alex N-Bullen 2.025 17
Jayden Hunt 2.025 17
C Spargo 1.950 19
K Pickett 1.550 20
T McDonald 1.275 21
A Tomlinson 0.975 22
Team Score 65.78  
Top 6 27.80  
Bottom 6 9.80  

# Hit outs to advantage not captured

Stats courtesy of footywire.com

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5 hours ago, D4Life said:

Goals undervalued, Weideman had to be in top 6 players for the night!

Yes on this particular night his value was much higher than the rating suggests D4 for sure.

Goals are actually weighted higher than pretty much every other stat here.  But similar to other ratings systems goals tend to get a little less recognition vs what is happening further up the field, especially through the middle, just due to sheer volume i guess.

There's also the pressure side that gets factored in when we don't have the ball and you tend to find tall forwards don't rack up as many on this side vs other mediums & smalls so they miss out here a little.

Having said that, a score of 2.25 for a forward is actually pretty good when you consider the average scores of our other forwards for the whole of last season (see above).

Weid should retain his place this week IF BB is coming back in.  I would think T-Mac might end up missing but then again Goody usually doesn't like to change a winning team (which is understandable) so who knows!

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With all the "value judgements"made of players and the subsequent criticism floating through the posts in many places , it is good to get a merit based system to evaluate players. BUT......even then statistics still fail to eliminate the "value judgement" methods.

Some of us still have our "Whipping Boys" e.g. Gus (ala Joe Boy 0 , TMac , and a "newy" in Tomlinson. Good to see Smith is moving into acceptability.

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Weighted Average Scores up to & including Rnd 3 , 2022 vs H&A Season 2021

Well fellow minions we are already three rounds in and while not a very robust body of work and too early to start making wild assumptions, three rounds (from most players) is still something where we can begin to see some trends developing.

The Positives (for mine anyway)....

👉  Most players are either tracking at, close to ....or....well above their 2021 averages.  The bulk are tracking well above!

👉  The average team score is sitting pretty much spot on with the 2021 average.  I reckon that's a big positive given the early outs down back and the fact we would have started our pre-season a few weeks later than all teams bar the Doggies

👉  Stand out improvers on 2021 average statistical form (for arguments sake shall we say 15% plus improvement?? ie., highly unlikely it's a fluke).  A medal indicates outstanding improvement (say 25% plus??)... Tracc, Gus🏅 , Bowey 🏅, Viney, Jackson 🏅, ANB 🏅, Sparrow 🏅, Smith 🏅 and BB.

The Negatives...

👉  Early days but Gawny is off 2021 by roughly 17%.  I'm not that concerned at this early stage though.  Plenty of time to make that up and the better more experienced players can bridge that sort of gap in a few weeks, injuries aside.

👉  Barring Benny Brown (and not making any assesments on Weideman or Bedford who have both played only one match and in the case of Bedford only half a match at that & no prior averages to go on anyway), pretty much every other forward is way off their 2021 statistical form by 20% plus!  For me this is an early worry, albeit too early to be too worried.

Having said that i must say i'm a little more worried about T-Mac & Kozzie, given that their drop away in statistical form pretty much commenced once the finals started last year.  Being three rounds in, this is now 6 weeks of relatively poor form from both and 6 weeks to me would appear to be a bit of a trend.

👉  Again early days but Hunt's statistical form is a mile off (-44%) his 2021 average.  This would appear to be a significant drop off.  Could his ankle injury last year be playing a part here?  Lost a bit of his 'off the mark' burst speed?  How was his pre-season i wonder?  Any restrictions or did he manage to put in a decent block?

