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Dank involved at Demons?


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There once was a nutter called Dank,

The work he did for the Bombers was rank

The Demon's doctor called Bates,

Dank and the doctor were Mates

Now the Demons will face a sad fate

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'Redleg' whilst I appreciate we are not in the same position as Essendon, our club has been very liberal with the truth. In Feb they knew there was at best an association with Dank which they admit to in the statement last night, they should have said so at the time, this statement is 3 months too late. To the letter of the law he was not employed by the club but the lie is in the omission of the detail that he was associated with the club and at best as an advisor to the club doctor, at worst case who knows.

... and the problem with being loose with the truth is that it makes us wonder what else is being hidden from us. There has been the feeling for a long time that something is seriously wrong somewhere and we're all being treated like mushrooms. This only confirms that feeling.
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... and the problem with being loose with the truth is that it makes us wonder what else is being hidden from us. There has been the feeling for a long time that something is seriously wrong somewhere and we're all being treated like mushrooms. This only confirms that feeling.

Yep it's the classic "Mates of Melbourne" syndrome - the rank & file don't matter, those at the top know what's best for us.

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Hahahaha spin spin spin

You've got NFI just like your mate.

Gonz...me old chum..fear and loathing in Melbourne......great post.....really showing your intellect.....and WFI have you got....Caroline or Damian given you the inside goss have they.....question to all the posters on here.....who has the proof the Club lied particularly in Feb, when Darwin (mentioned in the emails) and the fact Trengove wasn't going was in December.....none of this means that Bates took up any offer from Dank except maybe advice or a recommendation on a clinic.....and the players had vitamin/supplement shots..............never let facts get in the way of a good story..........can anybody refute what I am saying....or will it be in the same language as Gonzo....every single team in all professional footy codes take supplements and vitamins and probably on the edge of legality.....they have to to maintain the levels of physicality....." Swisse - the official vitamin of the AFL"

Just one question re this.....how did Mark LeCras get back so quickly?...anyone want to ask

What I don't get is being a sheep or part of the baying mob..........I read/listen/watch and then form my own opinion, I was dubious when all this first arose, Gillard with the assistance of serving and ex bureaucrats shaking the tree to see what fell out.....

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Gonz...me old chum..fear and loathing in Melbourne......great post.....really showing your intellect.....and WFI have you got....Caroline or Damian given you the inside goss have they.....question to all the posters on here.....who has the proof the Club lied particularly in Feb, when Darwin (mentioned in the emails) and the fact Trengove wasn't going was in December.....none of this means that Bates took up any offer from Dank except maybe advice or a recommendation on a clinic.....and the players had vitamin/supplement shots..............never let facts get in the way of a good story..........can anybody refute what I am saying....or will it be in the same language as Gonzo....every single team in all professional footy codes take supplements and vitamins and probably on the edge of legality.....they have to to maintain the levels of physicality....." Swisse - the official vitamin of the AFL"

Just one question re this.....how did Mark LeCras get back so quickly?...anyone want to ask

What I don't get is being a sheep or part of the baying mob..........I read/listen/watch and then form my own opinion, I was dubious when all this first arose, Gillard with the assistance of serving and ex bureaucrats shaking the tree to see what fell out.....

Mate the club have admitted it themselves, WAKE UP!!!!!

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Yep it's the classic "Mates of Melbourne" syndrome - the rank & file don't matter, those at the top know what's best for us.

It appears Dr that they are doing a splendid job too.

They have driven us to the bottom

Made us a laughing stock

Alienated us from the AFL

Not sure how much more they could achieve.

Glad I have my trust in them.

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Does anyone know what rule we have breached if we have mislead the AFL?

Will be very interesting to see exactly what we were asked in the briefing and exactly what we said

I know the public statement could be seen as misleading but i'd say that is just answering the questions without drawing attention to the club as it's entirely possible quite a few clubs would have had dank offering similar sorts of advice and so on.

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Mate the club have admitted it themselves, WAKE UP!!!!!

