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Peter Jackson - On The Couch Monday 29th July, 2013


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Show me where i have used the word Messiah please?

He knows how to run a business.

Running the MFC shall be his biggest project yet.

Get off your high horse Satyr & just listen to the way he talks.

Anyone can talk a good job WYL, I have experienced CEO and managers who were just that, all talk

The one you hate, ol' CS, managed to get MFC on an even keel and even post a small profit, so running a business and being successful on the field don't equate to the same thing, it helps if the business is on a sound footing and you can invest in the FD, but that is all

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Yes....but, this point has been discussed at length by so many, over so many years, by so many posts.

It's not new.

Sorry, but I think the club CEO mentioning it on national TV is a little bit more significant than there being some posts about it on a forum...

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I am impressed he has no interest in talking up the 50's which is the context of the past i mentioned.

Our last CEO was besotted by it while dealing with people like Ben Polis.

PJ will only deal with the big boys. He made that clear. There are no favourites.

I am happy to hear that.

If PJ can get a topline Football Operations Manager & a proven coach then this diabolical shambles just might be saved.

We are in good hands from what he said last night. He knows how far off the pace we are.

We cannot ask anymore at this stage.

Getting personel to the club will be bloody hard, as no one outside rates us. We are a distraction.

But PJ at least has the cred to get his message across.

We can expect no more at this stage.

WYL, every single one of the 30000 odd members knows how far off the pace we are, 'staring us in the face' probably sums it up

CS spent a lot of time and effort trying to reestablish an identify for MFC which had disappeared, (that was even bemoaned on this board for a star)t, perhaps in hindsight too much time and not enought elsewhere......... that is gone, but it does give you a chance to have a retrospective pot shot

"will only deal with the big boys"?........not sure where you are going with that, hence my comment about 'messiah'

I expect a lot more at this stage

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Anyone can talk a good job WYL, I have experienced CEO and managers who were just that, all talk

The one you hate, ol' CS, managed to get MFC on an even keel and even post a small profit, so running a business and being successful on the field don't equate to the same thing, it helps if the business is on a sound footing and you can invest in the FD, but that is all

Haha! You have already said before if CS was still in the job you would support him Satyr..even though his apalling record even after his 186 reprieve was evident.

Blind Faith its called. The same attitude you have to the senior coaching position. You supported Neeld right up to the moment his A4 folders were wheeled out the door.

Please spare me Schwab's excellent work at the MFC...

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WYL before you let your Messiah complex get completely out of control, yes I liked what Peter Jackson said last night, but the proof is in the pudding..I'll wait and see....also see if you find some posts/articles from Bombers supporters/journos/bloggers towards the end of Jackson's tenure at Essendon....what you read may surprise you.....as I have said before I get all the facts and information I can before I jump on or off

I love how you direct WYL to read posts and articles from Essendon supporters, journalists and bloggers, then promote that you only jump on or off based on all the facts.

Don't tell me you're using those avenues of which you directed WYL to as your way of "fact finding".

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I just finished watching the interview and like most came away impressed. He answered the questions directly but without the clipped, abruptness of Mark Neeld. But I am not buying into the PJ is Lord and Saviour just yet - I have seen too many false dawns and heard great speeches that sounded like roast beef and ended up being more fairy-floss.

When the new Chairman, 5-year CEO, experienced coach and his assistants are in place, and the captain is chosen for 2014 THEN I will make a call on how I reckon PJ is going. But I refuse - point blank stubbornly refuse - to follow words any longer. Personnel including administrators, coaching staff, players, board members etc... is what will change us and the only real change is PJ himself at the moment.

The actions of the MFC over the last decade have driven me to a similar spot Maldonboy.

99% sceptic and cynic

I hold very similar views to above.

Now call it " wanting to believe" if you like but I do get a feeling that he has summed up the MFC very well.

Early moves look good.

I am now 97%!

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My thoughts on Peter Jackson and the interview:

  • Jackson was reasonably impressive in the interview and he has made some good/tough early calls. However, I would also say the key calls have been fairly easy/obvious (i.e. sacking Mark Neeld and asking the AFL for assistance).
  • While I think it is all well and good for Jackson to rubbish the club’s culture and the previous administration at the beginning of his term, I would be disappointed to see it continue for much longer, as I think enough is enough and we need to move forward. Once the decision on the Priority Pick is announced, I hope we don’t hear words like ‘impediment’ come out of his mouth anymore.
  • Jackson’s comments about our older leaders, where he was referring to McDonald, Bruce and Green, were spot on.
  • I think he is largely wrong in apportioning significant blame for our current position on our player development. I think we have just drafted players without the talent to cut the mustard. For instance, I don’t believe the argument that Jack Watts and Colin Sylvia would be much better players at other clubs (although it might appear that way because they are playing in better teams). Conversely, I don’t think we would be here if we called Dangerfield, Darling, Martin and Naitanui in previous drafts.
  • Jackson’s comments about Chris Connelly were fair, but I thought he could have been a bit more diplomatic in answering the question. My view is that we need to move on from the tanking episode with fresh people and he could have said that he “believes the best way to move forward was with a fresh start”.
  • I am not as anti an untried coach as the majority. Given his comments, which have really locked us in, I hope we can get a first choice candidate (Roos, Williams or Eade) and we don’t need to go for a B grader in Ayres or Knights.
  • Overall, I am more circumspect about Jackson’s appointment that the majority here on Demonland. So far Jackson has done a lot of potting of the previous administration (and mostly justified) and I want to see him give us a little more reason for hope/excitement going forward.
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  • Overall, I am more circumspect about Jackson’s appointment that the majority here on Demonland. So far Jackson has done a lot of potting of the previous administration (and mostly justified) and I want to see him give us a little more reason for hope/excitement going forward.