Player 2022 Score 2022 Rank 2021 Score % Change vs 2021 2021 Rank Change in Rank vs 2021
C Oliver 5.175 1 5.258 -1.58 1 0
C Petracca 4.767 2 4.041 17.96 2 0
A Brayshaw 4.258 3 2.836 50.15 12 9
Steven May 4.133 4 3.926 5.28 3 -1
Jake Bowey 3.833 5 2.881 33.06 11 6
Jack Viney 3.750 6 3.171 18.26 8 2
J Harmes 3.717 7 3.520 5.59 6 -1
L Jackson # 3.708 8 2.355 57.47 21 13
Ed Langdon 3.292 9 3.092 6.46 9 0
Alex N-Bullen 3.175 10 2.388 32.96 19 9
T Sparrow 2.967 11 2.023 46.65 28 17
J Jordon 2.967 11 2.908 2.02 10 -1
Max Gawn # 2.858 13 3.439 -16.88 7 -6
T Rivers 2.563 14 2.658 -3.59 13 -1
Joel Smith 2.367 15 1.375 72.12 32 17
S Weideman* 2.250 16 1.055 113.27 27 11
A Tomlinson 2.250 16 2.475 -9.09 16 0
Ben Brown 2.175 18 1.855 17.25 30 12
T Bedford* 1.825 19 - - - -
Bayley Fritsch  1.717 20 2.155 -20.34 25 5
T McDonald # 1.683 21 2.516 -33.09 15 -6
K Pickett 1.550 22 2.378 -34.82 20 -2
C Spargo 1.450 23 2.068 -29.88 27 4
Jayden Hunt 1.442 24 2.597 -44.49 14 -10
Average Team Score - Top 22 66.98   67.23 -0.37    

# Hit outs to advantage not captured

* Only played one match not an average score

Stats courtesy of footywire.com

Edited by Demon Dynasty
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9 hours ago, Demon Dynasty said:

Weighted Average Scores up to & including Rnd 3 , 2022 vs H&A Season 2021

Well fellow minions we are already three rounds in and while not a very robust body of work and too early to start making wild assumptions, three rounds (from most players) is still something where we can begin to see some trends developing.

The Positives (for mine anyway)....

👉  Most players are either tracking at, close to ....or....well above their 2021 averages.  The bulk are tracking well above!

👉  The average team score is sitting pretty much spot on with the 2021 average.  I reckon that's a big positive given the early outs down back and the fact we would have started our pre-season a few weeks later than all teams bar the Doggies

👉  Stand out improvers on 2021 average statistical form (for arguments sake shall we say 15% plus improvement?? ie., highly unlikely it's a fluke).  A medal indicates outstanding improvement (say 25% plus??)... Tracc, Gus🏅 , Bowey 🏅, Viney, Jackson 🏅, ANB 🏅, Sparrow 🏅, Smith 🏅 and BB.

The Negatives...

👉  Early days but Gawny is off 2021 by roughly 17%.  I'm not that concerned at this early stage though.  Plenty of time to make that up and the better more experienced players can bridge that sort of gap in a few weeks, injuries aside.

👉  Barring Benny Brown (and not making any assesments on Weideman or Bedford who have both played only one match and in the case of Bedford only half a match at that & no prior averages to go on anyway), pretty much every other forward is way off their 2021 statistical form by 20% plus!  For me this is an early worry, albeit too early to be too worried.

Having said that i must say i'm a little more worried about T-Mac & Kozzie, given that their drop away in statistical form pretty much commenced once the finals started last year.  Being three rounds in, this is now 6 weeks of relatively poor form from both and 6 weeks to me would appear to be a bit of a trend.

👉  Again early days but Hunt's statistical form is a mile off (-44%) his 2021 average.  This would appear to be a significant drop off.  Could his ankle injury last year be playing a part here?  Lost a bit of his 'off the mark' burst speed?  How was his pre-season i wonder?  Any restrictions or did he manage to put in a decent block?