Where have they admitted it, in the statement, no I don't think so, you only have media commentators saying this, and Vlad has to make the right noises............... it is not me that needs to wake up, it is other posters on here who think journalists and Neil Mitchell are not chasing ratings.......and are actually speaking the truth

The one thing that makes me believe that all this is a beat up, is Hird, he knows the truth of what went on at Essendon and is standing firm

Hopefully that is what Melbourne is doing as well

The hysteria displayed in two topics on this board this morning astonishes me

Do you really think this will be the last leaked emails/text msgs/conversations........er no

It will be Geelong next, coz that's where the Weapon came from to Essendon and then Dank followed him

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Does anyone know what rule we have breached if we have mislead the AFL?

Will be very interesting to see exactly what we were asked in the briefing and exactly what we said

I know the public statement could be seen as misleading but i'd say that is just answering the questions without drawing attention to the club as it's entirely possible quite a few clubs would have had dank offering similar sorts of advice and so on.

On the face of it we haven't broken any rules. The issue here is that we have withheld information from the AFL and published a statement that appears to contain untruths.

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On the face of it we haven't broken any rules. The issue here is that we have withheld information from the AFL and published a statement that appears to contain untruths.

In that case at the very worst this could equal a fine and abit of shame for the club then?

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Where have they admitted it, in the statement, no I don't think so, you only have media commentators saying this, and Vlad has to make the right noises............... it is not me that needs to wake up, it is other posters on here who think journalists and Neil Mitchell are not chasing ratings.......and are actually speaking the truth

The one thing that makes me believe that all this is a beat up, is Hird, he knows the truth of what went on at Essendon and is standing firm

Hopefully that is what Melbourne is doing as well

The hysteria displayed in two topics on this board this morning astonishes me

Do you really think this will be the last leaked emails/text msgs/conversations........er no

It will be Geelong next, coz that's where the Weapon came from to Essendon and then Dank followed him

I'm with you on this. The readiness of some on here to just want to convict and hang the club, without any real knowledge of the facts, just astonishes me too.

Those same people want our players to go hard, while they are as soft as butter in their support.

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This story has fallen on to page 2 at Bigfooty, a place where trolls and idiots love sticking the boot in to anyone for any reason

Just shows you its nothing but a media beat up, it just feels like the sky is falling in on us because its happening to us

Step away for a minute and look at it from another team supporters point of view.

We have done nothing wrong, and its just another media storm in a tiny teacup

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Yep it's the classic "Mates of Melbourne" syndrome - the rank & file don't matter, those at the top know what's best for us.

I call it the silver spoon syndrome, they dont give a rats ass about the rank and file members, this board has trashed our jumper beyond repair.

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In regards to the initial statement issued by the MFC after it conducted an internal audit in to it's supplement program.

Re post 387

You refer to an assertion that Dank had no involvement when I think you mean it was an implication. An assertion is an actual statement and that is not the case.

Then you conclude that an SMS to meet someone later, means that they actually met.

I hope you are never on a jury judging me.

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It's interesting to reflect on what posters here would have been saying if MFC had put its hand-up when the spotlight fell on the Bombers initially. I expect there would be cries of sack the board etc for being so stupid to put the spotlight on us when the Bombers could take all the heat. Probably from the same people who say sack them all now.

Once again we don't know all the facts. It is likely that the source of the text messages is Dank for his own reasons. There is nothing in those texts that clearly proves any player knew of Dank's involvement with the doctor . Hence speculation that 'fear of it all coming out' is responsible for our woeful on-field performance is just that - speculation. (Not to mention it doesn't explain why that fear evaporated in the first half last week.)

If (and yes it is an if) the players didn't know about Dank's involvement, and the MFC felt the only source of a leak would be our Doc or Dank himself, then telling the partial truth to the AFL may not have seemed such a foolish idea at the time. Hindsight is wonderful.

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I call it the silver spoon syndrome, they dont give a rats ass about the rank and file members, this board has trashed our jumper beyond repair.