Agree with you big time. After x amount of months, this needs to end. If I hear about how terrible things were 12 months down the track, then I will have run out of patience with PJ. If it reaches that stage, he will have entered Mark Neeld territory.

I think this rev up will only really work if he stays there on a short term basis. It might be awkward for PJ to stay there as a long term CEO if he has to face a board who knows he is openly contemptuous of the club's previous culture.

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Agree with you big time. After x amount of months, this needs to end. If I hear about how terrible things were 12 months down the track, then I will have run out of patience with PJ. If it reaches that stage, he will have entered Mark Neeld territory.

I think this rev up will only really work if he stays there on a short term basis. It might be awkward for PJ to stay there as a long term CEO if he has to face a board who knows he is openly contemptuous of the club's previous culture.

If he leaves for that reason we can turn out the lights and close the doors soon after
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  • Overall, I am more circumspect about Jackson’s appointment that the majority here on Demonland. So far Jackson has done a lot of potting of the previous administration (and mostly justified) and I want to see him give us a little more reason for hope/excitement going forward.

Why don't you take a look at the farce our football club is to see that everything Peter has said is completely justified.

A good place to start is Saturday afternoon. We're facing a winless team in front of 7k people max, doing our best not to be completely embarrassed for the 7th season in a row.

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Agree with you big time. After x amount of months, this needs to end. If I hear about how terrible things were 12 months down the track, then I will have run out of patience with PJ. If it reaches that stage, he will have entered Mark Neeld territory.

I think this rev up will only really work if he stays there on a short term basis. It might be awkward for PJ to stay there as a long term CEO if he has to face a board who knows he is openly contemptuous of the club's previous culture.

Bloody hell, you're being a bit over the top. He hasn't even hit the 3 month mark of his tenure, it's the first time he's appeared on arguably the best football show there is, of which they ask the questions that we want answers to (and he answered them). He also explained his belief of the weekend's flogging, which was a reality check for a number of Melbourne supporters.

He's not here to make friends, and given that he has succeeded in the same role at another club, something not too many employed at the MFC can hang their hat on, I think you just shut up and listen and do what he says.

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I love how you direct WYL to read posts and articles from Essendon supporters, journalists and bloggers, then promote that you only jump on or off based on all the facts.

Don't tell me you're using those avenues of which you directed WYL to as your way of "fact finding".

No I said facts, you read up and then investigate further, looking for facts, of course this is flavoured with hindsight and retrospectivity, actually use my own intellect and intelligence once I have absorbed all the information and facts to come to a decision/opinion

Haha! You have already said before if CS was still in the job you would support him Satyr..even though his apalling record even after his 186 reprieve was evident.

Blind Faith its called. The same attitude you have to the senior coaching position. You supported Neeld right up to the moment his A4 folders were wheeled out the door.

Please spare me Schwab's excellent work at the MFC...

You really are a special case aren't you WYL, I supported CS in what he was trying to achieve, and along with the rest on this board, now we all have a bit of hindsight and bits of other information seeing the light of day, perhaps some of the support was misguided, but that happens in all of life, moved on from that, you are the one that keeps banging on about him, and will not acknowledge the good work he did, I suppose with you being so perfect you find it hard to comprehend how people make mistakes

I support the Coach, no matter who it is, could see what Neeld was trying to achieve, it didn't work, again moved on

Just read this board for a while now, love reading the posts from those with sore arses caused by jumping on and off the latest bandwagon

Edited by Satyriconhome
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Bloody hell, you're being a bit over the top. He hasn't even hit the 3 month mark of his tenure, it's the first time he's appeared on arguably the best football show there is, of which they ask the questions that we want answers to (and he answered them). He also explained his belief of the weekend's flogging, which was a reality check for a number of Melbourne supporters.

He's not here to make friends, and given that he has succeeded in the same role at another club, something not too many employed at the MFC can hang their hat on, I think you just shut up and listen and do what he says.

Billy, he seems to have succeeded at another football club, same as Roos seems to have succeeded as a footy coach with 1 premiership, and a just over 50% win loss ratio ,let's see shall we

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I love how you direct WYL to read posts and articles from Essendon supporters, journalists and bloggers, then promote that you only jump on or off based on all the facts.

Don't tell me you're using those avenues of which you directed WYL to as your way of "fact finding".

amusing isn't it. PJ himself said last night that in his last year at Essendon he was tired and little things got to him. It happens anywhere.

New challenge new surrounds.