Player 2022 Score 2022 Rank 2021 Score % Change vs 2021 2021 Rank Change in Rank vs 2021
C Oliver 5.175 1 5.258 -1.58 1 0
C Petracca 4.767 2 4.041 17.96 2 0
A Brayshaw 4.258 3 2.836 50.15 12 9
Steven May 4.133 4 3.926 5.28 3 -1
Jake Bowey 3.833 5 2.881 33.06 11 6
Jack Viney 3.750 6 3.171 18.26 8 2
J Harmes 3.717 7 3.520 5.59 6 -1
L Jackson # 3.708 8 2.355 57.47 21 13
Ed Langdon 3.292 9 3.092 6.46 9 0
Alex N-Bullen 3.175 10 2.388 32.96 19 9
T Sparrow 2.967 11 2.023 46.65 28 17
J Jordon 2.967 11 2.908 2.02 10 -1
Max Gawn # 2.858 13 3.439 -16.88 7 -6
T Rivers 2.563 14 2.658 -3.59 13 -1
Joel Smith 2.367 15 1.375 72.12 32 17
S Weideman* 2.250 16 1.055 113.27 27 11
A Tomlinson 2.250 16 2.475 -9.09 16 0
Ben Brown 2.175 18 1.855 17.25 30 12
T Bedford* 1.825 19 - - - -
Bayley Fritsch  1.717 20 2.155 -20.34 25 5
T McDonald # 1.683 21 2.516 -33.09 15 -6
K Pickett 1.550 22 2.378 -34.82 20 -2
C Spargo 1.450 23 2.068 -29.88 27 4
Jayden Hunt 1.442 24 2.597 -44.49 14 -10
Average Team Score - Top 22 66.98   67.23 -0.37    

# Hit outs to advantage not captured

* Only played one match not an average score

Stats courtesy of footywire.com

Clarry Helped majorly win us the game and Gus stood stoutly and strong to save us any embarrassment. 

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On 3/30/2022 at 4:32 PM, Demon Dynasty said:

I didn't realise that was gone.  Is it still available for Tesltra / Fox subscribers i wonder?  I seem to recall a couple of D'landers had access to the full data set above and beyond the version we could all use and access via their Telstra / Fox subscription.

That's a shame if this is corect as you could compare players in season as well as across their entire career.  It also allowed you to drill down to see things like kicking accuracy, ground ball gets i50 etc, rather than generalised stats like disposal efficiency etc.

I found some of it on the AFL app.

Maybe they've decided to move that data to the app, for reasons which escape me entirely,.

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17 hours ago, Demon Dynasty said:

  Barring Benny Brown (and not making any assesments on Weideman or Bedford who have both played only one match and in the case of Bedford only half a match at that & no prior averages to go on anyway), pretty much every other forward is way off their 2021 statistical form by 20% plus!  For me this is an early worry, albeit too early to be too worried.

Having said that i must say i'm a little more worried about T-Mac & Kozzie, given that their drop away in statistical form pretty much commenced once the finals started last year.  Being three rounds in, this is now 6 weeks of relatively poor form from both and 6 weeks to me would appear to be a bit of a trend.


Struggling to work out whether you're worried or not.

I'm more worried about the data itself. Steven May ranked 3rd against Essendon? I assume that he got credit for each of the free disposals he got kicking in from Essendon's 10 behinds. But does this analysis in any way take into consideration how well his opponent played?

Having said that, there might be merit in the team score, rather than for individual players. But, really, the best data about the team and how it's playing is the final score in each game.     

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4 hours ago, titan_uranus said:

I found some of it on the AFL app.

Maybe they've decided to move that data to the app, for reasons which escape me entirely,.

Thanks TU... they must have stopped the online version and switched over.  I'll check this out when i get a chance cheers

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8 hours ago, La Dee-vina Comedia said:

Struggling to work out whether you're worried or not.

I'm more worried about the data itself. Steven May ranked 3rd against Essendon? I assume that he got credit for each of the free disposals he got kicking in from Essendon's 10 behinds. But does this analysis in any way take into consideration how well his opponent played?

Having said that, there might be merit in the team score, rather than for individual players. But, really, the best data about the team and how it's playing is the final score in each game.     


8 hours ago, La Dee-vina Comedia said:

Struggling to work out whether you're worried or not.