What silver spoon.....that is a bizarre statement that belongs back in the 50's , I am a working class yobbo from Liverpool, I have hair down my back, big bushy beard, tattoos.....teeth could do with a bit of repair........not exactly rolling in cash......but I have been welcomed to the Club.........because of my volunteering I am recognised, but if I ask a question, doesn't matter what, I get an answer, if I don't like the answer, I will ask again and again..........

Edited by Satyriconhome
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I call it the silver spoon syndrome, they dont give a rats ass about the rank and file members, this board has trashed our jumper beyond repair.

What a shock, a post from you smashing the Board.

Anyway I give up. Please could everyone at the MFC just resign and walk out the door.

No doubt people from Demonland will then volunteer to run the club, win a premiership in a year or two and make millions of dollars.

Oh by the way, not one person nominated for the Board at the AGM a couple of months ago. However, I am sure there are many briliiant potential board members, just dying to volunteer and give money and have their reputations scorched by Demonland and the membership.

Come on suckers the line starts at the MFC front door.

Edited by Redleg
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It's interesting to reflect on what posters here would have been saying if MFC had put its hand-up when the spotlight fell on the Bombers initially. I expect there would be cries of sack the board etc for being so stupid to put the spotlight on us when the Bombers could take all the heat. Probably from the same people who say sack them all now.

Once again we don't know all the facts. It is likely that the source of the text messages is Dank for his own reasons. There is nothing in those texts that clearly proves any player knew of Dank's involvement with the doctor . Hence speculation that 'fear of it all coming out' is responsible for our woeful on-field performance is just that - speculation. (Not to mention it doesn't explain why that fear evaporated in the first half last week.)

If (and yes it is an if) the players didn't know about Dank's involvement, and the MFC felt the only source of a leak would be our Doc or Dank himself, then telling the partial truth to the AFL may not have seemed such a foolish idea at the time. Hindsight is wonderful.

Stop talking sense on here, it won't go down well.

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Wasn't Peter Jackson appointed interim CEO on the morning of this media release on the 7.30 report

The AFL have known without doubt that Melbourne had dealings with Dank at least 2 weeks ag,o they had no issue with us sacking Scwab as they wanted Jackson in at Melbourne to be seemingly cleaning up the mess.

The AFL is brilliant at creating smoke screens and to be seen as an elite governing body.

They deliberately leak information into the media and are aware every club is involved with sports medicine science and that players have been injecting themselves.

The Brisbane lions during their premeirship years were topping themselves up with intravenous drip lines at half time in matches

The AFL is a giant PR company

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Wasn't Peter Jackson appointed interim CEO on the morning of this media release on the 7.30 report

The AFL have known without doubt that Melbourne had dealings with Dank at least 2 weeks ag,o they had no issue with us sacking Scwab as they wanted Jackson in at Melbourne to be seemingly cleaning up the mess.

The AFL is brilliant at creating smoke screens and to be seen as an elite governing body.

They deliberately leak information into the media and are aware every club is involved with sports medicine science and that players have been injecting themselves.

The Brisbane lions during their premeirship years were topping themselves up with intravenous drip lines at half time in matches

The AFL is a giant PR company

Agreed, but i am not complaining. Schwab had to go, and Jackson is just the man to steer us back in the right direction.

Edited by hogans_heroes
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and WFI have you got....Caroline or Damian given you the inside goss have they.....question to all the posters on here.....who has the proof the Club lied particularly in Feb, when Darwin (mentioned in the emails) and the fact Trengove wasn't going was in December.....

How can anyone even begin to try and engage with anyone so far in denial? It is quite ridiculous what the Good Germans will do and say to defend their leaders despite the facts staring them straight in the face.

And for Redleg, this is no longer about innocence or guilt, it's about good governance something which the leaders of our club are utterly bereft of. This is the reason we are where we are and why the members are now fed up and want change. It's got nothing to do with being weak or soft or any other ridiculous insults you wish to bandy about.

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