Does not detract at all that he knows the CEO position of an AFL club. It was he who set up Essendon very nicely at Etihad while all other clubs lose.

I will not compare Jackson's record with Schwab.

It's a futile excercise.

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PJ is by any account our interim CEO. He will pack his bags at some stage an leave us. I think it might be a little later than imagined but who knows. The only real way to tell whether that time was constructive and helpful will be by the legacy of what he will have provided.

Currently hes sort of a one man band . Thats not the way a club should run and it is temporary. Once the President /Chair comes on board and they impart of their influence, and whence similarly Coach and FD head are hired we can start to see the direction and flavour of the club-reborn.

Should PJ trot off at next seasons end we will Im sure have an indication of whether we're set up right or otherwise.

He has the uneviable task of chipping away at a decades pollution ( or more ) . He has to clean this place up whilst at the same time preserving sufficient so as the whole place doesnt crumble around his feet.

So far I dont think hes done much wrong, nor that much thats surprising.

I sense hes a little old school in a way. You cant fix a problem until you acknowledge it. Having watched the interview I thought he was quite circumspect about it all. Its mainly the media sensationalising his approach and apportioning greater volume to some things said than really warranted.

Like the many though Im just sitting and watching ( hoping also).

Lets see what the fella can do ( also )

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amusing isn't it. PJ himself said last night that in his last year at Essendon he was tired and little things got to him. It happens anywhere.

New challenge new surrounds.

Does not detract at all that he knows the CEO position of an AFL club. It was he who set up Essendon very nicely at Etihad while all other clubs lose.

I will not compare Jackson's record with Schwab.

It's a futile excercise.

You are a CEO WYL, little things should not get to you....you decide the future, if your view is jaundiced then are you going to make the right decisions?, my post previously, about the last couple of years of his tenure

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Here is an exercise to try, you have followed footy for god knows how many years and the MFC, watch the interview again, and think I would have answered that question the same way...of course we would.....he was saying what we all wanted to hear..........

I don't want to hear that my club is "light years" from the top clubs at all. But i appreciate the honesty.

When did Schwab ever speak with such clarity?

Schwab was more interested in designing blazers of glory than face the business reality that he helped put us in.

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You are a CEO WYL, little things should not get to you....you decide the future, if your view is jaundiced then are you going to make the right decisions?, my post previously, about the last couple of years of his tenure

fair Dinkum you really want this guy to fail don't you Satyr.

Is that so you could welcome Conolly back into the place again?

You want the outsider to fail deep down...

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fair Dinkum you really want this guy to fail don't you Satyr.

Is that so you could welcome Conolly back into the place again?

You want the outsider to fail deep down...

No I don't want him to fail, I am hoping he does well, time will tell, I am just one of the posters in this topic who isn't falling over with excitement, unfortunately as far as Connolly goes, yes he bleeds red and blue and yes he probably had good intentions, but I think there is too much water under the bridge for him to return now, moved on from that as well

I don't want to hear that my club is "light years" from the top clubs at all. But i appreciate the honesty.

When did Schwab ever speak with such clarity?

Schwab was more interested in designing blazers of glory than face the business reality that he helped put us in.

You are revisioning again WYL, the business side of the Club was in reassonable nick until the brown stuff started flying with payouts, fines etc, 12 months ago, if you go back and read the posts, the optimism about everything was still there, everybody believed the club was going forward financially, the list would be cleaned up etc......hindsight is a wonderful thing

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He said it's about finding an experienced coach who can build a decent footy culture.

And, in this regard, Choco Williams absolutely has to be our man. He'd be perfect for this club right now.

Paul Roos doesn't want the job IMO - it's been clear all along, just not to certain Demons wish-thinking supporters and certain media shock jocks trying to create headlines. We're the ugly nerd on the dance floor who keeps asking the hot chick for a dance, and refuses to accept that she doesn't want to go there.

Haven't u seen "Revenge of the NERDS" R B?

The nerds get the hot chicks.

Edited by DemonOX
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No I don't want him to fail, I am hoping he does well, time will tell, I am just one of the posters in this topic who isn't falling over with excitement, unfortunately as far as Connolly goes, yes he bleeds red and blue and yes he probably had good intentions, but I think there is too much water under the bridge for him to return now, moved on from that as well

You are revisioning again WYL, the business side of the Club was in reassonable nick until the brown stuff started flying with payouts, fines etc, 12 months ago, if you go back and read the posts, the optimism about everything was still there, everybody believed the club was going forward financially, the list would be cleaned up etc......hindsight is a wonderful thing

The business was publicly shaky once Polis published disgusting remarks on his facebook page.

The only reason we got more sponsors after that was because Eddie gave us the airtime on The Footy Show. We were far from in reasnoable nick as far back as 2011.

$5mill is gone. Wiped!!!!!

I am not falling over with excitement btw. But i am content in the knowledge that our CEO will be taken seriously on all levels by the business community.

Schwab studied with Homer Simpson at Clown School compared to PJ.

Edited by why you little
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I actually think that is who we need as coach but he even would probably struggle with this lot.

But he would have loved the conditions at Geelong the other week.

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