I would say mildly concerned about the forwards who are well off their 2021 season averages LD but given it's so early into the season i'm not about to wet the bed.  As for the two highlighted in Kozzie & T-Mac... yes i have to say i'm more concerned about these two given they are both effectively 6 weeks into a slump.

I'm more worried about the data itself. Steven May ranked 3rd against Essendon? I assume that he got credit for each of the free disposals he got kicking in from Essendon's 10 behinds. But does this analysis in any way take into consideration how well his opponent played?

Any player taking the kick will only get credit for a disposal (in these tables) if that disposal (kick or handball) is an effective disposal after he leaves the square and plays on LD.  These tables don't account for standard kicks & handballs that might end up being ineffective and/or kicks taken from within the square.  So whoever is taking the kick in at least has to either 1. Make a kick of more than 40 meters to a 50/50 contest or better and/or a handball to a teammate that hits the intended target.

Yes May copped a bit of a toweling on the night with Wright on the receiving end of some sling shots off HB and some slick work out of the square, many of these starting with Shiel who i thought was pretty effective overall.  Hard to stop some of this even if you are a top defender.  And no these tables don't make allowance for how well an opponent might be performing against another on the night.  I don't really see quantitative data being capable of doing that.  That's best left to the professionals and/or our own eyes and what we witness on the night and the only realistic way to genuinely assess a player's performance overall.  In your case (and mine) we could both see the impact Wright had and most observers would probably arrive at a similar conclusion (that May was not in the top 3 players given this offset by Wright).  And rightly so.  So you have pretty much made this qualitative assessment yourself as no doubt many others would have, highlighting the weakness of relying on stats alone.  Stats can be on the money in terms of a general idea as to how a player might have performed on the night, but there are also anomalies where they can be completely skewed/misleading.

Having said that, let's look at some of the more significant stats that saw May achieve a skewed result in Rnd 3....

21 effective disposals, 9 one percenters, 4 Rebounds, 5 score involvements and 5 intercepts and only 1 turnover.

Having said that, there might be merit in the team score, rather than for individual players. But, really, the best data about the team and how it's playing is the final score in each game.

Ultimately yes, this is the bottom line in a team sense anyway.


Edited by Demon Dynasty
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Round 4, 2022 Adelaide Oval - Power vs Demons

Harmes at No.1 with 21 effectives, 3 clearances, 3 Rebounds, 4 inside 50s, 1 mark inside 50, 1 one percenter, 3 Tackles (one of those inside 50), 5 score involvements, 4 intercepts, 325 meters gained and 2 goals.  All that with only 70% game time.  Some of his two way running and chase downs (hunting) was amazing to watch.  Fitness seems to have gone up a notch again from last season if that's at all possible and it's paying dividends.

Maxy not far behind if you add about 0.75 for hit outs to advantage that puts him at roughly 4.90   Thought he was BOG on the night.  Stats included... 15 effectives, 5 contested marks, 2 marks inside 50, 2 one percenters, 6 clearances, 3 rebounds, 7 inside 50s, 2 tackles, 4 score involvements, 6 intercepts, 516 meters gained and a goal.

Another super solid game from May.  Team score way off the first three rounds average but it was a dour type of game in comparison.

Top 5 Meters gained.... May 680, Sparrow 551, Gawn 516, Langdon 483 & Jordan 412

Jordan, Sparrow, Nibbler, Gus & Viney all very good, especially in that first half for mine.

Player Score Rank
James Harmes 5.075 1
Steven May 4.800 2
Max Gawn 4.150 3
L Jackson 4.075 4
Alex N-Bullen 3.550 5
Jack Viney 3.550 5
James Jordon 3.500 7
A Brayshaw 3.150 8
Ed Langdon 3.025 9
C Oliver 2.550 10
T Sparrow 2.175 11
Jake Bowey 2.100 12
C Petracca 1.825 13
Trent Rivers 1.675 14
Jake Lever  1.600 15
B Fritsch 1.475 16
T McDonald 1.400 17
S Weideman 1.250 18
Jayden Hunt 1.125 19
A Tomlinson 1.075 20
C Spargo 1.000 21
K Pickett 0.400 22
Team Score 54.53  
Top 6 25.20  
Bottom 6 6.25  

# Hit outs to advantage not captured

Stats courtesy of footywire

Edited by Demon Dynasty
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Weighted Average Scores up to & including Rnd 4 , 2022 vs H&A Season 2021

Player 2022 Score 2022 Rank 2021 Score % Change vs 2021 2021 Rank Change in Rank vs 2021
C Oliver 4.519 1 5.258 -14.05 1 0
Steven May 4.300 2 3.926 9.53 3 1
J Harmes 4.056 3 3.520 15.23 6 3
C Petracca 4.031 4 4.041 -0.25 2 -2
A Brayshaw 3.981 5 2.836 40.37 12 7
L Jackson # 3.800 6 2.355 61.36 21 15
Jack Viney 3.700 7 3.171 16.68 8 1
Jake Bowey 3.400 8 2.881 18.01 11 3
Alex N-Bullen 3.269 9 2.388 36.89 19 10
Ed Langdon 3.225 10 3.092 4.30 9 -1
Max Gawn # 3.181 11 3.439 -7.50 7 -4
J Jordon 3.100 12 2.908 6.60 10 -2
T Sparrow 2.769 13 2.023 36.88 28 15
Joel Smith 2.367 14 1.375 72.12 32 18
T Rivers 2.267 15 2.658 -14.71 13 -2
Ben Brown 2.175 16 1.855 17.25 30 14
A Tomlinson 1.956 17 2.475 -20.97 16 -1
T Bedford* 1.825 18 - - - -
S Weideman 1.750 19 1.055 65.88 27 8
Bayley Fritsch  1.656 20 2.155 -23.16 25 5
T McDonald # 1.613 21 2.516 -35.89 15 -6
Jake Lever* 1.600 22 3.661 -56.30 5 -17
Jayden Hunt 1.363 23 2.597 -47.52 14 -9
C Spargo 1.338 24 2.068 -35.30 27 3
K Pickett 1.263 25 2.378 -46.89 20 -5
Average Team Score - Top 22 64.54   67.23 -4.00    

# Hit outs to advantage not captured

* Only played one match not an average score

Stats courtesy of footywire.com

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Such a remarkable correspondence to last year at this early stage. Super-quick sums, but I think we had an average winning margin of 25 after four rounds last year compared to 26 so far this year. Average points for and against also sits within a crazy three-point range. The only difference is we seem to be more confident and in even better control, taking our foot off in the last. Absolutely cruising. I might dig deeper and look at quarter-by-quarter comparisons, along with some other stats such as contested, centre clearances, inside-50's and conversion rates if I get some time. 

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There's probably errors in here, but; 

A quick quarter-by-quarter summary of goals and points for and against year-on-year after four rounds:

2022 Q1 for 11.14 vs 4.12 against
2021 Q1 for 10.16 vs 9.8 against


2022 Q2 for 14.7 vs 13.4 against
2021 Q2 for 14.11 vs 10.6 against


2022 Q3 15.11 for vs 8.9 against
2021 Q3 12.11 for vs 11.2 against


2022: Q4 10.14 for vs 10.11 against
2021: Q4 13-21 for vs 9.9 against

Summary. small sample but suggests we're coming out a lot stronger defensively in the first if not still a bit wayward on goals. Less tight in the second but finishing off the match in the third and cruising home with not perfect but a lot better accuracy. 

Edited by Skuit
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On 4/12/2022 at 1:18 AM, Skuit said:

There's probably errors in here, but; 

A quick quarter-by-quarter summary of goals and points for and against year-on-year after four rounds:

2022 Q1 for 11.14 vs 4.12 against
2021 Q1 for 10.16 vs 9.8 against


2022 Q2 for 14.7 vs 13.4 against
2021 Q2 for 14.11 vs 10.6 against


2022 Q3 15.11 for vs 8.9 against
2021 Q3 12.11 for vs 11.2 against


2022: Q4 10.14 for vs 10.11 against
2021: Q4 13-21 for vs 9.9 against

Summary. small sample but suggests we're coming out a lot stronger defensively in the first if not still a bit wayward on goals. Less tight in the second but finishing off the match in the third and cruising home with not perfect but a lot better accuracy. 

Thanks Skuit.  Our second quarters have felt like our worst part of the matches so far and this would appear to support that.  Would be nice to know what underlying reasons are behind this so far.  Hopefully we can turn this around a little as the year progresses.

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On 4/12/2022 at 12:48 AM, Skuit said:

There's probably errors in here, but; 

A quick quarter-by-quarter summary of goals and points for and against year-on-year after four rounds:

2022 Q1 for 11.14 vs 4.12 against
2021 Q1 for 10.16 vs 9.8 against


2022 Q2 for 14.7 vs 13.4 against
2021 Q2 for 14.11 vs 10.6 against


2022 Q3 15.11 for vs 8.9 against
2021 Q3 12.11 for vs 11.2 against


2022: Q4 10.14 for vs 10.11 against
2021: Q4 13-21 for vs 9.9 against

Summary. small sample but suggests we're coming out a lot stronger defensively in the first if not still a bit wayward on goals. Less tight in the second but finishing off the match in the third and cruising home with not perfect but a lot better accuracy. 

Round 5 seems on trend . . . 

4.0       2.2       10.2     3.4
0.5       3.1       2.2       2.3

Season totals now:

Q1 14.14 for vs 4.17 against
Q2 16.9 for vs 17.5 against
Q3  25.13 for vs 13.4 against
Q4  13.17 for vs 11.12 against

I'm pretty confident on now calling these stats meaningful. They're not just distorted aggregates due to anomalies, but really consistent game-on-game. We're coming out with a super-tight defensive mindset, fluffing around in the second, stamping our foot down in the third, and cruising in the last when the game is already done. 


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Round 5, 2022 MCG - Demons vs Giants

Team score off the charts at 74.0

Last night's performance was a massive 10% above the average team score from season 2021!  To give you some idea of how good this was, our best score from our 2021 Premiership season was Rnd 6 vs The Tigers @ 71.93 (Chunk's last game at the G)  And the Grand Final.... 69.50

Conversion rate was 70%, one of the highest i've seen from any team.

Tracc tops the table this round with 24 effectives @ 80% efficiency, 7 clearances, 6 inside 50s, 2 tackles (one inside 50), 12 score involvements (most on the night, next best was Spargo with 9!), 3 intercepts, 573 meters gained (most on the night) 4 turnovers (quite low for that many possessions) and 2 goals.  Reckon the disallowed goal fired Tracc up big time last night!

Another fabulous game from May who must have gone very close to BOG with another strangulation of the oppo.  One of Spargo's best games in the red & blue?

Top 5 Meters gained.... Tracc 573, Spargo 478, May 447, Clarry 440 & Maxy 426

Player Score Rank
C Petracca 5.875 1
Steven May 5.675 2
Jack Viney 5.425 3
C Oliver 4.550 4
Max Gawn 4.125 5
Jake Bowey 3.775 6
J Harmes 3.775 6
A Brayshaw 3.525 8
T Sparrow 3.525 8
C Spargo 3.500 10
J Jordon 3.400 11
Trent Rivers 3.325 12
Ed Langdon 3.175 13
Alex N-Bullen 2.850 14
L Jackson 2.800 15
B Fritsch 2.700 16
Jake Lever 2.525 17
J Hunt 2.400 18
H Petty 2.025 19
S Weideman 1.950 20
K Pickett 1.900 21
T McDonald 1.200 22
Team Score 74.00  
Top 6 29.43  
Bottom 6 12.00  

# Hit outs to advantage not captured

Stats courtesy of footywire

Edited by Demon Dynasty
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    FEARS by Whispering Jack

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